, in good and ill, e and Protector still. v, my hope Thy Name: y heart inflame; Il my steps direct; my soul protect. o sure repose, subdue my foes; and grief I bend, be Thou my Friend. ents and sighs be vain, -y hope sustain; ep in Thy mortal years, accept my tears. in Thy footsteps bright, - Thou my Light; - desert Thy side, e Thou my Guide. Persevere. ERSEVERE in thoroughly conque R yourself in the small daily contradict you receive. Make the bulk of your des about this; know that God wishes nothing 1 you at present save that. Busy not yourself in doing anything else, do not sow your de in another's garden, but cultivate well your c Do not desire not to be what you are, but de to be very well what you are. Occupy thoughts in making that perfect, and in bea the crosses, little or great, you will surely m and, believe me, this is the GREAT TRUTH, the least understood. DERFORM all your actions as if you really the Divine Majesty present before you; fo this way a soul advances much. st thou inwardly murmur? ta fruitless land? os be wasted if others o'er the trackless sand? at has fallen in secret, in on the breaking heart, er drop in the chalice. sight ever depart? the weary temptation, ef o'er the past the past, of many struggles ning one at last? vears proved fruitless? high hope brought low? all God not see them? -shall He not know? Him is attempted - counts as done; h shipwrecked endeavor, ced one by one. God to mankind would life impart, And His last sad plaint when dying, There is strength in each toil and struggle- In the chill of seeming failure- Each heart-ache endured for Jesus, Oh? "because his soul hath labored, Oh yes! there is joy in sorrow, |