Sidor som bilder

Eleutheropulos, A.-Die Philosophie und die Lebensauffassung des
Griechentums auf Grund der gesellschaftlichen Zustände. 2.
Aufl. Berlin, 1900. (Wirtschaft u. Philosophie, 1.)
Erdmann, J. E.--A History of Philosophy. English tr. ed. by W.
S. Hough. Lond. & N.Y., 1897-99. (Libr. of Philos.).

[blocks in formation]

Falckenberg, R.-Geschichte der neueren Philosophie, von Nikolaus von Kues bis zur Gegenwart. 9. verb. u. ergänzte Aufl. Lpzg, 1908.

Fischer, K.-Geschichte der neueren Philosophie.


Cl. No. Vol.

F5... 20...1

F5... 89...3

F6... 5...1


F6... 45...11

Gomperz, T.--Greek Thinkers, a history of ancient philosophy.
Authorized ed. Tr. by G. G. Berry. Lond., 1901-05.
Höffding, H.-A History of Modern Philosophy, a sketch of the
history of philosophy from the close of the Renaissance to our
own day. Tr. from the German ed. by B. E. Meyer. Lond. &
N. Y., 1900.

F1. 10...3

F6... 26...2

F1... 28...2


Janet, P. & Séailles, G.-A History of the Problems of Philosophy.
Tr. by A. Monahan, and ed. by H. Jones. Lond., etc., 1902.
Lange, F. A.-Geschichte des Materialismus und Kritik seiner
Bedeutung in der Gegenwart. 7. Aufl. Lpzg., 1902.
Leckey, W. E. H.-History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit
of Rationalism in Europe. Rev. ed. N.Y., 1889
Lévy-Bruhl, L.-History of Modern Philosophy in France. With
portraits of the leading French philosophers. Chicago, 1889...
Lewes, G. H.-A Biographical History of Philosphy. Lond., 1900.
The History of Philosphy, from Thales to Comte.
corrected & partly rewritten. Lond., 1871
Mackintosh, R.-From Comte to Benjamin Kidd., the appeal to
biology or evolution for human guidance.

F6... 6...2

F3... 18...2

F4... 59...1

F1... 25...1

4. ed.,

F4... 58...2

Lond. & N.Y.,

F1... 48...1

Leuven u.

F4 35...1

Schaepman, H. J. A. M.-St. Thomas van Aquino.
Utrecht, 1898.

Schwegler, A.-A History of Philosophy in Epitome.
1st ed. of the original German, by J. H. Seelye.
9th German ed. N.Y., 1887.

Tr. from the
Rev. from the

Stephen, L.-History of English Thought in the 18th Century. 2. ed. Lond., 1881

Steward, D.--Dissertation, exhibiting the progress of metaphysical.


E5 15.2

Cl. No. Vol.

ethical, and political philosophy.

Edinb. & Lond., 1854.

(Collected Works of D. Stewart, 1)

F6... 52...1

Teichmüller, G.-Aristotelische Forschungen. Halle, 1867-73.

Bd. 1. Beiträge zur Erklärung der Poetik des Aristoteles.

Bd. 2. Aristoteles Philosophie der Kunst.

[blocks in formation]

Ueberweg, F.-History of Philosophy, from Thales to the present
time. Tr. from the 4th German ed. by G. S. Morris. N.Y.,

Weber, A.--History of Philosophy; authorized tr. by F. Thilly,
from the 5. French ed. Lond, & Bombay, 1900.
Windelband, W.--A History of Philosophy, with especial reference
to the formation and development of its problems and con-
ceptions. Authorized tr. by J. H. Tufts. N.Y. & Lond., 1898.
Wundt, W., etc.--Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophie. Berlin.
u. Lpzg., 1909. (Die Kultur der Gegenwart, I, 5.)
Zeller, E.-Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy. Tr. with
the author's sanction by S. F. Alleyne & E. Abbott. Lond.,
etc., 1905

Die Philosophie der Griechen in ihrer geschichtlichen Ent

F6... 57...2

E5... 86...1

F1... 49...1

M3... 1...1

F3... 51...1

wicklung. I. Theil Philosophic. 5. Aufl.

Allgemeine Einleitung.
Lpzg., 1892


F1... 74...2

3. Psychology.

Aliotta, A.-La misura in psicologia sperimentale. Firenze, 1905........
Ament, W.-Fortschritte der Kinderseelenkunde 1895-1903. Lpzg.
1906. (Sammlung von Abhandlungen zur psychologischen
Pädagogik, I, 2)

Angell, J. R.--Psycholgy, an introductory study of the sructure
and function of human consciousness. 2. ed., rev. Lond.,

Bain, A.--The Emotions and the Will. 4. ed. Lond., 1899.

F6... 49...1

K1... 23...1

F5... 87...1

[blocks in formation]

Mind and Boby: the theories of their relation. N.Y., 1881.

(The Intern. Sci. Ser., 4.)

F2 20...1

The Senses and the Intellect. 3. ed. Lond., 1868

FI... 63...1

Baldwin, J.-Elementary Psychology and Education: a text-book for high schools, normal schools normal institutes, and reading circles, and a manual for teachers. N.Y., 1906. (The Intern. Education Ser., 6.)

Psychology Applied to the Art of Teaching. (The Intern. Education Ser., 19.)....

Baldwin, J. M.-Handbook of Psychology. N.Y., 1894.

N.Y., 1903.

Social and Ethical Interpretations in Mental Development: a study in social psychology. 3. ed., rev. & enl. N.Y. & Lond., 1902.

(ed. by).—Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology. N.Y., & Lond., 1901-05. Bardoux, J.-Essai d'une psychologie de l'Angleterre contemporaine. Les crises belliqueuses. Paris, 1906. (Bibl. de philos. contemporaine.)

[blocks in formation]

Essai d'nne psycholgie de l'Angleterre contemporaine. Les crises politiques, protectionnisme et radicalism. (Bibl. de philos. contemporaine).

Paris, 1907.

F3... 32...1

F2... 94...1

Bascom, J.-The Principles of Psychology. N.Y., 1875. ..................
Beiträge zur Psychologie der Aussage. Mit besonderer Berück-
sichtigung von Problemen der Rechtsflege, Pädagogik, Psychia-
trie und Geschichtsforschung, unter Mitwirkung von E. Bernheim,
etc., hrsg., von W. Stern. I. Heft. Lpzg., 1903.
Bergemann, P.-Lehrbuch der Pädagogischen Psychologie. Lpzg.,

F4... 2...1


F6... 18...1

Bergsor, H.-Matière et mémoire; essai sur la relation du corps
a l'esprit.
5. éd.
Paris, 1908. (Bibl. de philos. contem-

F5... 36...1

Bernstein, J.-The Five Senses of Man. N.Y., 1876. (The Intern.
Sci. Ser., 21.)

F2... 11...1

Binet, A.-L'étude expérimentale de l'intelligence. Paris, 1903. (Bibl. de pédagogie et de psychologie.)

F6... 48...1

(publiée par).-L'année psychologique. 14. année. Paris,

[blocks in formation]

F4... 18...1

Busse, L.-Geist und Körper; Seele und Leib. Lpzg., 1903....
Claparède, É. L'association des idées. Paris, 1903. (Bibl. de

psychologie expérimentale normale et pathologique)....

F3... 20...1

[ocr errors][merged small]

Compayré, G.-Development of the Child in Later Infancy: being
Part II. of the "Intellectual and Moral development of child."
Tr. from the French by M. E. Wilson. N.Y., 1902. (The
Intern. Education Ser., 53.)

The Intellectual and Moral Development of the Child. Part
I., containing the chapters on perception, emotion, memory,
imagination, and consciousness. Tr. from the French by M. E.
Wilson. N.Y., 1901. (The Intern. Education Ser., 35.)
Condorcet. Esquisse d'un Tableau historique des progrès de l'esprit
humain. 4. éd. Paris, 1798...
D'Arpentigny, C. S.--The Science of the Hand, or the art of
recognising the tendencies of the human mind by the ovserva-
tion of the formations of the hand. Tr. from the French, by E.
Heron-Allen. Lond. & N.Y., 1886.

Dessoir, M.-Geschichte der neueren deutschen Psychologie. I. Bd. 2., vollig umgearb. Aufl. Berlin, 1902..

Dewey, J.-Psychology. 3. rev. ed. N.Y., 1896...

Donaldson, H. H.-The Growth of the Brain; a study of the nervous system in relation to education. Lond., 1895. (The Contemporary Sci. Ser., 29.)

augmentée. Paris, 1903.

[blocks in formation]

3. éd.,

F3... 78...L
F5... 14...1

F5 32...1

Dugas, L.-La timidité: étude psychologique et morale.
(Bibl. de philos. contemporaine).
Dürr, E.--Die Lehre von der Aufmerksamkeit. Lpzg., 1907. ....
Ebbinghaus, H.-Abriss der Psychologie. Lpzg., 1908.

The same...

Ebrt, E. u. Meuman, E.-Über einige Grundfragen der Psychologie der Übungsphänomene im Bereiche des Gedächtnisses. Lpzg., (Sammlung von Abhandlungen zur psychologischen Pädagogik, I, 5.)


Ellis, H.-Studies in the Psychology of Sex. Phil., 1906.

2. Sexual Inversion.

F5... 99...1

Kl... 23...1

F6... 40...4

3. Analysis of the Sexual Impulse.

4. Sexual Selection in Man.

5. Erotic Symbolism. The Mechanism of Detumescence. The Psychic State
in Pregnancy.

Elsenhans, T.-Psychologie und Logik.

(Sammlung Göschen, 14.)

4. Aufl. Lpzg., 1906.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Foillée, A.-Esquisse psychologique des peuples Européens. 4. éd.
Paris, 1903. (Bibl. de philos. contemporaine)........

L'évolutionnisme des idées-forces. 4. éd. Paris, 1906.

(Bibl. de philos. contemporaine)...........

La psychologie des idées-forces. Paris, 1893.

F5... 63...1

FI... 49...2

[blocks in formation]

Foillée, A.-Psychologie du peuple Français. 4. éd. Paris, 1903. (Bibl. de philos. contemporaine).

Tempérament et caractère, selon les individus, les sexes et les races. 4. éd. Paris, 1901. (Bibl. de philos. contemporaine). Gheorgov, I. A.-Ein Beitrag zur grammatischen Entwicklung der Kindersprache. Lpzg., 1908. (Sammlung von Abhandlungen zur psychologischen Pädagogik, II, 3.)

Die ersten Anfänge des sprachlichen Ausdrucks für das Selbstbewusstsein bei Kindern. Lpzg., 1905. (Sammlung von Abhandlungen zur psychologischen Pädagogik, II, 1.) Lpzg.,


Groos, K.-The Play of Man.

Tr. with the author's co-operation by E. L. Baldwin. Lond., 1901.

Die Spiele der Menschen. Jena, 1899.

Die Spiele der Tiere. 2. umgearb. Aufl. Jena, 1907.................
Guyau, M.-La genèse de l'idée de temps. avec une idtrod. par A.
Fouillée. 2. ed. Paris, 1902. (Bibl. de philos. contemporaine).
Hall, G. S.-Adolescence, its psychology and its relation to phy-
siology, anthropology, sociology, sex, crime, religion and
education. Vol. I. N.Y., 1905....
Hartmann, F.-Die Orientierung, die Physiologie, Psychologie und
Pathologie derselben auf biologischen u. anatomischen Grund-
lagen. Lpzg., 1902..............

Herbart, J. F.-A Text-Book in Psychology: and attempt to found
the science of psychology on experience, metaphysics, and
mathematics. Tr. from the original German by M. K. Smith.
N.Y., 1897. (The Intern. Education Ser., 18.)
Hibbert, S.-Sketches of the Philosophy of Apparitios; or, an
attempt to trace such illusions to their physical causes. 2. ed.,
enl. Edinb. & Lond., 1825. .....

F5... 45...1

F5... 54...1

Kl... 23...1

K1... 23...1

F3... 12...1

F4... 16...1

F4... 15...1

F3... 75.1

F5... 90...2

F4... 24...1

K2... 1...1

Hobhouse, L. T.-Mind in Evolution. Lond., 1901.....
Höffding, H.-Outlines of Psychology.

F3... 4...1
F5... 25...1

Tr. by M. E. Lowndes.

Lond., & N.Y., 1892.


F4... 43...1

F6... 9...2

Höfler, A.-Psychologie. Wien u. Prag, 1897.

James, W.-The Principles of Psychology. Lond., 1891.

Talks to Teachers on Psychology: and to students on some
of life's ideals. New impression. Lond., etc., 1901...
Text-Book of Psychology. Lond., 1892.....

Jastrow, J.-Fact and Fable in Psychology. Boston & N.Y., 1903.

The Subconscious. Lond., etc......

F2 7...1

F3... 98...1

F5... 27...1

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