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together, occasioning a great concourse of servants in one place, employing them at a time when they have a right to ease and rest, and producing much of that noise and tumult in the public streets, which are so opposite to the peaceful tranquillity that should prevail on that day-a day which the Almighty himself has distinguished with a peculiar mark of sanctity, and which he claims as his own. It is against these open infractions of the Lord's Day, that I think it my duty to remonstrate. But in hearing sacred music on the Sunday evening, confined to a small domestic circle of relations and friends, without any hired performers, I am so far from seeing any impropriety, that it appears to me a relaxation well suited to the nature of a Christian Sabbath, perfectly congenial to the spirit of our religion, and calculated

lated to raise our minds to heavenly thoughts, and sublime and holy contemplations.

"Your Ladyship will, I hope, do me the justice to believe, that, in addressing these lines to you, I meant not to intrude myself needlessly on your notice, much less to give you the slightest offence; but merely to discharge a very important duty resulting from that most responsible situation, in which it has pleased God to place me. And I cannot help flattering myself, that when your Ladyship reflects a little on the arguments I have offered to your consideration, you will see reason to relinquish (and even recommend it to your friends to relinquish) a practice, which you probably took up from mere want of attention to the subject, and from not being aware of the mischievous consequences resulting from it.

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"Should you come to this determination, I have no hesitation in saying, that you will add greatly to that respect, which is so justly due to your high rank and station; you will do a most essential service to the holy religion we profess; and you will store up a reflection in your own mind, which will afford you the most substantial comfort and support, at a moment, when all the splendour and gaiety of the world will fade before your eyes and vanish into nothing."

Upon this admirable letter it would be superfluous to make a single comment. So much rational, yet fervent piety; so much earnestness in the cause of virtue; so much anxiety to promote the best interests of man, could hardly plead in vain; and it did not. He received assurances, that the practice, of which he complained, should, if not imme


diately, at all events the following year, be discontinued: and I feel persuaded that a promise thus solemnly made and hitherto observed, will not be forgotten. "Though dead, he yet speaketh :" and it is in the hope, that the sentiments he expressed on this occasion, may still operate as a powerful check on the licentiousness of public manners, and be the means of fixing, on the minds of many, serious and religious impressions, that I have thought it my duty to leave his letter on record.

In the interesting and important discussions, which took place in Parliament in 1805, on the great question of Catholic Emancipation, when it was rejected by a large majority, he abstained from any public expression of his sentiments; but, though he contented himself with giving

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only a silent vote, he gave it, as the following statement in his own words will shew, after much deliberation, and with a perfect conviction of its being a right one. If," he observes, "the Petition from the Catholics of Ireland had been for a more complete toleration in matters of religion, though it can hardly, I think, be more complete than it is, there was not an individual in the House that would have given a more hearty and cordial assent to the prayer of the petition than myself. I am and ever have been a decided friend to liberty of conscience, and a full and free toleration of all who differ in religious opinions from the Established Church. It is a sentiment perfectly con, sonant with the spirit of the Gospel, the principles of the Church of England, and every dictate of justice and humanity. It is a sentiment deeply engraven on my heart,

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