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time the committee rose and reported that the committee had made progress in the business before them, and asked leave to sit again thereon.

Leave was granted.

On motion of Mr. Bullen,

Ordered, That the bill be printed.

On motion of Mr. Bullen,

The Council was again resolved into committee of the whole, Mr. Sterling in the chair, for the consideration of resolution No. 6, (H. of R.) entitled 'resolution to provide for the distri bution and sale of the Territorial maps; and after some time the committee rose, and reported the resolution without amendment.

The report was received; and

On motion of Mr. Arndt,

Ordered, That the same be laid on the table.

On motion of Mr. Arndt, the Council was again resolved înto committee of the whole, Mr. Rountree in the chair, for the consideration of bill No. 44, (H. of R.) entitled "a bill to authorize Samuel H. Farnsworth to build and maintain a dam across the south branch of the Menominee river and for other purposes ;" and after some time the committee rose and report. ed the bill without amendment.

The bill was thereupon ordered to a third reading.

The following message was received from the House of Representatives by the clerk thereof, viz :

"Mr. President-I have been directed to inform this House that seats have been prepared in the Representatives' Hall for the members of the Council, and that the House of Representatives is now ready to proceed to the election of one commissioner of public buildings, and a board of canal commissioners, and that Mr. Barber has been appointed on the part of the House a teller to act in conjunction with such teller as may be appointed

on the part of the Council to canvass the votes to be given for said officers."

On motion of Mr. Bullen,

Ordered, That a teller be appointed on the part of the Coun cil to act in conjunction with the teller appointed by the House of Representatives to canvass the votes to be given by joint bal. lot of the two Houses in the Representatives' Hall this day.

The President thereupon appointed Mr. Vineyard teller on the part of the Council.

On motion of Mr. Collins,

The Council repaired to the Representatives' Hall, in 'accord. ance with the notice contained in the message from the House of Representatives."

The business of the convention having been concluded,

The Council resumed their session; when

Mr. Vineyard as teller made report as follows;

That N. C. Prentiss had received a majority of the votes giv. en for commissioner of the public buildings;

That John Hustis had received a majority of the votes given for Register of the Milwaukee and Rock river canal;

That John H. Tweedy had received a majority of the votes. given for Receiver of the Milwaukee and Rock river canal ;

That George H. Walker had received a majority of the votes given for Acting Commissioner of the Milwaukee and Rock river canal.

The President thereupon declared that N. C. Prentiss was duly elected Commissioner of Public Buildings;

That John Hustis was duly elected Register of the Milwau kee and Rock river canal;

That John H. Tweedy was duly elected Receiver of the Milwaukee and Rock river canal; and

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That George H. Walker was duly elected Acting Commis, sioner of the Milwaukee and Rock river canal.

On motion of Mr. Sterling,

The Council adjourned until 3 o'clock, P. M.

Three O'clock, P. M.

On motion of Mr. Arndt.

The Council was resolved into committee of the whole, Mr. Sterling in the chair, for the consideration of bill No. 45, (H. of R.) entitled "a bill relating to the duties of the Registers of deeds of the counties of Sheboygan and Manitouwoc;"

And after some time the committee rose, and by their chairman reported the bill without amendment.

The bill was thereupon ordered to a third reading.

On motion of Mr. Arnold,

Bill No. 38, (H. of R.) entitled "a bill to incorporate medical societies and to promote medical science," was taken up ; And the question being on the adoption of the amendments made in committee of the whole,

On motion of Mr. Arnold,

The amendments were separately read, considered and concurred in.

Mr. Arnold then moved to amend further, as follows, viz : Sec. In case of the execution of any criminal condemned to death under the laws of the United States, or of this Territory, the marshal of the Territory, or sheriff of the proper county in which such execution shall take place, shall deliver the body of such criminal, after execution, to any physician duly authorized to receive the same in behalf of the county medical society of said county, and to be used for dissection and the promotion of medical and anatomical science.

And pending the question of the adoption thereof,

The following message was received from the House of Representatives by the clerk thereof:

"Mr. President-I am directed to present the following bill for the concurrence of this House, to wit:'

No. 46. A bill to provide for the government of the several towns in this Territory and for the revision of county govern

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"I am further directed to inform this House that the House of Representatives have receded from their amendments to bill No. 24 of this House, entitled 'a bill to incorporate the village of Racine.""

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The question was then taken on the amendment offered by Mr. Arnold, and determined in the negative-ayes 5, noes 7. And the ayes and noes being called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Arnold, Arndt, Bullen, Janes and Sterling.

Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Brigham, Collins, Martin, Rountree, Upham, Vineyard and Maxwell, (Pres't.) ́ Mr. Collins then offered the following amendment, viz:

Any person who shall practice medicine within this territo ry, who cannot produce a diploma, shall not be entitled to recover any fee therefor, and shall moreover be subject to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than five hundred dol. lars, in any court having competent jurisdiction, within this Territory."

Which was rejected-ayes 5, noes 7.

And the ayes and noes being called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative,are Messrs. Arnold, Arndt, Collins, Sterling and Maxwell, (President.)

Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Brigham, Bul. len, Janes, Martin, Rountree, Upham and Vineyard.

On motion of Mr. Arndt,

A call of the House was ordered, and the absent member, Mr. Learned, was sent for.

On motion of Mr. Vineyard,

Mr. Learned was excused from attendance.

The bill was thereupon ordered to a third reading--ayes 7, noes 5.

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And the ayes and noes being called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Arnold, Brig. ham, Bullen, Janes, Martin, Upham and Maxwell (President.) Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Arndt, Collins, Rountree, Sterling and Vineyard.

Bill No. 46. (H. of R.) entitled 'a bill to provide for the go. vernment of the several towns in this Territory, and for the revision of county government,"

Was taken up, read a first and second times, and

On motion of Mr. Martin,

Ordered, That it be made the special order for to-morrow.

The following bills from the House of Representatives were taken up, read the first and second times, and ordered to be com. mitted to the committee of the whole, viz:

No. 56. A bill to change the name of the town of Kinnikin nick; and

No. 57. A bill to divide the town of Watertown in the coun. ty of Jefferson and to establish the town of Union.

On motion of Mr. Bullen,

The Council was resolved into committee of the whole, Mr. Martin in the chair, for the consideration of the bill just read; and, after some time the committee rose and by their chairman reported bill No. 57, without amendment, and that the committee recommend to strike out the enacting clause from bill No. 56. On motion of Mr. Upham,

Ordered, That bill-No. 56, and the report of the committee of the whole be laid on the table.

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