The oldeft fins the newest kind of ways? England fhall double gild his treble guilt;] Evidently the nonsense of some foolish player: for we muft make a difference between what Shakspeare might be supposed to have written off hand, and what he had corrected. These scenes are of the latter kind; therefore fuch lines are by no means to be esteemed his. But, except Mr. Pope, (who judiciously threw out this line,) not one of Shakspeare's editors feem ever to have had so reasonable and neceffary a rule in their heads, when they set upon correcting this author. WARBURTON. I know not why this commentator should speak with so much confidence what he cannot know, or determine so positively what fo capricious a writer as our poet might either deliberately or wantonly produce. This line is, indeed, fuch as difgraces a few that precede and follow it, but it suits well enough with the daggers hid in thought, and whetted on thy ftony heart; and the answer which the Prince makes, and which is applauded [by the King] for wisdom, is not of a strain much higher than this ejected line. JOHNSON. How much this play on words, faulty as it is, was admired in the age of Shakspeare, appears from the most ancient writers of that time having frequently indulged themselves in it. So, in Marlowe's Hero and Leander, 1617: "And as amidft the enamour'd waves he fwims, Again, in Acolaftus his Afterwit, a poem, by S. Nicholson, 1600: "O facred thirst of golde, what canst thou not?— "Some terms thee gylt, that every foule might reade, "Even in thy name, thy guilt is great indeede." See alfo Vol. X. p. 115, n. 5. MALONE. When that my care could not withhold thy riots, Peopled with wolves, thy old inhabitants! P. HEN. O, pardon me, my liege! but for my tears, [Kneeling. The moift impediments unto my fpeech, when riot is thy care?] i. e. Curator. A bold figure. So Eumæus is ftyled by Övid, Epift. I: immundæ cura fidelis haræ." TYRWHITT. One cannot help wishing Mr. Tyrwhitt's elegant explanation to be true; yet I doubt whether the poet meant to say more than-What wilt thou do, when riot is thy regular business and occupation? MALONE. Which my most true &c.] True is loyal. This paffage is obfcure in the conftruction, though the general meaning is clear enough. The order is, this obedience which is taught this exterior bending by my duteous fpirit; or, this obedience which teaches this exterior bending to my inwardly duteous Spirit. I know not which is right. JOHNSON. The former conftruction appears to me the leaft exceptionable of the two; but both are extremely harsh, and neither of them, I think, the true construction. MALONE. The latter words" this proftrate and exterior bending"appear to me to be merely explanatory of the former words→→→ this obedience. Suppofe the intermediate fentence-" which my moft true and inward-duteous fpirit teacheth"-to be included in a parenthesis, and the meaning I contend for will be evident. M. MASON. Heaven witness with me, when I here came in, And never live to fhow the incredulous world But thou, moft fine, most honour'd, most renown'd, I have adopted Mr. M. Mafon's regulation. STEEVENS. Teacheth,] i. e. which my loyalty and inward fense of duty prompt me to. The words, "this proftrate and exterior bending," are, I apprehend, put in appofition with "obedience," which is used for obeifance. MALONE. 9—in med'cine potable:] There has long prevailed an opinion that a folution of gold has great medicinal virtues, and that the incorruptibility of gold might be communicated to the body impregnated with it. Some have pretended to make potable gold, among other frauds practised on credulity. JOHNSON. So, in the character of the Doctor of Phyficke, by Chaucer, Mr. Tyrwhitt's edit. v. 446: "For gold in phifike is a cordial." STEEVENS. That gold may be made potable is certain, notwithstanding Dr. Johnson's incredulity. The process is inferted in the Abbé Guenee's incomparable work, intitled, Lettres de quelques Juifs à M. de Voltaire, 5th edit. Vol. I. p. 416, a work which every perfon unacquainted with it will be glad to be referred to. HENLEY. See Dodfley's Collection of Old Plays, Vol. VIII. p. 484, edit. 1780. REED. Accufing it, I put it on my head; That had before my face murder'd my father,- But if it did infect my blood with joy, Did, with the leaft affection of a welcome, That doth with awe and terror kneel to it! Heaven put it in thy mind, to take it hence, Come hither, Harry, fit thou by my bed; And hear, I think, the very lateft counsel That ever I fhall breathe. Heaven knows, my fon, My gain of it by their affiftances; Which daily grew to quarrel, and to bloodshed, Wounding fuppofed peace: all these bold fears,3 1foil-] Is fpot, dirt, turpitude, reproach. JOHNSON. fuppofed peace:] Counterfeited, imagined, not real. 2 3 JOHNSON. all these bold fears,] Fear is here used in the active fenfe, for that which caufes fear. JOHNSON. Thou fee'ft, with peril I have answered : So thou the garland wear'ft fucceffively." Yet, though thou stand'st more fure than I could do, Thou art not firm enough, fince griefs are green; And all thy friends," which thou must make thy friends, Have but their ftings and teeth newly ta'en out; Thefe bold fears are thefe audacious terrors. To fear is often used by Shakspeare for to fright. STEEVENS. 4 Changes the mode:] Mode is the form or state of things. JOHNSON. S -for what in me was purchas'd,] Purchafed feems to be here used in its legal fenfe, acquired by a man's own act (perquifitio) as oppofed to an acquifition by defcent. MALONE. Purchased, in this place, does not merely fignify acquired, but acquired by unjust and indirect methods. Purchase, in Shakspeare, frequently means Stolen goods, or goods dishonestly obtained. M. MASON. 6-fucceffively.] By order of fucceffion. Every ufurper fnatches a claim of hereditary right as soon as he can. JOHNSON. See The Speech of his Highness [Richard Cromwell] the Lord Protector, made to both Houfes of Parliament, at their firft Meeting, on Thursday the 27th of January, 1658: "-for my own part, being by the providence of God, and the difpofition of the law, my father's SUCCESSOR, and bearing the place in the government that I do," &c. Harl. Mifc. Vol. I. p. 21. MALONE. "And all thy friends,] And all my friends, VOL. XII. Should not we read ?— |