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and errors of that system; though it appears her mind did not fully sympathise with them, as her youthful companions frequently urged her in vain to a more constant attendance at


After some years she was united in marriage to a young Englishman; which event was productive of important results with reference both to her temporal and spiritual circumstances

it led to her leaving for ever her native land, whose beauty and luxuriant fruitfulness she often praised; but she knew not then that God would give her a part in that " pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the host of nations," which has no need of the sun nor the moon to enlighten it, and whose glorious beauties are unfading. She came to England with her husband, and took up her abode at Newmarket, the former place of her husband's residence; and attended the ministry of the gospel at the Independent chapel, for which she appeared to manifest a great regard. But she soon experienced a severe trial, the object of her fond attachment was removed by the relentless hand of death; and she was a widow in a strange land, having scarcely any acquaintance with its language. Her cup of sorrow was full; but that God whose providential goodness she had aforetime experienced, did not forsake her: he raised her up friends, and continued to her the enjoyment of her religious privileges.

might not interfere with the duties of that day. Now she set herself diligently to supply a lamented deficiency in her knowledge of the English language; this she in some degree accomplished, and found much pleasure in perusing the Scriptures, Dr. Watts's Hymns, and other books in her possession, or lent her by a friend. Her mind was gradually brought to an experimental acquaintance with the gospel; and, in 1841, she was admitted to the fellowship of the Independent church, and her profiting appeared to all.


During the whole of the past year she was the subject of affliction; and, in October, took to her room, not to leave it until removed by death. Her strength rapidly declined. On Monday, Dec. 20th, she was taken much worse, and asked a friend present to read the funeral hymn, All is well;" which, although very feeble, she sung all through. On Wednesday she asked her medical attendant, how long he thought she might continue; and added, "Do not say too long." On Friday, being in prayer, she entreated the Lord Jesus to come quickly; and then said, "Come when thou pleasest." To a friend who inquired, if she had no wish for the Lord to raise her up again? she said, with a look that seemed to speak the language of her heart, "I wish the Lord to do with me just as he pleases." On her pastor reminding her of the 4th verse of the 21st chapter of Revelations, especially the last clause, she expressed the most lively interest in its blessedness.

On Monday morning, the 27th, about three o'clock, she whispered to her sister-in-law, "My sight is gone, I am

After some time she was again united in marriage to one who had taken up his cross, and had resolved, that whatever others did, he would serve the Lord. With him she endeavoured to keep holy the sabbath, by carefully ar-going-so cold-so dizzy." As a bird ranging her domestic affairs, that they wearied with fluttering round its wire

prison, sits down and pants for breath, and, at length, perceiving an open door, darts forth reanimated, and joins its fellow-songsters in its native air, so her emancipated spirit was permitted to depart, and mingle its songs with the redeemed before the throne, until

"Corruption, earth, and worms,
Shall have refined her flesh;
And her triumphant spirit comes
To put it on afresh."

Her death was not improved by a funeral sermon, as her beloved pastor closed his ministerial labours among us at her grave. L. P.

The Counsel Chamber.

YOUNG MEN are invited, to-day, to listen to the voice of experience, relative to the great matter of getting a livelihood. If they will kindly attend to the advice here offered them, and regularly, under the influence of right principles, practice the same, this single copy of the PENNY MAGAZINE may ultimately prove of more value to them than the gift of a thousand guineas!—Caution is likewise tendered to Young Men in business, which the transactions of our police-courts and tribunals of justice, from day to day, painfully show to be urgently necessary. There is also another point-the selection of companionships, on which man's happiness, to a large extent, turns. Here, too, something is said which is worthy of being listened to. Facts, also, illustrative of principles which possess a peculiar value, are set forth. Without sobriety, nothing good can ever be done; without industry, it is to little purpose that men are sober; but without regard to time, it is impossible to exercise profitably the quality of industry. Think, then, on the facts, and look to Heaven for the needful wisdom.


Be Industrious.-Everybody knows that industry is a fundamental virtue in the man of business. But it is not every sort of industry which tends to wealth. Many men work hard to do a great deal of business, and, after all, make less money than they would if they did less. Industry should be expended in seeing to all the details of business; in carefully finishing up each separate undertaking; and in the maintenance of such a system as will keep everything under control.

Be Economical. This rule is always familiar to everybody. Economy is a virtue to be practised every hour in a great city. It is to be practised in pence as well as in pounds. A shilling a day saved amounts to an estate in the course of a life. Economy is espe

cially important in the outset of life, until the foundation of an estate is laid. Many men are poor all their days, because when their necessary expenses are light, they did not seize the opportunity to save a small capital, which would have changed their fortunes for the whole of their lives.

Stick to your own Business.-Let speculators make their thousand in a year or a day; mind your own regular trade, never turning from it to the right hand or to the left. If you are a merchant, a professional man, or a mechanic, never buy lots nor stocks, unless you have surplus money which you wish to invest. Your own business you understand as well as other men; but other people's business you do not understand. Let your own business be one which is useful to the community. All occupations possess the elements of

profit in themselves, while mere speculation has no such elements.

Never Trade at great Hazard.-Such hazards are seldom well balanced by the prospects of profit; and if they were, the habits of mind which are introduced are unfavourable, and generally the result is bad. To keep what you have, should be the first rule; to get what you can fairly, the second.

Don't be in a hurry to get Rich.-Gradual gains are the only natural gains; and they who are in haste to get rich break through sound rules, fall into temptations and distress of various sorts, and generally fail of their object. There is no use in getting rich suddenly. The man who keeps his business under his control, and saves something from year to year, is always rich. At any rate he possesses the highest enjoyment which riches are able to afford.

Never do Business for the sake of doing it, and being counted a great Merchant.There is often more money to be made by a small business than a large one; and that business will be in the end most respectable which is most successful. Do not get deeply in debt; but so manage, as always, if possible, to have your financial position easy, so that you can turn any way you please.

Do not love Money extravagantly.We speak here merely with reference to being rich. In morals, the inordinate love of money is one of the most degrading vices. But the extravagant desire of accumulation, induces an eagerness many times which is imprudent, and so misses its object from too much haste to grasp it.

CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN. WITHIN the last fortnight we have been exceedingly grieved by observing a young man, whose best interests a pious, now deceased, mother fervently sought, condemned to six years banishment to the Penal Settlement for the unworthy crime of dishonesty. He had been an overseer, afterwards became a manager, and was entrusted with matters in which he acted fraudulently, was discovered, and justly condemned.

What disgrace on himself-what


discredit and distress in his familywhat dishonour to the memory of a pious mother-what reproach to religion-stand connected with this sin in that young man !

But how came all this? Inattention to parental counsel; disregard of faithful instruction and warning; resistance of the reproach of conscience under first temptations to sin; indecision of character arising from an unwillingness to submit to the claims of religious truth;-all traceable to a depraved nature, an unrenewed heart!

What young man, with these, is safe from temptation's power! How many, alas! indulge in this and deeper crimes, who, though unobserved, may be unsuspected, or not punished by their fellow-men, who yet cannot evade the eye, nor escape the just judgment of God! Let such as read this, conscious to themselves of secret departure from the paths of rectitude, pause!-think on their ways, and turn to Him, through faith in whose blood and righteousness they may be saved!— Reader, do not hesitate; flee youthful lusts; shun ungodly companions, and fear God! Be decided, or you are undone!


order of nature, to be equally useful with the other sex, they were never made merely for men's use. They are his ordained companions, superior to him in grace and beauty, his equal in every moral and social quality, and his inferior only in physical strength and stature. Some men, even in this semi-enlightened and half Christian country, mistake the idea of help-meet for simple help, and consider wives as a sort of convenient property, which can be made to contribute wonderfully to their profit and comfort, without entertaining the first thought of reciprocal advantages. They would have a wife not only eminently domestic, but a domesticated animal, whose whole world should be between the kitchen and the garret, whose only companions should be the children and the cat, and whose whole round

THOUGH Women were intended, in the

of duties and enjoyments should con- ships, and enjoyed better health, than sist in administering to the ease and this "cold-water" monarch.

pleasure, and yielding uncomplainingly to the whims, of her lord and



The more woman is enlightened, educated, and elevated, the better fitted will she be to discharge all her duties, domestic or social. The time will come, when her claims to equal social, civil, and even political privileges, will be acknowledged; when she will be deemed competent in law to hold pro-was the secret of his success. perty, vote, or fill the jury-box. The part now acted by the females of this land in the reforms of the day, in many of which they are taking the lead, clearly indicates a coming day when they will reform the whole male sex, by asserting and maintaining their own equality. Such a triumph will tend to elevate universal humanity; therefore all parties, the conquerors and conquered, will have equal occasion to rejoice.

WHAT you do know, know thoroughly. There are few instances in modern times, of a rise equal to that of Sir Edward Sugden. After one of the Weymouth elections, I was shut up with him in a carriage for twenty-four hours. I ventured to ask him what His an


OUR total abstinence friends are not, perhaps, generally aware that Charles XII.," the mad King of Sweden," as he was called by some of his contemporaries, was a pledged man, though not a member of a teetotal society: The anecdote on which this statement is founded is given in M. de Bury's "Essai Historique et Moral sur l'Education Française." Charles, as everybody

knows, in the commencement of his career, drank to great excess. In one of his drunken bouts he so far overstepped the limits of propriety as to treat the queen, his mother, with great disrespect. The next day, being informed of his rudeness, he took a glass of wine in his hand and repaired to the queen's room. "Madam," said he to her, "I have learned that yesterday, in my cups, I forgot myself towards you. I come to ask your pardon; and to prevent a recurrence of such a fault, I drink this glass to your health; it shall be the last during my life." He kept his word, and from that day never tasted wine. We may add by way of recommendation to the habit, that in his subsequent life no king was ever known to have undergone greater hard

swer was: "I resolved, when beginning to read law, to make everything I acquired perfectly my own, and never to go to a second thing till I had entirely accomplished the first. Many of my competitors read as much in a day as I read in a week; but, at the end of twelve months, my knowledge was as fresh as on the day it was acquired, while theirs had glided away from their recollection."-Memoirs of Sir T. F. Buxton.


ONE of the sands in the hour-glass of
time is, beyond comparison, more pre-
cious than gold. In nothing is waste
more ruinous, or more sure to bring
unavailing regrets. Better to throw
away money than moments; for time
is much more than money. As we lose
our days, we incur an increasing risk
the soul runs out in wasted time." The
of losing our souls.
years which have winged their flight
what is the "report they have borne
gone to be recording angels; and
to heaven ?" Will the record testify
for us or against us, when the throne of

"The life-blood of

the Son of Man shall be set, and the books shall be opened?

You will do well to learn by heart the following lines:


How many thieves there are of time
In this probation state,
Who steal, yet think it is no crime-
They judge not time by weight.
The one who robs of golden dross,
A criminal we deem ;
While he who causes greater loss,
Is held in high esteem.

Goods, and wares, and merchandise,

Are objects of regard;

The golden sands of human life Run swiftly through the glass;

But that which all should dearly prize, With kind instructions they are ripe, We recklessly discard.

[blocks in formation]

As moments quickly pass.

A soul immortal we may save,

While dwelling here below;

If borne along on time's bright wave, We all to Heaven may go.

A soul immortal we may lose,

If heedlessly we live;

Oh! hasten then, and wisely choose,
Your hearts to Jesus give.
H. S. C.

The Fragment Basket.

EPITAPH IN A CHURCHYARD. Like to the damask rose you see, Or like the blossom on the tree, Or like the dainty flower of May, Or like the morning of the day, Or like the sun, or like the shade, Or like the gourd which Jonah had, E'en so is man-whose thread is spun, Drawn out, and cut, and so is done. The rose withers, the blossom blasteth, The flower fades, the morning hasteth, The sun sets, the shadow filies, The gourd consumes, and man he dies.


The boast of mere pretenders to the

[blocks in formation]

From gaiety that fills the bones with pain,

The mouth with blasphemy, the heart with woe-Cowper.

A REMARK WELL IMPROVED.-Lord Craven lived in London when the great plague raged; on that calamity proving epidemic, his lordship, to avoid the danger, resolved to retire to his seat in the country. His carriage was at the door, the baggage put in, and all things in readiness for the journey. As he was walking through his hall in order to step into the carriage, he overheard his negro servant saying to another servant, "I suppose, by my lordship's quitting London to avoid the plague, that his God lives in the country, and not in town." The poor negro said this in the simplicity of his heart, as really believing a plurality of gods; the speech, however, struck Lord Craven very sensibly, and made him pause. "My God (thought he) lives everywhere, and can preserve me in town as well as in the country. I will even stay where I am; the ignorance of that negro has preached a useful sermon to me. Lord, pardon my unbelief, and that distrust of thy providence which made me think of running away from thy hand." He ordered the horses to be taken from the carriage, and he continued in London, was very useful amongst the sick, and did not take the infection.

Prayer is a key which, being turned

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