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others. See 2 Cor. xi. 8. "I robbed other churches, taking wages of them to do you service."

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3dly. It was a time of severe persecution; and what is lawful might not then be expedient.

"4thly. A still stronger reason of fered itself for waving this claim of his rights. He was divinely inspired, and therefore needed no premeditation to do his duty. He might conveniently labour with his own hands, and yet not want matter for public instruction. But the same cannot be said of common and ordinary teachers.

aversion to labour, from pride and ambition, or innate love of contentione and divisions. The term hireling, has no reference to the manner in which a people may judge it most convenient and proper, whether by contract or voluntary contribution, to support the preacher. Were our object money, and promotion to lucrative employments, I think I could prove by facts and experience, that those who break over the restraints of ecclesias tical judicatories, do as well, as to this world's goods, as those who are res trained by old habits and local limits. "The same great Apostle, of whom If we preach for or without a stipula we are speaking, exhorts Timothy "To ted sum, we may deceive ourselves read and meditate, and give himself and others. There was a Judas Iscarwholly to improvements in the knowi-iot carrying a bag devoted to voluntaedge of his profession." And this can-ry contribution, long before there were not be done without the means. A any salaries for christian ministers, and small stock of materials may supply a long before civil rulers, in any way, bedeclaiming itinerant, but to be able came the nursing fathers of the church for years, to bring from our treasures "things new and old;" adequate funds of divine knowledge must be procured by severe application and hard study.

"Brethren, you will pardon this digression; I trust most of you look with pity on that scurrility which is so often poured upon an order of men, who, with all their imperfections, have pro"As to extemporaneous efforts, Ived a blessing to many portions of the think I may safely appeal to my audi- United States. ence, and ask whether the discourses of those who neither study nor read, are commonly profitable to any people for a very long time. The truth is, that the ordinary ministers of the christian church, ought faithfully to devote their time and talents to the service of Christ, and hence it becomes important, that they be supported by their hearers in ordinary cases.

"The epithet of hierling, is often applied very sarcastically to those who preach and receive a stipulated sum for their services. This term is never applied to ministers, but once in the Bible, and that is in the Xth chapter of John. The definition of a hierling there is, that "When he sees the wolf coming, he flees, and leaves the sheep, as a dishonest and unprincipled shepherd, who only regards his wages." "This is applicable to all false teachers, let them teach for hire, from a proselyting spirit of party, from

"Sons of the Pilgrims! Descen dants of the Puritans! What think ye of the iron bound soil of your ances tors? Where is property more equally divided? Where has the poor man more rights of protection secured?Your boast is not the alliance of church and state, but the alliance of churches and schools. "The cotter's Saturday "night:"* The parish bell on Lord's day morning: The civilizing and moralizing effects of your institutions. Ok degenerate sons of the pilgrims, why pierce ye the breasts that gave you suck!

"Many of the blessings that cluster around your dwellings and social relations, are the living arguments with which we would meet our enemies.— These are our irrefragable proofs, that, as an order of men, we are not foes of your temporal or eternal interests.-To humble preachers, and their hear* An exquisite production of Robert Burns.


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We are not among the number of those, who wish to see the regular clergy of this country, enjoying the enormous salaries of the English establish

The great body of the clergy at this moment are obliged to resort to their farms, and school-rooms, to obtain the means of a comfortable subsistenceof course they must forsake their stud

ers, God has cast us on your charities. When we are humbled, and you are benevolent to us for Jesus' sake; God is glorified." pp 9, 10, We leave it to the candid reader toment-We had rather they should condetermine, if this passage is not full of tinue to be poor, and indigent, than important and irrefutable truths. To that the sacred profession should offer leave its eloquence out of the account, any inducement, to those, who would who will question the correctness of enter it merely for its emoluments.— these positions? Ministers of the gos- It ought to have no attractions for avpel are entitled to full support, and it arice,-no indulgences for the volupis a fact that in this country, they are||tuous. But-while it is guarded on not generally supported with that lib-every side, from the encroachments of erality, which they deserve,-which ambition, and the hands of the covetthe Gospel claims for them, and which ous, let it not be degraded by the sufthe interests of religion require. There ferings of those, who enter it, that they are many places, where they are gen- may be instruments of the salvation of erously maintained--but our congrega-a perishing world, and of glory to God tions, at large, are still to be informed in the gospel of his Son. of their duty;-they have still to feel the sacred obligations under which they are placed, to discharge them. The present income which ministers receive, will not permit them to be examples of charity. They are frequenties. While their childred are crying ly called upon to solicit aid for the for bread, and they feel the oppression poor, which they cannot give. Most of want, they cannot devote their of them are obliged to leave their fam- minds, to the arduous duties of schoilies in hopeless poverty, and after a lars, and divines. In this way their life of toil to give their widows and congregations are deprived of that inorphans, the wealth of a blessing, and struction, so essential to edification and the legacy of want-But the cries of steadfastness-The poverty of the fire those who suffer will be heard; the un-side, will be seen at the altar; and necessary pain of good men, will be while the minister wants his "daily remembered, and must be visited up-bread" from the hands of his people, on those, whose cupidity, or ignorance, -his people will want the "bread of or inattention, induces them to with-life" from his. hold liberal support, from their faithful Pastors. It is but just, that the clergy should|ject," and feel their obligations, there have it in their power, to educate their children, and leave them such an inheritance, as will assist them to live usefully and comfortably in the world. -Ministers must be dependant upon their salaries.They usually spend all their property, in preparing for their sacred employment, they often involve themselves in debt, to acquire an education that shall make them soon serviceable and respectable-And is there not the strongest obligations, on the part of those who enjoy the fruits of their toil, and property, to remunerLe ?

When society shall entertain just sentiments upon this "unpopular sub

will be a vast change in the situation of the clergy. They will be more liberally educated. They will be better furnished, and people will be better instructed from the pulpit. Their libraries will increase, and be studied. Relieved from the pain of seeing their families destitute, feeling at ease with respect to their future support, they will apply more closely to their studies, and "give themselves wholly to their work."

Their acquirements and learning are now bighly respectable,-considering

their small salaries, it is wonderful that loves the immortal interests of his felthey should be so well furnished. If low men, would choose indigence they were not in habits of laborious with all its sufferings, to wealth with all application, and self denial, and of the its comforts if he must preach to the most rigid economy, they could not walls, and ask in his sorrow-" who sustain the standing they now enjoy-hath believed our report, and to whom But this does not weaken the obliga- has the arm of the Lord been revealed" tions of those who have the benefit of-He had rather be fed by ravens, and their labours, and if they would have a enjoy the consciousness of "turnsound and learned ministry they must ing many to righteousness," than to ensupport them with vastly more liberalty joy papal splendour and feel that "all than they do at present-For our part the day long, he has stretched out his we are persuaded that Ministers have hands to a disobedient people"-A not sufficiently explained and enjoined good man can support with fortitude this duty. The fear of reproach, and the privations to which poverty subfalse delicacy have prevented them, jects him, and will count all things loss and they have submitted to poverty, if he can be serviceable to the souls of lest by attempting to avoid it, they men, but no spirit can sustain, no fortishould bring reproach upon the Gos- tude can support that neglect which pel. As a body the clergy in this coun- damps all the ardour of exertion, and try have made it evident, that as it re- crushes enterprize by seeming to ingards their support, they have the spir-sinuate that all effort is unworthy of it of the Apostle, and they can say with him,-"Brethren we seek not yours but you."

regard. The whole of the passage in which Dr. B. considers this subject is worthy of a serious perusal, we are sorry that we cannot give it.

Our Author declares under the 4th "That we cannot receive a

Let it not, however, be supposed, that we consider "kind personal treatment," and "liberal support," the sum head. of our duties, as it respects the minis-minister aright, unless we offer up ters of the gospel.-These are necessa- much fervent prayer for him that he ry as means to promote the grand ob- may be successful in his work." ject of the ministry of reconciliation.- We give the concluding sentence: As such they are enjoined--as such" Under God, the fidelity and success they are indispensable. But if they of a minister depends much on the are not followed with other duties they prayers of the people. This circumare vain! Dr. Backus in his 3d divis-stance usually decides the great quesion considers, tion,whether he proves a savour of life "That to receive a minister of Christ or death unto those who attend on his we must diligently attend on the ordi- ministrations." nances dispensed by him. We must! The last pages of the sermon are desubmit to him as Christ's Ambassa-voted to considering some of the dor in all his warning and reproofs." encouraging motives, which urge us Some men imagine that if they treat to receive a faithful minister; to revertheir Minister with respect and support ence and support him :-to hear him ; him generously, that they have done and to pray for him-We regret that all their duty-They feel themselves we cannot give copious extracts from at perfect liberty to attend on his min-this part of the sermon, which is animistry or not. ated, eloquent and excellent throughThe most trifling excuse, the slight-out-We refer the reader to the disest disinclination, prevents them from course itself-and we can promise that attending his administration-But a he will be gratified with its perusal. minister, who is zealously engaged in Dr. Backus' style is nervous, conhis great work, had rather be destitute cise, and generally correct. If we of support than of hearers-He who were able to suggest improvements it VOL. 2 D d

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might be iminodest to attempt it. Well in my extensive and laborious official will only say that a man who writes so engagements; and the unceasing care well may easily write better—this ser-||I have been obliged to exercise in ormon might be more highly polished der to accomplish their many importwithout wasting its energy. The sun is ant duties, has not seldom awakened always most hot, when most bright-in me the painful reflection, that but There is something like carelessness, a small portion of my time had been in the choice of words, which ought to alike laboriously devoted to advanc be avoided However, these are "buting the cause of religion. But now, spots in the sun." The sermon is truly although in the autumn of life, a graexcellent-a production which all cious Providence has been pleased to must admire, but which few, very few open to me a new field, and so favor-` can equal. ed me with an opportunity of correcting my past neglect; placing me, Extracts of Important Communications late-through its kind guidance, within this ly received by the Committee of the British not only more exalted, but also more and Foreign Bible Society. peaceful sphere of action; in order The Speech of His Excellency Baron that I may do my part in furthering Rosenblad, one of the Lords of the and supporting the important objects Kingdom of Sweden, Minister of of this Society. To do so is my resoState, Knight and Commander lution; nay, the very desire of my Grand Cross of all his Majesty's heart: but I feel my own incapacity Orders, &c. &c. &c.—when he took for such a solemn work, and rest all my the Chair as President of the Evan- || hopes of success upon assistance from gelical Society, in the Committee, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ which met at Stockholm, on the 5th of-yes, upon him alone, who has assurOctober, 1813. Gentlemen,

WITH sentiments of the sincerest gratitude, I now undertake the confidential office with which your choice has honored me. I am aware of my deficiencies; and they could not fail to occasion me great anxiety, even so as to make me very doubtful whether I ought to accept this place among you, when I consider that I succeed that venerable and revered character, whose great age has induced him to withdraw from a Presidency which he has held from the commencement of this Society, and which, under the blessing and favor of Almighty God, he has filled, with great advantage to the diffusion of Gospel Light, as well as with much satisfaction to all the Members of the Institution.

ed us, that he will not quench the smallest spark of grace: and truly we may all encourage ourselves in the certainty of his Almighty aid, if we follow the light of his Holy Spirit, and have a single eye and a firm purpose to promote his glory, and to communicate to our fellowmen a knowledge of salvation by faith in His atonement.

We have outlived the awful period when the doctrine of the Atonement of Christ was shrouded in darkness. Mournful was the lot of those who confessed His name. For almost an entire century, did infidelity, with unblushing front, deride the revealed Will of God, and either openly or se cretly undermine the sacred foundations of the Gospel doctrine. The deleterious poison, having worked its way among what are called the most But, Gentlemen, I have considered enlightened nations of Europe, and es your call as the finger of Providence, tablished its influence in their higher pointed by that unerring Hand, which, circles, soon spread abroad among the unseen, directs the conduct of mortals, mass of the people; and rolled on in and always with a view to lead fearful torrents of iniquity,carrying with them nearer to himself. The princi-it a sweeping destruction wherever it pal part of my life has been occupied went-We have truly the most abun

dant cause for thankfulness to a gracious And we, among others, cannot help God, for having preserved our native being exceedingly thankful to God, land from such scenes of desolation. that what is called the "New Philoso We dare not, however, deny, that phy," begins to be treated with coneven among us were found an increas-tempt in our native land, and the minds ed indifference to the word of God;||of men have taken a favorable turn toand, with many, a bold contempt of wards better things. it. Not a few were ashamed to con- Under the protection of a Governfess the name of Jesus; and have we ment affectionately attentive to the not ourselves had to endure long dis- preaching of the pure Gospel of Christ, courses upon religion, in the course of measures are now actively adopted which we hardly heard that blessed for improving both the character of name mentioned, before which, how- preaching and the mode of education; ever, every knee shall bow," whether and we have often the happiness to it be upon earth or under the earth?" find, that the best gifts of eloquence But the promises of God are fulfilling: are no longer wasted upon dry moral for "heaven and earth shall pass away, portraits, but suitably exerted to honor but my Words shall not pass away. "the Giver, by ascribing glory to the -(Luke xxi. 33. And "Upon this name of Jesus and his atonement. rock will I build my Church, and the Gentlemen, you are reaping the gates of hell shall not prevail against comfort of that delightful reflection, her." Gospel light is dawning again that from the first moment which gave on those nations where the shadow of existence to your Society, you have death sat almost enthroned, and barri-||been co-workers with Him who alone ers are raising against "the abomina- can bless the works of our hands, and tion of desolation."

the meditations of our heart. You have sent forth among high and low, thousands and ten thousands of instructive Religious Tracts; but what is infinitely better the Holy Sciptures, that fountain of all true light, which shews us the way to everlasting salvation. We know that these precious donations have brought forth much fruit, and been received with gratitude through


In a certain country, most powerful because of its veneration for religion, and consequently for the laws; where, as a result, the welfare of the public and individuals rests on the surest foundation; a Society was established and in times too, while the whirlwinds of desolation were yet laying waste the earth; the aim and glorious ob ject of this Society embrace a distribu-out the land; which cannot but be very tion of God's Holy Word and Gospel pleasing tidings to you, and afford Light through the whole habitable a mighty encouragement to persevere globe. That revered Society, which in well-doing. has also held forth its friendly and ge Eternal Saviour of the world! nerous hand to our Swedish Evangel-strengthen and support the desire thyical Institution, has found in its zeal self hast graciously awakened in this and liberality a success which so ut- Society: that all the members of it terly exceeds the power of all human may work as one man: and, with full effort, as evidently to proclaim-That purpose of heart, spread abroad that the finger of God is in it:-His guar-heavenly knowledge, which records dian care is therein distinctly unveiled. Warmed and roused from their indifference by what they have experienced of the horrible effects of infidel ity, several other nations have also bestirred themselves, and followed the glorious path struck out by the beforementioned honored Society.

thy atonement, thy suffering, and thy death. Grant success and thy richest blessing to all we shall do towards promoting this great end. We place all our reliance on Thee; and rest our hope of a gracious answer to our supplications, upon that wonderful love which brought Thee into the world to save finners.

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