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memoriam of Lowenthal (a masterly arrangement, in letter form, of his 3-mover, page 144, American Chess Nuts). To these specimens may be added four sui-mates lately forwarded by M. Demonchy, of Marseilles (see No. 285). Nordiske Problemer also contains a couple of examples worth quoting:

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No. 131 strikes us as remarkably ingenious, and it will be observed that, on each side, a Pawn has to be promoted.

The end game, No. 293, does not express any fancy of our own for dummy Pawns in real play. Our aim is simply to illustrate the state of the law in the leading Clubs of London, should Dummy unexpectedly offer his services to draw some otherwise lost partie. As regards regular problems, there is a broad substratum of fact to justify our belief in dummy's unpopularity. A draft code was submitted by the British Chess Problem Association in 1878 to all, or nearly all, its members, for approval or criticism. The Committee elected that year consisted of the following:-Messrs. Abbott, Andrews, Callander, Coates, Duffy, Finlinson, Grimshaw, Kidson, Pearson, J. and W. T. Pierce, J. P. Taylor, S. H. Thomas, and "C. W. of Sunbury." A rule was

proposed and passed forbidding Castling and the use of dummy Pawns. So far as dummy was concerned, we cannot call to mind that, either amongst those gentlemen or other members of the Society, a single voice was raised in his favour. This fact we commend to the attention of his present admirers!

The Danish magazine, Nordisk Skaktidende, contains a long article on the French Problem Tourney of 1878, by the former Editor, Herr Sorensen, who has valued the competing problems by scale, including all the sets that were ultimately disqualified. The result is that Vive Louise, by Bayer, which figured at the bottom of the first official honour list, heads the poll with 141 points. Then follow Baldur, 137; Respice finem, 136; Non Cuivis, &c., 128; Look on this hill, 128; Aliquando dormitat, 122; Vertrauen, 121; L'homme qui rit and Amat Victoria, 114; Courez du Nord, 110; and Mea Culpa, 107 points. The judgment of so eminent an authority as Herr Sorensen commands respect, but so does also that of the present editor of the Schachzeitung. Now, since these highly competent critics differ as widely from one another as from the decisions of the appointed umpires, we must own to no trifling perplexity at verdicts so discordant. The question naturally arises who is right, or can they all be wrong? We offer no opinion on this delicate point. Manifestations of such irreconcilable deviations in the standard of taste scarcely tend to edification. A

Chess lexicographer, seeking a concise meaning for the term problem tourney, might define it thus-a kind of lottery!

We learn from La Nuova Rivista that the time allowed for sending in problems to the pending Italian Tourney is extended until 30th November for native, and 31st December for foreign, composers. Signor Centurini has liberally offered two extra prizes of 20 lire each for the best 3 and 4-movers. Competitors who have a portion of their sets demolished will still have a chance for the single problem prizes. No one will be allowed to enter more than one set. Should any competitor have already done so, he will be permitted to withdraw those that are supernumerary up to the time of opening the envelopes (preserving, however, his incognito). The entries up to 10th September were 18 sets and 9 puzzles (bizzarrie): so, thus early, we can congratulate our Italian confrères upon an assured success.

We publish this month a competing set in the "B. C. P. A." Tourney of 1879, and trust our solvers will test its quality and soundness. Only such problems in this contest as have survived a preliminary examination will appear in print, either here or in contemporary columns. Of course in cases of demolition, ample proofs will be forthcoming of the modus operandi.

We also invite attention to a set with which we have been favoured in connection with the Westminster Papers Lowenthal Problem Tourney No. 2.

A new Chess column is announced to appear in the Leeds Mercury, under the management of Mr. J. White, formerly editor of the Recreationist. The opening number appeared on Saturday, the 27th ult., and contained problems by Messrs. W. Grimshaw and D. Fawcett: also a game in which Mr. Millard, the blind player, announced mate in 11 moves.

The September number of the North Middlesex Magazine is a great improvement on its predecessor. There are nearly three columns devoted to Chess, containing an original game and problem, two brief reviews of Chess works, and of an article on mechanical Chess, besides the programme of a Problem Tourney. For the latter there are to be three prizes, the first £1 1s, the second 10s 6d, and the third a copy of the magazine free for one year, the money prizes to be exchangeable for Chess works of the same value. Each competitor must send in not less than two, or more than three, problems in 3 moves before 15th of November, addressed to the Chess Editor, Broadway Chambers, Westminster, the usual conditions as to mottoes, &c. being observed. The name of the judge will be announced in the December number, and his decision will be final.


No. 268. 1 Kt to Kt 2 1 B to Kt 3 best, 2 Kt to B 4 2 B to B 2, 3 Kt to R 3 3 B to K 3, 4 Kt to Kt 5 4 B to Q 4, 5 Kt to R 7 5 B to K 5, 6 Kt to B 6 6 B to B 3,7 Kt to Kt 4 7 B to K 5, 8 Kt to K 5 8 B to Q 4, 9 Kt to Q 7 9 B to K 5, 10 Kt to B 5 10 B to Q 4, 11 Kt to Kt 7 11 B to B 5, 12 Kt to Q 6 12 B takes R P, 13 Kt to B 5 13 B to Kt 4, 14 Kt takes Q P 14 B to Q 2, 15 Kt to Kt 3 15 B to Kt 4, 16 Kt to B 5 16 B to B 3, 17 Kt to K 6 17 B to Q 4, 18 Kt to Q 4 18 B to B 5, 19 Kt to B 5 19 B to Q 4, 20 Kt to Q 6 20 P to R 3, 21 Kt to B 8 21 B to B 5, 22 Kt to Kt 6 22 B to Kt 6, 23 Kt to Q 7 23 B to Q 4, 24 Kt to B 5 24 B to B 3, 25 Kt takes R P 25 B to R 5, 26 Kt to B 5 26 B to B 3, 27 Kt to K 6 27 B to K sq, 28 Kt to Q 8 28 B to B 2, 29 Kt to Kt 7 29 B to B 5, 30 Kt to Q 6 30 any move, 31 Kt moves accordingly 31 any move, 32 Kt mates. The "three advents" of the Kt ere to Q 6th on moves 12, 20, and 30. We, at one time, thought this solution could be slightly shortened, but the method we proposed for that purpose did not hit the best defence in one case. The real key furnishes an admirably scientific example of the superiority of Kt over B in a particular class of end games.

No. 269. The author's solution is 1 R to Q 6, &c., but the problem can also be solved by 1 P takes P, &c.

No. 270. 1 Q to K B 2 1 K to Q 3, 2 Q to QB 5 ch 2 K takes Q, 3 Kt takes P mate; or 1 Q to R 4 or B 3, 2 Q to K B 6 ch 2 K takes Q, 3 Kt to Q 5 mate;

or 1 Q takes Kt, 2 Kt to Q 5 dis ch 2 K to Q 3 or B to Q 5, 3 Q takes Q or B takes B mate; or 1 Kt to K Kt 6 or K 6, 2 Q to B 4 ch 2 K takes Q or K to Q 5, 3 Kt to K 2 or Q 5, or Kt takes P mate; or 1 B takes Q, 2 Kt to K 2 dis ch 2 B to Q 5, 3 B takes B mate; or 1 Kt to K 3, &c., 2 Kt takes P dis ch 2 K takes Kt, or Kt or B to Q 5, 3 B to Kt 7, Q to B 5, or R takes Kt mate.

No. 271. 1 K takes P 1 any move,* 2 Kt to K 5 ch 2 K takes Kt, 3 Q


No. 272. 1 Kt takes Q P 1 Kt takes B or K to K 4, 2 Kt to B 4 2 any move, 3 B, Kt, Q or P mates accordingly; or 1 Kt takes P, or B takes B, or P takes B, or any other move, 2 B to B 6 ch 2 any move, 3 Kt or Q mates.

No. 273. 1 Q to Kt 4.

No. 274. 1 B to B 2.

No. 275. 1 K to B 2

1 K to Kt 4 (a), 2 Kt to K 3 2 K takes R, 3 R to B 5, &c., (a) 1 K to K 4, 2 R to R 5 ch 2 K to K 5, 3 Kt to Q 2 ch, &c. No. 276. 1 R to K sq 1 P to K 5 or B to Q 5 (b), 2 Kt to K B 4 ch, &c. (b) 1 K P one or Kt to K B 2 B to B 6 ch, &c. No. 277. 1 R to K Kt 2

accordingly, &c.


1 K to B 5 or K 4, 2 Kt to Q3 or R to Q R 4

No. 278. 1 Q to Q Kt 4 1 B to B 3, 2 R to K Kt 7 2 B takes R, 3 Q to Kt 5 ch 3 K to R 4 B to QB 6, &c.

No. 279 (page 210).

5 K to Q 3, 6 Kt mates.


[blocks in formation]


Our best thanks are due to the following for their games and communica: tions:-A. M., Moscow, J. W. S., Montreal, W. J. B. Beverly, J. C., Tingewick, W. P. T., Wolverhampton, F. W. D., Blairgowrie, J. T. P., Preston, T. B., Clevedon, J. A., Tunstall, and J. M., Huntingdon.

C. H. C., Ryde.--We have written to you, and are much obliged for the contribution you have sent.

Editor Brantford Courier, Ontario.—We are glad to say that the proprietor has consented to your request.

Toz.-Your poetic advice to Sir G. has fortunately (or unfortunately?) been anticipated by the course of events. In these prosaic days an aspiring bard is more likely to be assegaied than crowned by the critics (consoling reflection!) Solutions correct, except 270. You will find there is one sound defence to 1 P to QB 5.

R. of Roos.-Perseverance is a grand quality in problem composition, as in more important matters, but unless well directed it is worse than useless. The series of unsound 3 and 4-movers we have continuously received from you is not at all improved upon by your latest effort. There is mate in 2, either by the nude simplicity, 1 Kt takes R P dis ch, 2 Kt to Kt 3, or by the more artfully hidden method, 1 Q to K sq, &c. The latter is an excellent foundation for a 2-mover. Try it, if you please, and favour us with the result.

A. D., Marseilles.-We are obliged by the sui-mates, and pleased to avail ourselves of an example in the present number.

Zeus. You are credited with solutions of problems 249 to 251. We guessed your identity with "Alpha."

A. Townsend.-The amended version shall be duly tested.

J. W. Abbott.-The 3-mover in our next. One of the sets you kindly forwarded has, you will see, stood fire.

G. E. B., Greenock.—If 1 B to K 4, 1 R to Q B sq appears a sound defence. The problem is nevertheless unsound. (See Solutions.)

Reviews of our Tourney Problem are unavoidably postponed until next month.

*Sic! in author's key, but clearly wrong in some cases.

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