Sidor som bilder

Meiklejohn, J. M. D.-A New Geography on the Comparative
Method, with maps and diagrams and an outline of commercial
geography. 23. ed. rev. & corrected. Lond.. 1899. (Professor
Meiklejohn's Ser.)

Meyers geographischer Hand-Atlas. 3., neubearb. u. verm. Aufl.
Lpzg. u. Wien, 1905.

Cl. N). Tol.

G2... 9...1

G3... 6...1


G1... 12...1

Mill, H. R. (ed. by)-The International Geography. by 70 authors.

N. Y., 1900.

Mochizuki, K. (ƒ)--Japan To-Day. Tokyo, 1910.
Moncrieff, A. R. H.-The World of To-Day: a survey of the lands
and peoples of the globe as seen in travel and commerce.
Lond., 1905.

Murray, K. B.-Commercial Geography, considered especially in its
relation to new markets and fields of production for British
trade. Lond.

Neton, A.-L'Indo-Chine et son avenir economique. Paris, 1904.
Newnes, G. (Pub. by)-Round the World, from London Bridge to

Charing Cross, via Yokohama & Chicago: an album of pictures
from photographs of the chief places of interest in all parts of
the world. Lond., 1895.....

Oppel, A.-Landeskunde des Britischen Nordamerika. Lpzg., 1906.
(Sammlung Göschen, 284.) ..

Osbahr, W.-Wirtschaftsgeographie und Wirtschaftskunde für
Handelsschulen. Bielefeld u. Lpzg., 1908. ....


Parker, F. W.-How to Study Geography. N. Y., 1908. (The
International Education Ser., 10.) ...
Partsch, J.-Mitteleuropa, die Länder und Völker von den West-
alpen und dem Balkan bis an den Kanal und das Kurische
Haff. Gotha, 1904.

Philippson, A.-Landeskunde des europäischen Russlands nebst Finn-
lands. Lpzg., 1908. (Sammlung Göschen, 359.)
Pitman,-Commercial Geography of the World. Lond., etc.
Playfair, G. M. H.-The Cities and Towns of China, a geographical
dictionary. Tokyo, 1900.

Prinsep, H. T.-Tibet, Tartary and Mongolia; their social and

3X... 10...1

G3... 9...3

G2... 11...1
G2... 54...1

2X... 32 ..1


G1... 42...2

K2... 1...1

Gl... 4...1


G2... 8...1

D13... 18...1

political condition, and the religion of Boodh, as there existing. 2. ed. Lond., 1852.

G2... 13...1

Ratzel, F.-Deutschland, Einführung in die Heimatkunde. 2. Aufl.
Lpzg., 1907.

G2... 55...1

--Die Erde und das Leben, eine vergleichende Erdkunde.
Lpzg. u. Wien, 1901-02.

G3... 4...2

[blocks in formation]

Gedenkschrift. Geplant als Festschrift zum 60 Geburtstage. Lpzg., 1904.

Politische Georgraphie oder die Geographie der Staaten, des Verkehres und des Krieges. 2. umgearb. Aufl. München u. Berlin, 1903.

Patzel, F.-Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. München, 1878-93.

Ravenstein, E. G.-Philip's Handy-Volume Atlas of the World; an
entirely new & enl. ed. Lond. & Liverpool, 1896........

Reclus, É.-Nouvelle géographie universelle, la terre et les hommes.
Paris, 1876-94.

[blocks in formation]

Cl. No. Vol.

G3... 11...1

G1... 40...1

G1... 6...2

G2... 28...1

G3... 1...19

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Regel, F.-Landeskunde der Iberischen Halbinsel. Lpzg., 1905.

(Sammlung Göschen, 235.) ..... Riehl, W. H.-Land und Leute, Schulausgabe mit einer Einleitung und Anmerkungen von T. Matthias. 2. Aufl. Stuttg. u. Berlin,

Mã. 193...1


G2... 57...1

Rocheleau, W. F.-The Geography of Commerce and Industry.
Boston, etc...

G2... 46...1

Sadik Isfahani.-Geographical Works of Sádik Isfahani, tr. by J. C. from original Persian Mss. in the collection of Sir W. Ouseley. Lond., 1832.

Sanseido.-Twentieth Century Atlas of the World. 5. ed. Tokyo,


Sieger, R.-Die Alpen Lpzg., 1902. (Sammlung Göschen, 129.)...
Sievers, W. (hrsg. von)-Allgemeine Ländeskunde. 2. Aufl. Lpzg.

u. Wien, 1902-04.....

I. Afrika. Von F. Hahn.


Australien, Ozeanien u, Polarländer. Von W. Sievers u. W. Kukenthal.

3. Süd- u. Mittelamerika. Von W. Sievers.

4. Nordamerika, Von E. Deckert.

5. Asien. Von W. Sievers.

Steinecke, V.-Landeskunde der Reinprovinz. Lpzg., 1907. (Sammlung Göschen, 308.)...


Stielers Hand-Atlas, hrsg. von J. Perthes' geographischer Anstalt in
Gotha. 9., von Grund aus neubearb. u. neugestochene Aufl.
Gotha, 1906.

G1... 28...1

G3... 5...1

G1... 5.5


4X... 18...1

[ocr errors][merged small]

Supan, A. Allgemeine Erdkunde, als Anhang zur deutschen Schulgeographie. 4., berichtigte Aufl. Gotha, 1906.....

Deutsche Schulgeographie. 9. Aufl. Gotha, 1908. Swinton, W.-Elementary Course in Geography: designed for primary and intermediate grades, and as a complete shorter course. N. Y., etc. Teikoku-Kyōiku-Kai. (A New Map of the World, (F

HR) Incorporating the latest geographical knowledge, compiled in commemoration of the Russo-Japanese War. Tokyo, 1907.....

Tenney, C. D.-Geography of Asia. Lond. & N. Y., 1906.
Times.-Atlas. Lond., 1899....

The Japanese Empire, a reprint of the Times Japanese edi-
tion July 19, 1910. Lond.
Trotter, S.-The Geography of Commerce, a text-book. N. Y. &
Lond., 1904. (Macmillan's Commercial Ser.).
Vallentin, W.-Paraguay, das Land der Guaranis. Berlin, 1907. ...
Vizetelly, H.-Berlin under the New Empire, its institutions, inhabi-
tants, industry, monuments, museums, social life, manners, &
amusements. Lond., 1879..................

[blocks in formation]

Vodovozovoi, E. N.-Jhizni evropeiskuph narodoff. C.-Petersburg, 1883-89

G3... 10...3

Wallace, A. R. & Guillemard, F. H. H.-Australasia. Lond., 1893

G2... 17...2

94. (Stanford's Compendium of Geography & Travel) Walser, H.-Landeskunde der Schweiz. Lpzg., 1908. (Sammlung Göschen. 398.)

Webersik, G. (hrsg. von)-Geographisch-statistisches Welt-Lexikon,

ein Nachschlagebuch über die Länder, Staaten, Kolonien,
Gebirge, Flüsse, Seen, Inseln, Städte, Marktflecken, Badeorte,
Post-, Telegraphen- und Fernsprechämter, Häfen, Eisenbahn-
stationen usw. der Erde. Wien u. Lpzg., 1908.
Williams, S. W.-The Middle Kingdom, a survey of the geography,
government, literature, social life, arts, and history of the Chinese
Empire and its inhabitants. Rev. ed. N. Y., 1901.
Wills, C. J.-Persia as it is being sketches of modern Persian life
and character. 2. ed. Lond., 1887..

Wise, B. R.-The Commonwealth of Australia. Lond., 1909. (The
All Red Ser.)..

Worcester, D. C.-The Philippine Islands and their People. N. Y.
& Lond., 1901.

Wright, H. S.-The Great White North, the story of polar exploration from the earliest times to the discovery of the pole. N. Y.,


D12... 9...1

G1... 15.

G2... 60..1

Gl... 56...1

G1... 24..


G2... 31...1

Zehden, C.-Commercial Geography: based on the latest researches
and statistical returns. Tr. by F. Muirhead, from the 5. German
ed., rev. for tr. by the author. With a map of the chief trade
routes. Lond., etc., 1889.
Zemmrich, J.-Landeskunde des Königreichs Sachsen. Lpzg., 1905.
(Sammlung Göschen, 258.)

Cl. No. Vol.

G2... 7...1

Mã 210.1

2. Travels & Voyages.

Alexander, B.-From the Niger to the Nile. Lond., 1907.
Andersson, C. J.-The Okavano River: a narrative of travel, explo-
ration, and adventure. Lond., 1861...

G1... 33...2

G1... 18...1

Baedeker, K.-Austria-Hungary including Dalmatia and Bosnia, handbook for travellers. 10. ed., rev. & augmented. Lpzg., etc., 1905.


G2... 39...1

Egypt: handbook for travellers. 5. remodelled ed. Lpzg.,

G2... 38...1

Great Britain, handbook for travellers. 6. ed., rev. & augmented. Lpzg., etc., 1906................

G2... 41...1

Greece handbook for travellers. 2. rev. ed. Lpzg. &

Lond., 1894.

G2... 37...1

The same. 3. rev. ed. Lpzg., etc., 1905.

G2... 43...1

Italy: handbook for travellers. II. part. Central Italy and

Rome. 14. rev. ed. Lpzg., etc., 1904. ..

G2... 33...1

London and its Environs: handbook for travellers.

ed. Lpzg., etc., 1905...........

G2... 42...1

Northern Germany, as far as the Bavarian and Austrian Trontiers handbook for travellers. 14. rev. ed. Lpzg., etc..

G2... 36. 1



Southern France including Corsica: handbook for travellers. 4. ed. Lpzg., etc., 1902..................

Southern Germany: handbook for travellers. 9. rev. ed. Lpzg., 1902.

G2... 34...1

G2... 35...1


The United States with an excursion into Mexico: handbook for travellers. 3. rev. ed. Lpzg., etc., 1904. Beazley, C. R. (compiled by)--Voyages and Travels, mainly during the 16th and 17th centuries. Westminster, 1903. (An English Garner)

G2... 40...1

G1... 35...2

Buckingham, J. S.-America, historical, statistic, and descriptive.

G1... 16...3



Butler, A. J.-Court Life in Egypt. 2. ed. Lond., 1888.
Carey, W.-Travel and Adventure in Tibet. Including the diary of
Miss A. R. Taylor's remarkable journey from Tau-Chau to
Ta-Chien-Lu through the heart of the forbidden land. Lond.,


Colquhoun, A. R.-The 'Overland' to China. Lond. & N. Y.,


Cornwallis, K.--Two Journeys to Japan, 1856-57. Lond., 1869......
Das, S. C.-Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet. 2. ed., rev. Lond.,


Deasy, H. H. P.-In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan, being the record


of three years' exploration. Lond., 1901. De Beauvoir. The Conclusion of a Voyage round the World: Pekin, Yedo, and San Francisco. Tr. from the French by Agnes &

H. Stephenson. Lond., 1872....... Forbes. L. F. E.-Five Years in China; from 1842 to 1847. With an account of the occupation of the Islands of Labuan and Borneo by Her Majesty's forces. Lond., 1848. Fortune, R.-Three Years' Wanderings in the Northern Provinces of China, including a visit to the tea, silk, and cotton countries. 2. ed. Lond., 1847...

Cl. No. Vol. G2... 51...1

G1... 44...1

G1... 21...1

G2... 24...1

G1.. 19.1

G1... 14.1

G2... 12...1

G1... 43...1

G1... 17...1

Yedo and Peking, a narrative of a journey to the capitals of Japan & China. Lond., 1863.

G1... 52...1

Gordon,.E. A.-"Clear Round!" a story of world-travel. 3. ed., rev.

& enl. Lond., etc., 1903.

G2... 53...1

Gregory, J. W.-The Dead Heart of Australia, a journey around
Lake Eyre in the summer of 1901-02. Lond., 1906..
Gros, J.-L'homme fossile: aventures d'une expédition scientifique
dans les Mers Australes. Paris. (Collection des auteurs célè-
bres, 210.) ...

Gutzlaff, C.-Journal of Three Voyages along the Coast of China, in

1831, 1832, & 1833. Lond., 1834.............. Hillard, G. S.-Six Mohths in Italy. 9. ed. Boston, 1866.......................... Hitchcock, C. H., etc.-Mount Washington in Winter, or the experiences of a scientific expedition upon the highest mountain in New England, 1870-71. Boston, 1871. Huc, M.-Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China, during the years 1844-46, tr. from the French by W. Hazlitt. Lond. (National Illustrated Libr.)

G1... 34.1

B11... 1...1

G2... 14...1

G2... 6...1

G2... 23...1

G2... 20...2

Ingersoll, E.-The Crest of the Continent: a record of a summer's ramble in the Rocky Mountains and beyond. 36. ed. Chicago, 1889.

G2... 22...1

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