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dealings of God in so early removing from through Mr. Stevenson's instrumentality the work of the ministry a labourer so emi- that the Rev. Josias Wilson was induced to nently qualified by gifts and graces,- of become the pastor of River-terrace Church. the loss sustained by the Church at large, A new era in its history was thus introand especially by the congregation at North duced, giving to the congregation a stability Shields, of the sorrow and disappointment previously unknown. Mr. Stevenson was felt by the members, to whom this young distinguished for Christian integrity and brother had endeared himself by his ami-high principle. He took the deepest ability, and whose expectations of his future usefulness and eminence had been highly raised by his transparent candour, remarkable singleness of purpose; by his talents, acquirements, and conscientious diligence in study and preaching-all sanctified by a decided but unostentatious piety.

It was remarked by the Moderator (the Rev. Dr. Paterson) that the feelings of the brethren were not all of sorrow. That in looking on the past all remembrance of the deceased was very pleasant,-that the hope concerning him now was very bright; and that it was a thing to be desired and envied -to finish so soon and so successfully the


A copy of the minute, embodying such sentiments, was directed to be sent to the bereaved widow and parents. The Presbytery also agreed to record their cordial satisfaction with the conduct of the North Shields congregation, in that they had so generously and liberally made arrangements which gave their sick pastor all the relief and solace possible in the circumstances.

The members of Presbytery severally expressed the esteem and affection in which they held the memory of their deceased brother; Mr. Duncan was appointed to preach at North Shields on the ensuing Sabbath, and declare the church vacant; and it was understood that, at the request of the Session, he would improve the solemn occasion by suitable and appropriate services.



THIS excellent gentleman expired at his residence, 7, Aberdeen-park, Highbury, on the 2d ult., after a severe and protracted illness, in the fifty-ninth year of his age. Mr. Stevenson was one of those valuable and zealous office-bearers by whose services the English Presbyterian Synod has been so largely blessed, and of whom several, alas! have been taken away from us within the last few years. Mr. Stevenson early connected himself with the infant congregation which, about twenty-seven years ago, had been formed at Chadwell-street, Pentonville, and which afterwards assembled at the new church of River-terrace, Islington, during the pastorate of the lamented Mr. McDonald. From that period his counsel and his purse were always zealously employed for the advancement of the Presbyterian cause. It should be recorded that it was

interest in all the schemes of our Church, to which he was a liberal contributor. One of the last letters traced by a hand that was fast becoming powerless, was one addressed to the Treasurer of the English Presbyterian College, enclosing a donation of 50l. to its funds.

His death was suitably improved on the evening of the Sabbath after his interment, by the Rev. John Weir. The congregation of River-terrace will always hold the name of William Stevenson in affectionate and grateful remembrance.


JUST before going to press we have heard,
with deep sorrow, of the removal by death
of another of our young ministers-the
Rev. W. M. Whyte. He had been suffering
from an affection of the chest from about
the commencement of the present year; but
he remained steadfast at his post long after
his strength had failed him- preaching
sometimes when not able to stand in the
pulpit. In this way he continued until
about six weeks since, when he went to
Kilmun, in Argylshire, for change of air,
and where on Friday morning, July 21st,
he departed to the rest on high.

Mr. Whyte has laboured for nearly six years among an attached flock who now most deeply mourn his loss, for in him they ever found a faithful minister and a stedfast friend. Instant in season, and out of season, it may be truly said of him, that he watched for souls as one that must give account. Nor were these labours in vain, for we know that rot a few in his congregation regarded him not only as their instructor and guide, but as their spiritual father-through whose labours they had been led to a saving acquaintance with Christ.

Considering his superior scholarship and varied acquirements (in some measure exemplified in two small works he had published) we cannot but grieve that one so able and so earnest has been removed so soon from the midst of us. But on his own account we can have no regret, if the Master has seen meet to award his approval so soon in the "Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make the ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."

Children's Messenger.

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PILGRIM'S PROGRESS" FOR CHINA. WE have been asking rather piteously of late, what is to become of the poor "Pilgrim ? Perhaps we should rather ask, What are all the readers of the "Children's Messenger" doing? What has become of all the collecting cards, that so few of them are returning to us? Have our young readers already become weary in well-doing, or what is the matter? We cannot afford to lose time in this way, or Mr. Burns might as well never have translated his " Pilgrim." We have been expecting for some time to hear from the boys and girls who helped us so well last year-the Sabbath scholars in SUNDERLAND and MANCHESTER and LIVER. POOL. But we are disappointed. Who is to blame ? Have the superintendents and teachers forgotten the "Pilgrim," or have the boys and girls got weary of work? We hope some of our young readers will answer these questions very soon, for we cannot.

It is to be hoped that the "Pilgrim" cards are being remembered by some during the holidays, and that next month we shall see the fruits of their diligence and labour.

Do not become weary in well-doing. God never wearies of doing good to you. Every night you lay down-every morning you rise, you are still the child of his kindness and care.

WHAT CAN A CHILD DO? “O LORD, help papa to preach right to-day, and help the people to hear right." Such was the prayer, one Sabbath morning, of a little girl, uttered in a little bed-room of a country manse in Scotland. And, so far as earthly teaching is concerned, it was an untaught prayer, for her parents had not told her to use these words in praying. They had taught her a form of prayer, and were surprised as well as gratified to find, on overhearing her at her devotions that Sabbath morning, that, though only seven years old, she had given up the form, and was using words of her own. Though Maggie had not learned to pray in silence, she had learned to pray without a form; who taught her to do this? And was the influence of Maggie's prayer felt in the searching Gospel sermons of that day, and in the manner in which they were listened


What could Naaman the Syrian's little captive maid do, save to express a

of a

| wish that her master might go to the prophet of Israel to be healed? And, in the midst a congregation of professing Christians, with minister, and elders, and deacons, and missionary collectors-with Sabbath sermons, and Sabbath-schools, and week-day prayer-meetings-what could a child like Maggie do? Could there be no work found for her by Him who has aforetime ordained strength "out of the mouth of babes and sucklings," and this not for any ordinary purpose, but that he might "still the enemy and the avenger?" "O Lord, help papa to preach right, and help the people to hear right!" D. G.

minister's son, a From infancy he There was always

THE BOY THAT SWORE. YOUNG Richard was a child of many prayers. was taught to fear God. a pleasant Sabbath air about his kind father's house, and one might almost as well expect to hear swearing in heaven as there.


But one sad day Richard swore-one awful oath-his first and his last. boys he was playing with swore very often, and when he heard them, many times, he felt a strong desire to swear himself; but, brought up as he had been, he could not forget that God saw him, and he trembled at taking his name in vain. Still, in the midst of bold playmates and evil passions, he yielded to temptation, and hastily spoke the profane word.

Alas! he sinned knowingly and wilfully, and sorely was he punished for it. I do not know that his playmates noticed it, nor whether his father heard and chastised him or not. But his conscience and God knew it, and that was enough. Could you have seen him, you would have thought he looked wretched indeed. He had lost his peace of mind; he was afraid to meet his parents; but most of all he trembled lest God, whom he had mocked, should give him over to Satan.

Though he was then only seven years old, and is now a gray-haired man, he has never forgotten the shame and sorrow of that day. Often has conscience renewed the remorse and terror he then felt, and led him to cry to God for pardon. We trust his prayers will be heard; but even if so, how bitter have been the fruits of that one

sin, which some think so small! Great indeed is the guilt of one who takes God's name in vain; and fearful the risk he runs of being lost for ever with his wicked companions.



A MINISTER of the Gospel had an interesting little son, on whose mind he was daily trying to make impressions that would form his life according to the Bible. He taught his little boy to avoid sin, and to keep out of the way of sinners. He carefully guarded him against the popular and fashionable vices of the day. Nor did he tire in his work. He knew it was by little and little that he was to make lasting and indelible impressions upon the mind of his son. short time since, this father left his son with a friend, to spend a few weeks. The gentleman with whom he was left was pleased with his charge, and did all he could to render the little fellow happy and contented. One day he carried him to a neighbouring village to see a circus, without telling the child where he was going. The unsuspecting boy went cheerfully along, and was very happy, and much pleased with his ride. The gentleman took him into the inclosure under the canopy, and getting a convenient seat, placed the child by his side. The little fellow looked around upon the crowd of spectators, and gazed upon the immense canvass umbrella spread above him; and then, turning to the gentleman, he inquired, "What is this?- Where am I?" gentleman replied, "This is a circus." circus?" said the little boy; "then I must go out, for father says a circus is a bad place." 'Wait," said the gentleman, "and you will soon see some fine horses, and finedressed gentlemen and ladies, and you will be delighted with them." No, no," said the child, "I cannot stay; I must go out, and go away from here; for father says a circus is a bad place, and not fit for little boys." The gentleman tried in vain to satisfy the boy's conscience; but nothing would do, and he was compelled to take him out and carry him home.

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This was a noble boy. The little fellow did exactly right. He determined to obey his father. "Children, obey your parents in the Lord; for this is right.'

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"A WORD IN SEASON." SHORTLY after Mrs. Judson left Calcutta, on her return home, she found herself almost overcome by a sense of her loneliness and recollections of the painful trials through which she had passed. On one occasion, while in her cabin weeping, a soft little

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shall we be:

tion pay;

And, if we have the Gospel, and do not attenWe shall receive a punishment severer far than they!

Then let us pity those who dwell in regions dark and drear;

And send the missionaries forth, their wretched hearts to cheer:

And give your half-pence and your pence, to light the Lamps of truth,

Which only show the way of life, to age as well as youth!

None are too young to aid the cause; none And some are big and strong enough a word are too weak to pray,

or two to say;

Then go rejoicing on life's path; and, while that path is trod,

"Do what you can," for heathen lands:-"do what you can," for God!

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Original Papers.


"THE greater the simplicity and earnestness," says Gutzlaff, in his book on China, "with which the doctrines of a crucified Saviour are taught, the more extensive will be the blessings following our labours. Blessings descend from on high, and are given only to those whose sole and allabsorbing aim it is to glorify God in Christ Jesus. Without a radical conversion from darkness to light, we can do no real good; and this can only be effected by the constant preaching of the cross. To strain, therefore, every nerve for glorifying the Redeemer; to make his amazing love, his sufferings, his power to save, his resurrection and omnipotence, the constant theme of discourses, must be the permanent duty of every true missionary." It was under such impressions and convictions that our Church entered upon her first missionary enterprise; and these were in some degree manifested by her thankfulness on securing the services of one whose zealous labours for the salvation of souls were so eminently blessed in his own country. But no one acquainted with the nature of missionary labour, especially in China, expected to hear of speedy results from a soil so unpromising surrounded by so many difficulties, which could be overcome only by patience, and persevering industry. Nor even after the first difficulties were surmounted, and our brethren were enabled to declare to the people in their own tongue "the wonderful works of God," were we prepared to look for an early harvest. "Paul may plant and Apollos water, but God giveth the increase ;" and pre-eminently so must this be the case where the Gospel is offered to a people blinded and debased by the grossest idolatries. Frequently we have been informed of the willingness of many to listen to the preaching of the Word,—and we know how faithfully and earnestly it has been declared to them ;—but few have been prepared to forsake their sins and turn to the living and true God. Each communication we have received from our brethren has been accompanied with a fresh request that we should become fellow-labourers with them, by giving China a larger place in our supplications and prayers; and it is hoped that not a few have responded to these invitations which, from time to time, have appeared in our pages. Yet we fear there are some on whose spirits China, with her perishing millions, still lies lightly; who do little for the extension of Christ's Gospel there, and perhaps even less in seeking a blessing on the work performed. To such, the cheering tidings we have this month to communicate may afford but little pleasure; but we rejoice to think that there are others, not a few, who will be ready to unite in thanksgiving and praise to our God "for the grace bestowed." Mr. Burns, in a letter dated Amoy, May 8th, says :

A week ago (May 1), I returned to this place after an absence of eight weeks in the country, and I now take up my pen to let you know something of how I have been engaged, and of the prospects of the missionary work in the places where I have been labouring. It is now in all exactly four months since I first set out this No. 81.-New Series. VOL. VI.


season on a missionary tour; and you are already aware that God so remarkably opened the door in the place to which we first went, that we found it our clear duty to remain at that place as our head quarters for a longer period than we had intended-visiting the numerous villages and market-towns within our reach, while we carried on regular services at Pechuia, our central station. The work there was so interesting that we felt it could not be abandoned, but as we were anxious to extend our efforts to one or two central positions farther inland, it was necessary that other agents should take our place in order to leave us free to go forward. Accordingly, when, two months ago, I returned from Amoy to Pechuia, an addition was made to the number of native assistants, and leaving two of these to occupy Pechuia, I proceeded on the 9th of March farther inland in company with the two native Christian companions with whom I had originally set out on the 9th of January from Amoy. The place to which we first went is a market-town, somewhat smaller than Pechuia, named Bay-Pay (horse-flat), and distant from the former place, across the hills, about seven English miles. To this place we had been invited by several persons, and here we remained (well-lodged and free of rent), for eleven days, in the course of which we visited and preached at almost all the villages in the neighbourhood, from thirty to fifty in number. We were almost everywhere favourably received, and our message listened to with attention, although there were no cases, as at Pechuia, of persons coming out and declaring themselves on the side of the Gospel. While at Bay-Pay, we heard it reported that at Pechuia one family had publicly destroyed their idols and ancestral tablets (the latter the dearest objects of Chinese idolatry), and that another man had closed his shop on the Lord's-day, refusing admittance to a person who wished to trade with him. Both of these reports, so interesting to us, turned out to be true.

From Bay-Pay we proceeded four or five English miles farther on to Poolamkid (south bank bridge). Here we were on the sea-coast, I suppose about fifteen miles south of the entrance to Amoy harbour. We were well received here also, and would have gladly remained for a week or two, proceeding still further south, as we were invited to do, but our books, &c., were becoming few, and our lodging, which would have been very comfortable had we had sole possession of it, being partly occupied by opium smokers and gamblers, we resolved, after a stay of only four days, on returning to Pechuia. On arriving, we found to our delight that the work there had made decided progress in our absence. The two native Christians (members of the American Mission Church at Amoy) whom we had left in charge, seem to have been much aided in teaching the people. The preaching room had been crowded every night to a late hour by from forty to sixty persons, and those who had from the beginning shown an attachment to the truth, had evidently advanced in knowledge and earnestness of spirit, and resolved to obey the Gospel at the risk of much reproach and opposition. In our absence the station had also had the benefit of a short visit from Mr. Doty of the American Mission. After returning from our inland tour, we continued our Meetings at Pechuia with much encouragement, several members of the native Church in Amoy having successively come out of their own accord to aid in the work. During the last two or three weeks, however, the aspect of things at Pechuia has been considerably changed; for while those on the side of the Gospel seem to go on in a way that fills our hearts with thankfulness, and our mouths with praise, a disposition has been shown on the part of others to interrupt our Meetings, which has obliged us at night to hold them upstairs, and more privately. The state of the weather also at this rainy season has

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