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Missionary Retrospect and Foreign Intelligence.

Extract of a Letter from Mr. Chater to the of collecting a little congregation than

Columbo, 18 Nov. 1817.

I GLADLY embrace the present opportunity of writing you information of the present state of this mission. I am happy to have it in my power to inform you, that, painful as some circumstances have been, our prospects are, on the whole, brighter than at any former period. You will rejoice to hear, that the new translation of the New Testament was completed by the same time that it would have been by the justly lamented Mr. Tolfrey. It was ready to present to the Columbo Auxiliary Bible Society, at their annual meeting in August. We had entertained hopes of accomplishing a small portion of the Old Testament by the end of the present year; but that period is now near, and we have scarcely entered upon the work. It was found necessary to introduce into the new translation many words not in common use. In order to remove this difficulty, it was thought proper to prepare a glossary to accompany the translation; which, though it will be a small work in bulk, requires considerable labour to prepare it, and we shall not do more than complete it by the end of this year.

On the first sabbath in October we opened a new place of worship at the Grand Pass, where we keep our Cingalese school; and where, for a long time, we have preached in the Cingalese, and Occasionally in the Portuguese language. On the day it was opened, we had a double lecture, both morning and evening. I preached in the morning in Cingalese, and brother Siers in Portuguese; in the evening, vice versa. My morning text was, Ps. cxxii. 1. Evening, Matt. xviii. 20. Brother Siers's morning text was, Exod. iii. 5. Evening, 1 Sam. iii. 12. On that day I preached the word of life in three different languages. The meeting-house, which contains about 200, was well filled in the evening; in the morning, the congregation was small. This place is intended, almost exclusively, for Cingalese worship. It is in the most favourable situation for collecting a Cingalese congregation that perhaps could be found in Columbo. Some attend it, who, except when they were christened, never entered a place of worship before. We have better prospects

we have ever had, and it is owing principally to our having built a decent place in which they can assemble. We have at present, however, no conversions to relate, the case of Theophilus excepted. I have not witnessed a single instance in which it appears to me that a Cingalese has felt the convincing, consoling, renewing, and sanctifying power of the word of God. Theophilus, you will recollect, is the Boodhist priest, whom I hope God has saved, and called with a holy calling. At present, I am sorry to say, he is very unwell; I fear we shall soon lose him.

In our Pettah meeting-house we have worship, at present, in the Portuguese language only. Brother Siers has, for some time past, preached there at the hour, on the sabbath evenings, that I do in the Fort; and though he began with a very small number, they have increased to a little congregation. Preaching in English has, of late, been very thinly attended; but we may hope to witness different scenes to those we lately have done, in this respect also. A part of his majesty's 83d regiment, which has been long expected here to relieve the 75d, is now arrived. I have already become acquainted with one of the officers, who is a gentleman from Warwickshire, my native county. Both himself and his lady are seriously inclined, and he says he will do all in his power to influence the men to attend preaching. In the 1st battalion, the arrival of which is daily expected, it is reported there are many pious men already. May we have the happiness to witness their increase! As I think the society will be glad, at all times, to know how their missionaries fill up their time, 1 send the following account of the manner in which brother Siers and myself go through the week. Sabbath morning, one preaches at the Grand Pass, in Cingalese; the other, in the Fort, in Portuguese, alternately. These two places of worship are more than two miles distant one from the other. Sabbath evening, I preach in the Fort, in English, and brother Siers in the Pettah. Monday forenoon, I visit the Cingalese school, sing a hymn, give an exhortation to the children in Portuguese, which brother Siers turns into Cingalese, pray with them in the same manner, and inspect the progress they

have made during the week; after which, we examine a sheet or two of Mr. Siers's translation of the New Testament into the Portuguese of Ceylon, in which he has advanced to the middle of Luke. In the evening, we hold a prayer-meeting in the Fort meetinghouse, in English and Portuguese; on which occasion we deliver a short exhortation in both languages. Tuesdays I spend at home in translating, reading, or composing Cingalese; in the evening, hold an experience-meeting for members of the church and others who manifest any real concern to seek the salvation of their souls; and whose conduct is, at the same time, strictly moral. Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, I spend the forenoon, from 10 to 1, at the translating room. Wednesday, half past 2, p. m. I preach in the garrison hospital; in the evening, either in Portuguese at the Pettah, or in Cingalese at the Grand Pass and while I am preaching at one place, brother Siers is preaching at the other. Friday evening, we preach alternately in the Fort, in Portuguese. Saturday forenoons, we go in turns to the leprous hospital, and preach in Cingalese and Portuguese to the miserable objects at that place. They are miserable looking figures indeed some of them have lost all their fingers, some their toes, and part of their feet; others have their faces frightfully disfigured. However, they have souls. But, till brother Siers, some time ago, proposed to go and preach to them, these poor creatures had just cause for the complaint, "No man careth for my soul."

I will conclude this long letter with a sad, yet pleasing event. On Lord's day, the last of November, we lost Theophilus, the only Cingalese member of our church. His affliction was not long, but for a short time his pains were extremely severe. He continued, to the last, the same steadfast, upright character he had ever been from the time of his conversion. He had no extasies, but manifested an unshaken trust in God, under his sharpest affliction; and appeared to endure his pains with much patience. The last time I saw him, I asked him if he was afraid of death: he said, "No; he was afraid of his pains, but he had no fear of death.” Being asked why he did not fear death, his answer was, "My trust is in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, therefore I do not fear death." On Monday morning, myself, and the members of the church, with the exception of one, followed his remains to the place of interment': a few of our Cingalese friends, and some of the school-boys, also accompanied us. Brother Siers spoke a little in Cingalese at the grave. We sung a verse or two of Dr. Watts's hymn, "Why do we mourn departing friends;" and brother Siers concluded, with a prayer in Cingalese. Short has been the race of this our first, and at present, I fear, only convert, from among the Cingalese. But, I trust he has so run, that he has obtained; and that he will be found among those, of whom I may have to say another day," Here, Lord, am I, and the children thou hast given me."


Columbo, Dec. 16, 1817.

Rev. fathers and brethren,

They appear to be the most attentive of Extract of a Letter from Mr. Siers to the any of the little companies to whom we preach; and we entertain a hope, that we shall have some seals to our ministry from among them. From this statement you will perceive, that though our congregations are small, we have a considerable number of them to supply. Should it be the will of our gracious God, several of them may soon increase: a little one may become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation.

That this may


the case, a few are constantly offering up prayers and supplications to that God who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. In this, I have no doubt you unite with us. Allow me to intreat you to abound in it more and more. Brethren, pray for us, that we may witness a gracious out-pouring of the Holy Spirit (without which all our efforts will be unavailing), that the gospel may have free course and be glori fied, even as it is with you.


I BEG leave to inform you, that I intended to have written to the society long before this, had it not been for the various exercises of mind which prevented its accomplishment. The idea of writing to the society, especially when consider. ing myself an illiterate native, a foreigner perform such a task, the thought of it and stranger to European languages; to made me, as it were, to blush and hide for shame. However, on considering the state and nature of true Christians, that it is far from them to sport at others' infirmities, but rather to pity and forbear one another, encouraged me, in some measure, to perform this duty; hence, to doubts and fears, providence directed the remove (as it seems) the still remaining ship Alexander safely at anchor, with the

2 N

Bible into vulgar Portuguese is very slowly going on, for want of more time; still, however, it has advanced to Luke. I humbly hope, should providence spare me in health and strength, with his bless

precious gift from the society to me! truly, a clearer manifestation of Christian love and charity I cannot expect; consequently, however imperfect the language might be, yet I cannot forbear writing a few lines to the society, ac-ing, to bring it in more forwardness. It knowledging, in the deepest sense, my sincerest thanks for the invaluable present of books voted to me: indeed, it is more than a cup of cold water given to a thirsty soul. I panted for them. May he, therefore, who abounds, yea, more than abounds, in all the riches of glory, reward you jointly as a society, and severally as his stewards, both temporal and eternal blessings. As it pleased the society to regard me in my low estate, I beg leave also to introduce myself to the honourable society as one of the un worthiest of your household; and, as such, I may be enabled by you, in future, to acquit myself in the important duty, till I shall cease the ploughing. I imagine you would be happy, or rather anxious, to know something of my present sphere of life: I shall most gladly inform, but briefly, for I do not doubt but brother Chater might have communicated it, therefore I shall state in short.

I attend every day, from ten in the morning till two in the afternoon, to school at the Grand pass, little less than a mile's distance from my house. We have, at present, upwards of 50 pupils, of|| different descriptions, class, and age; amongst whom, there are four proper Malabar heathens, three of them born at and came from Kandy, with their parents; Kings Cast, the father, is called royal teacher-Gooroo Rhajah. The languages taught are English and Cingalese. I preach five times in the week, both in Cingalese and Portuguese, in turns with brother C. at four different places: in the Fort, Pittah, Grand Pass, and at the Lepers' hospital. I have some humble hopes of a work of grace in one or two of the poor women; they were all ignorant of true Christianity, previous to our going there. At present, the three first-mentioned places of worship are attended by thirty to forty, and forty to fifty. The work of conversion is scarcely seen. O Lord, make bare thine arm to the saving of Columbian souls! The Portuguese preaching is much esteemed by most: my translation of the

bears the approbation of the common people. O, that they be those poor, and this gospel such as our Redeemer termed! The gospel of Matthew is neatly revised by brother C. and myself. I am sorry he has no more time to spare; his hands and head are full of business. Besides regular turns with me, he preaches four or five times in English. His studying Cingalese, translating the Bible, attending the family and mission affairs, I am led to fear should there be a trying providence on either of us, much more on him, humanly spoken. the little that has been raised must be decayed. Therefore, dear fathers and brethren, allow me to beg of you to send over to us some plain missionaries, to help in the cause of the Lord. Lastly, as the society had the kind attention towards me, in favouring with an invaluable present of books to help me forward; permit me to petition to you for a few, but much-wanted books: viz. a Concordance, a Theological Dietionary, a Dutch and English, and English and Dutch, a Portuguese and English, and English and Portuguese, and a Pronouncing Dictionary the two last but one are greatly wanted to help me in translating. I stand highly indebted to the society for all I have and enjoy; and will, till the last moment, acknowledge it, and endeavour to discharge myself as such an one, ever making mention at a throne of grace, praying to pour down his blessings on you copiously. I entreat you for an interest in your prayers on us, as a church, and on me and my poor labours.-Forgive the inperfections, and allow me to remain,

Your humble and obedient servant, and the meanest in Christ, HENDRIK SIERS.

Mr. Chater adds, in a P. S.-Brother Siers solicited me to put his letter into better English, but I thought it would be more gratifying to you to see him in his own dress. In general, I believe, you will understand his meaning.


Domestic Religious Intelligence.


THAT the present mode of application to the public, for aid in the building and enlarging of places of worship, is liable to serious objections, few are disposed to question. But, while the public at large are anxiously looking for relief from this burden, it is much to be regretted, that the general attention is not directed to some definite and practicable plan.

Since I had an opportunity of meeting the committee of the Loan Fund, some months ago, I have frequently thought of that institution, and have had some opportunities of conversing respecting it; and my conviction is, that if our denomination would lend it their counte nance, it would ultimately prove an essential benefit, by materially lessening the number of applicants; and probably, at length, superseding altogether the begging system.

Those who are acquainted with the plan of your institution, are apprized that the Loan Fund must be created by donations, not by sums borrowed, from the religious public. The monies thus raised are to be vested in the hands of trustees, who shall lend them to such churches as may need assistance in repairing or building their places of worship, on condition that 34 interest be paid annually, and one-tenth of the capital returned.

plan, which certainly have considerable weight; but, I conceive, not sufficient to deter the committee from proceeding in its benevolent course.

The principal objections which I have heard are the following:

1. "That the great majority of cases cannot be relieved by a Loan, therefore such a mode of assistance cannot prevent applications to the public for donations,"

Answer: Granted; but, if only one case in ten or twenty, at present, be prevented from applying to the public, it will be some relief, and that many churches will avail themselves of this aid, is proved by the solicitations already presented to the committee.

2. "That in order to render assistance by way of loan, an essential_benefit to the denomination, the Loan Fund must amount to a very considerable magnitude."-Answer: Certainly; but, at its commencement, it may be but small. The Baptist Fund was but small in its beginning; now, its bounty refreshes and comforts our poor ministers through every part of the island. The principle of the Loan Fund insures its increase. The first contributions are not sunk; the interest upon them will annually increase them; and, if collections, subscriptions, bequests, &c. be added, in the course of a few years, the fund may acquire a magnitude and importance which will surprise and delight us.

3. "That to raise such a sum from the religious public would considerably lessen their ability to assist, by way of The advantages which the Loan Fund donation; and consequently such cases will secure are obvious. It will prevent as most need assistance, would have insuch cases as are able to avail themselves creasing difficulties to encounter."--Anof its aid, from applying to the public.swer: Every case assisted by the Loan It will render more successful those cases which must apply to the public, because they will have fewer rivals.—It | will save much money, which is paid for interest, at 5 per cent. and expended in travelling to collect, &c. It will preserve many ministers from the most unpleasant work in which they can be engaged, and preserve many a bosom from the painful feelings excited by the application of a beggar. And, if properly supported, it will ultimately supersede altogether the present begging system, by affording adequate relief to such cases as may be unable to pay interest or principal.

While the advantages are important, objections have also been stated to the

Fund is withdrawn from the public, aud must therefore be a benefit to such as must apply; except, indeed, a larger demand should be made on the public, to create this new fund. But it must be obvious, that the benefit to the begging cases would be increasingly great every year, without raising larger contribu tions, because, upon that portion of the pubic contribution which goes into the hands of your committee, interest will be paid, and the principal restored; whereas, on the present plan, the whole, both principal and interest, is sunk.

4.That, in some instances, owing to a variety of causes, the committee will be under the necessity of either losing their money, or of pursuing legal mea

sures to recover it."-Answer: The committee for the management of the fund will, doubtless, act with prudence, both in the securities which they may accept, and in the measures pursued to recover the property; and, if some loss should be incurred, it may be fairly presumed, that this loss will not be so serious, as to prevent the accumulation of money in the hands of the committee.

P. S. As the fund contains the principle of constant increase, it seems necessary, that when the capital has arisen to a considerable amount, the committee should have a discretionary power to reduce the rate of interest, and also of making donations. Probably, it would not be wise to deviate from the present plan, till a capital of (say) £50,000 be realized; for it is not so much to the present, as the future operations of the fund, that the denomination must look for relief. T, M.



THE Amiversary Meetings which have just terminated, have not been inferior, in pleasing gratification, to those of former years. A spirit of zeal for the extension of the Gospel has been largely displayed; which, we hope, will be more abundantly manifested in active exertions, both in our own and in foreign countries. The late period of the month prevents our giving more than a mere sketch of the meetings; reserving a more detailed statement till the next month.

On Tuesday evening, June 23, a good congregation were assembled at Carterlane, when Dr. Ryland preached from John, xiv. 10; Mr. Edmonds, of Cambridge, began in prayer.


The above Society held its annual meeting on Wednesday morning, the 24th, at the City of London Tavern, Bishopsgate-street. Mr. James Pritt, the Treasurer, took the chair at seven o'clock; and the Report, which was encouraging, was read by the Secretary, Mr. Edwards, of Wild-street. Several ministers present advocated the principle of the Society to remunerate settled ministers their expenses in preaching the Gospel in villages, in the vicinity of the places of their residences. It appeared that considerable good had been done during the last year by these labours. The Rej eport states,

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Upwards of 60 labourers have been assisted to preach the gospel in more

than 220 towns and villages in Great Britain and its adjacent Islands, and nearly 8000 religious tracts distributed;

that upwards of fifty Sunday Schools for children, and five for adults, have been carried on through their instrumentality;-that there is reason to believe, as seals to their ministry, not less than 200 souls have been called to the knowledge of the truth, and six new churches formed during the last year." "Assistance has been afforded to Mr. Jarvis, at St. Hiliers, in Jersey, through whose labours a considerable congregation has already been collected on that island. He says 'our place of worshipts crowded, and we hope soon, not only to be able to bear our own expenses, but also to assist the Society in its attempts elsewhere."""

Mr. Jeffery is labouring in the Scilly Islands. In a letter, dated Feb. 10, 1818, he says, " During the three years in which I have been labouring in these islands, upwards of one hundred and fifty persons have given reason to hope that they were truly converted to the Lord Jesus Christ; fifty of whom have been awakened within the last three monthis. We are expecting a visit from Mr. Smith, of Penzance, when a number will be baptized, who have been candidates for several months; among whom are two young men,of whom I had good hopes two years ago: till the above period, they were proverbial for drunkenness, &c. but, through grace, have since conducted themselves with such propriety, that some of their most abandoned neighbours have been constrained to admire the change. The Sunday schools, which are now established on each of these islands, are in a very The numbers are prosperous state.

greatly augmented, and their desire to obtain books and tracts increases with their ability to read them. A few books, whether old or new, would be a most acceptable present to them, and perhaps a little tract, addressed to the inhabitants of the Off Islands of Scilly, in the language of kindness and encouragement, would be of great use.'

A strong degree of interest was excited at this meeting, by statements made by Mr. David Jones, an itinerant in Herefordshire. He has been assailed by much opposition in that dark county, but has been enabled to persevere in his humble labours till a good degree of success has attended his labours. A letter written by a female, the wife of a farmer, who first heard Mr. Jones for the purpose of derision, was uncommonly pleasing, as it exhibited proof of the powerful influence of the Gospel upon

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