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Scripture; for there is a great variety of||fying transgressor, in maintaining his other expressions, in God's word, pe- controversy against the heavens, would culiarly adapted to the feelings of gra- have God come down to his terms.cious persons, in the solemn circum-But, must God be reconciled to the stances of dying. sinner? Is God to acknowledge that Natural death is often personified by his ways are unequal? Is God to rethe King of Terrors; and many appa-cede from his holy law that the sinner rently good people are in the habit of may be happy? The uniform language expressing themselves as though it was of Divine Revelation is to this point, Be a revealed truth, that death is the king ye reconciled to God. And when the of terrors both to the saint, and to the heart is reconciled, then there is peace, sinner. From representations frequent- contention with God ceases, Jesus ly made, the attentive youth receives Christ is precious to the soul, and the this impression, and he receives it just- convert has joy unspeakable. The ly, that even to the real Chirstian, no-prayer in Psalin iv. 6, Lord, lift thou thing is so terrible as death. But, is this up the light of thy countenance upon us, sentiment taught in the oracles of God? expresses no idea of this kind, that God In Job xviii. 14, we read an affecting would be reconciled to us. It implies, description, which the inspired Bildad however, an heart reconciled to God, gave of the wicked man; and among and earnestly supplicating the Divine other things he said, His confidence.......presence. In such a frame of spirit, the It shall bring him to the king of terrors. disciple of Christ prays," Manifest thyIn the same paragraph, a reason for self unto us."

this assertion is expressed: His own Isa. Ixiii. 3, is often introduced as counsel shall cast him down. It is ask-referring to the sufferings of our bles ed, how is the upright and godly char-sed Saviour. I have trodden the wine acter implied in this threatening?-press alone, and of the people there was The words are appropriated expressly none with me; for I will tread them in to the wicked, to him that knoweth not mine anger, &c. Whoever reads God. There is no doubt but that these words, attentively, with the condeath may be the king of terrors to text, will see reasons to believe that it those on whom the wrath of God abi- is a prophecy yet to be fulfilled. The deth, and who die in their sins. But paragraph evidently looks forward to it appears inaccurate and unjust to ap- that great and glorious period, when ply the words to the faithful in Christ Jesus Christ will render vengeance to Jesus, who die in the Lord, and for his adversaries, when he will dash whom to die is gain. It is desirable them in pieces like a potter's vessel, that all those distinctions should be and stain his raiment with their blood. observed that the Holy Ghost hath When the year of his Redeemed is come, made, between the righteous and the there will be such manifestations of his wicked. power both in the destruction of his enThere are religious persons who emies, and in the protection of his litgenerally have these petitions in their tle flock, that He alone will be exalted form of prayer: "Lift thou up the light as his people's Deliverer. Rev. xix. of thy reconciled countenance upon 13-16, furnishes a key to this propheus," and "Be thou a reconciled God cy. Here the Holy Ghost explains unto us." Are we supported by the what was said, in the prophetic words Scriptures, in making such requests? under consideration; and we contem. Do these petitions agree with the feel-plate Him, in prospect, whose name is ings of a broken spirit and a contrite called the Word of God, smiting the naheart? We have no doubt but that it tions, and treading the wine press of the is the desire of the sinner's heart, when fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. concerned for his soul, that God would That familiar Scripture in Hosea iv. be reconciled to him. The self-justi-17, Ephraim is joined to idols, let him

At the day of judgment the elect will be unconscious of their graces, and the reprobate of their crimes.

alone, has been often misapplied.-a trial to ourselves. a trial to ourselves. It should be From the connexion in which the friendly, temperate and well bred. words are commonly used, people reSocial visits.-Would we make the ceive the idea that God is here addres- best improvement of visits, it appears sing the Holy Spirit, and directing him requisite that our society (so far as it to let hardened sinners alone, to strive is in our power) should be well cho no more with them. By attending to sen, our visits well timed; our hearts what goes before, and what fol- imbued with right sentiments; our lows the text, the best way of ac-minds well informed; our conversaquiring a true understanding of God's tion usefully directed, and our tongues word, we see reasons for believ- and tempers well disciplined. ing a different sentiment here taught. The Lord by his prophet is speaking to Judah, and warning him not to be meddling with the idolatries of EThe eminently humble Christian phraim. In clear view of the abomi- thinks that he wants help from every nations committed by Israel, the ten body; but he that is spiritually proud tribes, who are represented by E-thinks that every body wants his help. phraim, God warned Judah in these words: Yet let not Judah offend, and The best Experiences.-Those are come not ye unto Gilgal, neither go ye the best experiences which are qualifiup to Bethaven, for there Jeroboamed thus-1st, That have the least mixand his successors sacrificed to the ture of animal passions or affections, golden calves. As if the Lord had or, which are the most purely spiritusaid, Ephraim is joined to idols: Judah, al:-2d, That are the least deficient my word to you is this, Let him alone. or partial; i. e. which are attended "Be not conversant with him, in his with a proportional sense of the jusabominations. It is your duty to tar tice and mercy; holiness and grace; ry at Jerusalem,to inquire in the temple majesty and condescension of God; and to be steadfast in my covenant." and 3d, That are raised to an high deIn this text, it is conceived, the Lord gree. The higher the better, if they solemnly warns all his people against are thus qualified. associating with the ungodly world, in their sins, parallel with that direction in 2. Cor. vi. 17, Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord. Mass. M. M.



Cavils.-Objections against a thing fairly proved are of no weight; the proof rests upon our knowledge, the objections upon our ignorance.

Errors.-Error seldom walks abroad in her own dress; she always borrows something from truth to make her more acceptable.

It seldom fares so well with mankind that the majority are on the side of truth and reason.


To be happy may be the endeavor, and is sometimes the lot of animals :To be good is the privilege of man alone On giving reproof.-Whether it be to correct a vice or to rectify an error, one object should ever be steadily kept in view, to conciliate rather than to contend; to inform but not to insult; to evince that we assume not the character In this day when the public mind of a dictator, but the office of a christian is waking up to the alarming abuses friend, that we have the best interest of the Sabbath, I wish to call the atof the offender and the honor of reli-tention of your readers to a small volgion at heart; and that to reprove is so ume, recently published containing, far from being a gratification that it is "Five Discourses on the Sabbath,

Mr. Editor,

preached at Durham, N. Y. by Seth Williston, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in that place." In the first three Discourses the author spreads before the eye the most interesting passages of scripture, which relate to the Sabbath, making suitable comments, and applications to the practices of our country, as he goes along. By passing over those ideas in later quotations, which had been the subject of previous remark, he constantly presents the reader with something new. In the fourth Discourse he offers you the arguments for the perpetuity and change of the Sabbath. The fifth is filled with Reflections. The whole concludes with an Appendix, contain ing "Some brief Strictures on Dr Paley's Scripture Account of Sabbatical Institutions."

In Senate, June 2, 1814. Read and concurred, and the Hon. Messrs. White and Bemis, are joined.

JOHN PHLLIPS, President.

The Committee appointed by both Houses to consider what further provision is necessary to enforce a due observance of the Lord's day, and to whom were committed several petitions from the people on this subject, with leave to report by bill or otherwise have attended to the duty assigned them, and respectfully offer the follow ing REPORT

We find a law passed March 8, 1792, and another passed March 11, 1797, the provisions of which extend not only to all the evils mentioned in the petitions, but to all such as are in any other way known to us to exist in This useful little work would be a regard to the outward observance of valuable acquisition to any family, the Sabbath. The provisions of these particularly those which contain chil-twe laws we think are sufficient to acdren. If it is not too large, (144 pa-complish the end proposed, if they ges 18mo.) it may lay a reasonable were faithfully and discreetly execu claim to the notice of the Tract Soci- ted. The preamble to the first law is eties. At least those benevolent indi-solemn, clear and impressive. It states viduals who are in the habit of the design and use of the Lord's Day chasing small books for gratuitous dis-in a manner well calculated to excite tribution, may find this among the main the minds of the people, and of the by which are worthy of their pious at officers named in the laws, a just sense Panoplist. of their responsibility and duty, and to stimulate them to corresponding ef forts. The specifications and increased penalties, which follow, appear not to us to require any further additions from the Legislature, until it shall appear from a fair experiment in executing the laws, that the evils are not removed.




Concluded from page 258.]


Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
In the House of Representatives, May 26,1814.
Ordered-That Messrs. Brown, of
Boston; Seccomb, of Salem, and
Bridge, of Southampton, with such as
the Honorable Senate may join, be a
Committee to consider what further
provision is necessary to be made to
enforce the due observance of the
Sabbath, within this Commonwealth,
with leave to report by bill or

Sent up for concurrence.

But while we thus report that no further legal provisons are required from this honorable body, we are still impressed with a deep sense of the extent and importance of the evil complained of both by the clergy and the people, and are earnestly desirous to give all the aid in our power to the ex ecution of the laws, by our renewed other-sanction, and the full expression of our sentiments and feelings.

We believe, that an enlightened, uSpeaker.niform and pious observance of the

That each Minister be requested to read in his pulpit, on the Sabbath, the existing laws, for the due observance of the Lord's Day, and to address the people on the subject; pointing out as fully and explicitly as the occasion and the circumstances of his people may require, according to his own judgment, the importance and value of the Sabbath, and the reasons which bind us to observe it, and to obey the laws of the Commonwealth :

Lord's Day, in attending public and || denomination in the Commonwealth. private instruction and worship ourselves, and in refraining from all actions and practices which may disturb the worship and instructions of others, is a duty solemnly binding upon the conscience of every individual. We believe that without the appointment and continuance of the Lord's Day, public instructions and worship would soon languish, and perhaps entirely cease: that private worship and the best virtues of social life would share the same fate: that the scriptures, contain- That the people be especially and ing the records, the principles, the duties distinctly called upon to elect such and the hopes of our religion,would soon moral and religious men to fill the ofpass from the recollection of multitudes fice named for the particular execution of our citizens who now regard them, of the laws in regard to the Sabbath as and never become known to the great shall give the public a rational confibody of the rising generation: that the dence, that all proper means will be powerful and happy influence which adopted to meet the just expectations they now exert upon public sentiment of the Legislature, and of all the lovand morals would be seen no longer:ers of righteousness, peace and order: that the safety of the state, the moral That the people be distinctly remindand religious improvement of the peo-ed of the necessity of supporting such ple, the personal security and happiness public officers in the faithful discharge of all, are intimately, if not inseparably connected with the uniform and consciențious observance of the Lord's Day, and its various institutions and services; and that we are all bound to make every just and proper effort to secure the execution of the laws which have been already made upon this important and interesting subject., However wisely and skilfully laws may be framed, they must greatly depend upon the public sentiment and virtue, and especially in all measures of a moral and religious character, for their final and complete success. We trust the public sentiment and virtue in this Com-l monwealth are sufficiently elevated and powerful to secure the execution of just laws for the observance of the Sabbath, when once the public mind shall be properly and simultaneously directed to this object, and to the reasons which enforce it.

We therefore recommend the following measures to be adopted by the Legislature :

That this report be printed, and a copy sent to each Minister of every VOL. 2 M m

of their duty, by uniting and preserving the common sentiment in their favor, and not permitting it, by neglect or ir ritation, to turn against them to injure their reputation, business or happiness:

And that the officers themselves, who are or may be thus appointed, should be discreet, judicious and benevolent,while they are yet honest and firm in the execution of their trust, according to the oath of office prescribed in the statute. All which is respectfully submitted by order of the Committee.

D. A. WHITE, Chairman.
In Senate, June 14, 1814.
Read and accepted, sent down for


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JOHN PHILLIPS, President. In the House of Representatives, June 14, 1814,

Read and concurred. TIMOTHY BIGELOW, Speaker. A true Copy. Attest,

S.F. MCCLEARY, Clerk of the Senate.

Directions to Tithingmen, and others, how to prevent unnecessary travelling on the Lord's day.

1. Have complaints, and warrants prepared, (except adding names, and places of abode,) previous to the Lord's Day.

2. Let a Magistrate, and an officer be near at hand, on the Lord's Day, so that should it be necessary, a complaint may be entered, and a warrant Issued, and executed, without delay.

3. Let the Tithingman examine all persons, whom he shall have good cause to suspect of unnecessarily travelling on the Lord's Day; demand of them the reason of their travelling; and also their names, and places of abode. If the reason be not satisfactory, and there be danger of the traveller's escape, let a complaint be immediately entered, before a Justice of the Peace in the County wherein the offence may be committed, a warrant immediately Issued, and executed, and the traveller kept in the custody of the officer, till he can have his trial. If there be no danger of the traveller's escape, it will be proper to delay entering the complaint, till after the Lord's Day.

to the demands of the Tithingman.For the first mentioned offence, he may be fined, by the Justice of the Peace: for the last mentioned offence, viz. not giving true answers to the demands of the Tithingman, he may be bound over to Court; and be prosecu ted by presentment of the Grand Jury, before the Circuit Court of Common Pleas.

5. If the offender have escaped out of the County, let the Tithingman give information to the Grand Jury of the Circuit Court of Common Pleas.

6. Any citizen may prosecute for unnessary travelling on the Lord's Day, under the same advantages as a Tith||ingman, except in case where the complainant is entitled to a part of the fine, he cannot himself be a witness: but to obviate this difficulty, let some other person enter the complaint, and the citizen aforesaid be cited as a witness.

It may be added, that refusing to answer the enquiries of any person not a Tithingman, is not a legal offence.

Note. No Tithingman should receive a fine of offenders, even if offered.


4. Should a traveller refuse to give the Tithingman his name, he may be prosecuted under any name; and General accounts are continually rewhen he proves that he has been mis-ceived, of the extension of exertions named, let his true name, by consent of both parties, be inserted.

to prevent violations of the Sabbath in various parts of this Commonwealth and of New-Hampshire. In Connecticut exertion has already become universal; and wherever made, is successful. About ninety persons were present at a convention at Worcester, on the 19th of October; and it was resolved, among other things, to form themselves into a society for the sup

If the traveller will not consent to this amendment, the warrant must be quashed; but before he is discharged a new warrant, containing his true name may be issued, and executed. There need be no embarrassment in making out, or swearing to a complaint with a supposed name, as the name is, in a legal view, an unessential circum-pression of vice in general, and parstance. The Justice may explais, or in administering the oath, qualify it with words like these, "though you are uncertain with respect to the true name of the offender."

In this case, the traveller is guilty of two distinct offences, viz. of unnecessary travelling on the Lord's Day, and also of refusing to give true answers,

ticularly of profanity, intemperance, and the profanation of the Lord's Day. Minor societies are to be formed in each town, which are in future to send delegates to the general society.This is only a sketch, communicated by an individual from memory. more particular account of this and other conventions will probably soon


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