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GREENE AND DELAWARE MORAL SOCIE-be reformed; the end aimed at, attain. ed. But especially, must every man, At a meeting in Harpersfield of gentle-who proposes to be a reformer of othmen from most of the towns in the ers, reform himself. What! "Thou counties of Greene and Delaware, and that preachest a man should not steal, = from several places adjacent, pursu-dost thou steal?"

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ant to public notice, to take into con In the second place, every man sideration the expediency of forming must bear his testimony against vice a Society for the promotion of Good and immorality. By all moral means, Morals, he should endeavor to persuade his SAMUEL A. Law, was chosen Chair-fellow men to do well, and dissuade them from doing ill; he should coun、 sel, advise, and even entreat them to

man, and

ORRIN DAY, Secretary.

After an appropriate prayer, the fol-practice virtue and avoid vice: and lowing Address was delivered from the chair: GENTLEMEN,

he should enforce all his good precepts by his own good example.

Now the difficulty of discharging WE are assembled to enquire into these obvious duties to the best advanthe expediency of forming a Moral So-tage, individually and singly, lays the ciety, for the suppression of vice and foundation for expediency of associa immorality. It is a subject in which tions or societies to aid in their perwe re all interested, and happily formance. Were any individual, in forms an occasion, in which every a single capacity, to take it upon him good christian, of whatever sect, and every good citizen, of whatever party, may meet, consult, and act together as brethren. We are all bound to encourage virtue and discourage vice.


to pursue all those steps of duty which reason dictates, to suppress prevailing vices and abounding immoralities, he would be stigmatized for arrogance, and bring odium upon himself, withTo adduce proofs, that vices and out gaining the object sought. And gross immoralities prevail among us, hence we may deduce the expediency would be to insult your understandings. of societies capable of embodying an It would be like looking for proofs of aggregate influence, and bringing it inlight in the blaze of noon-day. Intem- to successful action, in the suppression perance, profanity, sabbath breaking, of such vices and immoralities. and other breaches of the laws of God many instances, unquestionably, such and man, pass before us weekly and societies have done inuch good. And daily. To deny them would be to perhaps, a general or parent society, disbelieve our own eyes and ears. with appendant branch or town soA very important question propo-cieties in Greene and Delaware, may ses itself to us, shall we sit still, and be extensively useful. But if such somerely look on and do nothing?-cieties should be formed, they must Men, desperately depraved, who un in the first place, evince themselves a blushingly set decency at defiance, living spirit, and not a dead letter.— may exult at the vices of their fellows, They must act. Now one danger is, but there is not among them so incon- they will embody numbers, make a sistent a character as the moralist, who does nothing more than wish, or the christian, who does nothing more than pray, for better things. Something must be done. what shall be done?


In the first place, every man must reform himself. This done, the work tself would be done; the public would

noise awhile, and then die away.Were such to be the issue, better would it have been never to have made a beginning.

In the second place, if formed, they must not only act; but they must act discreetly. Now another danger aris es, that, if they act, they may act indiscreetly, and hurt the cause they aim

to help. How many excellent enter-||dential Committee of the Society, suc prises have miscarried by indiscreet officers approbating such applicar performances? So may it be here. and signifying in writing such appre Well intending men may indiscreet-bation to the Recording Secretaryly advise. Like men may, in like And any person hereafter being a reg manner, execute; and consequences ular member of any branch society go awry for lack of discretion, as the connected with the parent society perpetual directress. shall of course be a member of thi If we associate for the proposed society and it shall be the duty of er end, we shall do well to renounce our ery branch society to send a special own strength, and to say, God helping, deputation of at least two of its mem we will do this or that. We shall evenbers to the annual meeting of the par need that real discretion, that true wis-ent society.

dom, which seek the best ends by the Art. IV. There shall be an anniver fittest means, in all our efforts for thesary meeting of the Society on the protection of the virtuous, and the re-third Tuesday of October, at 2 o'clock formation of the vicious.

After which the following resolution was taken:

Resolved unanimously, That this meeting form themselves into a Society by the name of "The Greene and Delaware Society for the promotion of Good Morals."


in the afternoon, at such place as may be previously appointed.

Art. V. Fifteen members present in any meeting regularly convened shall constitute a quorum to do business.

Art. VI. The objects to whie this society shall direct their attention and labours, are the suppression of pro fanity, sabbath-breaking, the immod


The suppression of vice and the en-erate use of intoxicating liquors, and couragement of virtue in a community, have ever formed an object of high moment in the estimation of wise and good men.

other prevailing immoralities. remedies which they intend are example, affectionate persuasions, admonition, and in the extreme, legal coer cion.

For the accomplishment of this object we have agreed to unite in an As- Art. VII. And more fully to carry sociation, and to regulate our endeav-into effect the objects of this Society, oursaccording to the following articles. it shall be the duty of its members to ART. I. This association shall be exert their influence in promoting the called and known by the name of formation of Branch Societies, to be "The Greene and Delaware Society connected with this Society, and to for the promotion of Good Morals.". make report of their proceedings to Art. II. The officers of this society this society at its annual meetings. shall be a President, three Vice-Presi- Art. VIII. It shall be the duty of dents, a Prudential Committee of se-the President to call special meetings ven, and a recording Secretary, who of the Society whenever requested by shall also be Treasurer. The Pruden-the Prudential Committee. tial Committee shall jointly and seve

Art. IX. The Prudential Commit rally be the Corresponding Committee shall manage the concerns of the tee of the Society. All the Officers of Society during the intervals of its the Society shall hold their offices for one year, and until others are chosen. Art. III. Any person of a fair moral character may be admitted a Member of this Society, either by the vote of the Society when sitting, or when not in session on application to either of the Presidents, or to either of the Pru

meetings; shall have power to appro priate its funds, and shall make report of their doings to the society at their annual meetings; three members of said committee shall constitute a quo rum.

Art. X. If any member shall, by his conduct, persevere in a spirit hēs

tile to the expressed views of the Society, he shall be subject to expulsion by vote of the Society.

Art. XI. At each annual meeting one public address at least shall be delivered before the Society by some person previously appointed: after which a public collection shall be made for promoting the objects of this Society.

Art. XII. This Constitution may be altered by the vote of two thirds of the Society; on such alterations having been proposed at a previous annual meeting.

Officers for the ensuing year:

use of intoxicating liquors, and other
prevailing immoralities.
The reme-
dies which they intend are example,
affectionate persuasion, admonition,
and in the extreme, legal coercion.

Art. V. Any person disposed to promote the objects of this society may become a member on application to the Secretary and by signing the Constitution.

Art. VI. The society may dismiss any member whose conduct does not correspond with the design of this institution; and any member may withdraw from the society by signifying in writing his wish to the secretary. Samuel A. Law, President-Daniel Art. VII. The Society shall meet Sayre, Beriah Hotchkin, Stephen annually on the day of at which Fenn, Vice-Presidents-Hiland Hill,|| meeting an address shall be delivered Thomas O'H. Croswell, Abraham Van by some person designated by the exDyke, Thos. B. Cooke, Simon Sayre, ecutive committee; the officers shall William Van Bergen, Orrin Day, Pru- be chosen, and a contribution made dential Committee-Elisha Wise, Sec- for the benefit of the Society. retary and Treasurer.

The following outline is recommended as a form of a Constitution for the several Branch Societies:

Art. I. The name of this Association shall be the Branch Society for promoting Good Morals.

Art. VIII. The society shall make a report at the anniversary meeting of "The Green and Delaware Society for the promotion of Good Morals."

Extract of a letter from a lady in Hanover, New-Jersey, to a friend in Sullivan, New-York.

Art. II. The Officers of this Society shall be a President, a Committee "I have just returned from a visit to of seven persons, a Secretary and a Princeton, where I saw the Lord apTreasurer; which officers shall consti-pearing in his glory to build up Zion. tute an Executive Committee who shall hold their offices for one year, and until others are chosen.

Yes! he is there manifesting himself with power and great glory. A revival of religion began in the College about last fast day. It commenced with some of the students who were the most respectable, and had the greatest weight of character; so that there were few who dared oppose.... those few were soon brought, also, to bow, and there are not now more than half a dozen unawakened. About 30 or 40 appear to give evidence of a change of heart, and thirty more are under conviction. O, it was a solemn,

Art. III. The Executive Committee shall meet once at least in every three months; to them shall belong the appropriating of the funds of the Society; the appointing extra meetings and of delegates to attend the annual meeting of the parent society; it shall also be their duty to attend to all com- || plaints which may be made to them from any member touching the objects of this society. Three of said committee shall constitute a quorum for busi-joyful sight, to see more than a hun


Art. IV. The objects to which this society shall direct their attention and labours, are the suppression of profanity, sabbath-breaking, the immoderate VOL. 2. Q q

dred young men, all solemn as eternity, setting their faces Zionward.Now will the Lord arise and prosper his dear missionary cause in heathen lands. The subjects of the work have

a great missionary spirit. They say they are willing to go to the ends of the earth for Jesus. The President

rejoices greatly. He says scarcely a day passes in which he is not called upon to direct some of his dear pupils in the way of salvation. The work is much like the revival here last winter, apparently genuine. Convictions are deep and short. The students labored under some difficulties on account of

I'll prove how hard it is to find
A lover of this wond’rous kind.
Who loves himself to great excess,

You'll grant must love his neighbor less:
When self engrosses all the heart,
How can another have a part?

Then if self-love most men enthrall,
A neighbor's share is none at all.

Say, can the man who hoards up pelf,
E'er love his neighbor as himself?
For if he did, would he not labor
hoard a little for his neighbor?
Then tell me, friend, can hoarding elves
E'er love their neighbor as themselves?

Small love will to his neighbor measure:
Who solely studies his own good,
Can't love another if he would.
Then how can pleasure-hunting elves
E'er love their neighbor as themselves?

having no convenient place for retire-To ment. There is, however, one room in the College unoccupied; to this they resort, and there are hardly five minutes in the day in which it is emp-The man whose heart is bent on pleasure ty; for as one goes out, another enters. A person walking the halls at ten, at night, may hear the voice of prayer in almost every direction. The students are in the habit of praying with their room-mates morning and evening. In the Theological Seminary, are 34 students. They spend much of their time from room to room, conversing with those exercised."

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Can he who sloth and loitering please.
E'er love his neighbor like his ease?
Or he who feels ambition's flame,
Loves he his neighbor like his fame?

Such lazy, or such soaring elves

Can't love their neighbor as themselves.

He, whose gross appetites enslave him,
Who spends or feasts the wealth God
gave him;

Full, pamper'd, gorg'd at every meal,
He cannot for the empty feel.

How can such gormandizing elves
E'er love their neighbor as themselves?

Then since the man who lusts for gold,
Since he who is to pleasure sold;
Who soars in pride, or sinks in ease,
His neighbor will not serve or please;

On the 20th and 30th October, the Turks, in Servia, impaled, and exposed to view, at the Belgrade gate, forty-two Christians (Servians); 100 more were seized, and carried to Belgrade, where they expected sentence of death. The Servians, in consequence of these cruelties, have risen upon their oppressors, numbers of whom have been cut off. Throughout the whole Ottoman empire, the Jews and Christians, formWhere shall we hope the man to find ing a large population, are treated with To fill this great command inclin'd? a degree of oppression beyond the I dare not blame God's holy word, conception of those who have not wit-Nor censure scripture as absurd; nessed it. These are facts worthy the But sure the rule's of no avail attention of Christendom, its Princes, If plac'd so high that all must fail; and its presses. And 'tis impossible to prove That any can his neighbor love.

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The Impossibility Conquered: or


In the manner of Sir Walter Raleigh.
The Objector.

Each man who lives,the Scriptures prove,
Must as himself his neighbor love;
But though the precept's full of beauty,
"Tis an impracticable duty:


Yes, such there are of heav'nly mould,
Unwarp'd by pleasure, ease or gold;
He who fulfils the nobler part
By loving God with all his heart;

He, only he, the scriptures prove,
Can, as himself, his neighbor love.

Then join, to make a perfect plan,
The love of Gor to love of Man;
Your heart in union both must bring,
= This is the stream and that the spring;
This done, no more in vain you'll labor,
A christian can't but love his neighbor,

If then the rule's too hard to please ye,
Turn Christian, and you'll find it easy.
"Still 'tis impossible," you cry,
“In vain shall feeble nature try." [ture.
Tis true; but know, a Christian is a crea-
Who does things quite impossible to nature.



Jan. 2. The President of the U. S. signs a law for the increase of the Navy, and another for cancelling the bonds given by merchants under the non-importation law.

6. The Russians enter Koningsberg, and take 8000 prisoners.


9. The Prince Regent of G. B. issues his manifesto, stating the causes of war against the U. S.

10. The French Conservative Senate boast, that they have 300,000 regular forces in the interior of France and Italy. They advise to send 100,000 of the newly raised conscripts to the armies, and to raise 200,000 more. Not long after this, they call out 430,000 additional conscripts.

18. Platoff and his Cossacs invest Dantzic.

22. The Spanish Cortes abolish the Inquisition, 94 votes to 43. The decree to take effect from Feb. 3.

Gen. Winchester is attacked by the British and Indians at the river Raisin. His detachment is entirely cut off. American loss in killed and missing, 396; prisoners, 536.

25. Bonaparte signs an agreement with the Pope.

26. A loan bill passed the H. of R. 75 to 38, for $16,000,000.

30. The thermometer at Boston 4 below 0; at Salem 10; at Portsmouth 11; at Portland 16.

Feb. 1. Louis XVIII. issues a proclamation to the French people.

The British government publishes an order in council, permitting the sale of vessels by belligerents to neutrals.

4. Chesapeake bay blockaded by the British.

7. A party of Americans cross the St. Lawrence from Ogdensburg, and take about 50 prisoners.

8. The Russians enter Warsaw.

10. Votes counted and declared for President and Vice President of the United States. Mr. Madison had 128 votes, and Mr. Clinton 89, for President: Mr. Gerry had 131 and Mr. Ingersol 86, for V. P.

16. Bonaparte makes a speech to the Senate, in which he professes a desire of peace, but insists upon the same arrogant terms as before.

18. The British House of Commons, after having the diplomatic intercourse between the two nations for the last three years laid before them, unanimously resolve to support the ministry in the American war.

22. Ogdensburg taken by the British, American loss, 5 killed.

25. The American sloop of war Hornet, 16 guns, capt. Lawrence, took the British brig Peacock, 16 guns, after a battle of 15 minutes. The British captain Peake was killed. British loss, 8 killed, 27 wounded; American loss, 1 killed, 2 wounded. The Peacock sunk before all her crew could be taken out. March 3. Expiration of the 12th Congress.

4. The Russians enter Berlin.

5. The Pope's nuncio in Spain issues an ecclesiastical order forbidding the publication of the decree which abolished the Inquisition.

6. Swedish manifesto published, assigning the reasons for engaging in the

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