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too. O my dear children, you do not know how pleased I used to be to hear him! Sometimes I would take him out for a walk, and then we were so comfortable, he would tell me what he thought of different things, and ask me so many pretty questions, that it was quite a pleasure to be with him. I remember one time when the children were in the gallery at school, I asked them "in what does the happiness of heaven consist ?" John said, "it must be a happy place, because God is there;" he added "that there would beno crying there, nor praying either, because there would be nothing to pray for." This shews how attentive he had been to what I had told them before. At another time, when we were talking about the love of Christ to poor sinners, in dying for them, John said that "if it had not been for Christ, God would have had nothing to do with us." John meant, that we had broken God's commandments and deserved to be sent to the bad place; but Christ suffered instead of us, and thereby God's justice was satisfied, and we were made friends with God through Christ, so that if we go to heaven when we die, it must all be through what Christ has done and suffered on our


Now I will tell you how some of John's school-fellows were puzzled, and how he set

them right. One Saturday, I told them a great deal of the sufferings of Christ, and also of his resurrection; well, the next day, which you know was Sunday, the minister in his sermon spoke of the very same things: so when Monday morning came, I took a class into the class-room and began to talk over what we had heard at church. One little boy said, he wondered how the minister knew of what we had been talking on Saturday; another said, somebody must have told him; but that was not it; at last John thought how it was, and said, "why Mr. B-(the minister) has a Bible as well as master, and he reads it. It is all in the Bible, and in my Bible too. I read it myself." Now, my dears, you see how John found it out; and let me beg of you to read your Bibles, and pray for a blessing on what you read, and who can tell but what you may know as much as John did?

The last time poor John was at school, which was only a fortnight before he died, he seemed very ill, and not at all fit for school, but he loved it so much he could not keep away. During the play-time, we sat together by the fire-side, and there was no one else near us but God, for you must remember, God is every-where; and then I asked him if he ever thought of dying? he said, "yes, but it did not make him

uncomfortable." Why not? "Because," says be, "I know that Christ died for me." I told him he ought to think of what he was going to say, before he spoke in such a positive manner. "Well but," says he, "I know Christ did die for me; he died for wicked people and I know I am wicked, and I love Christ." The next day he was a great deal worse and was obliged to have a doctor, but the doctor with all his skill could not save him. I went to see him every day till he died, but, poor little fellow, he was in such pain that he said very little to any body; yet he did not complain, he knew better; he knew his Heavenly Father corrected him in love and he was not afraid to die: he told me he did not wish to get better, he longed to die and go to heaven. One day as soon as I went into his room, he looked first at me and called out, "O master!" and then looking up to heaven he said, "oh Christ, Christ, Christ!" He could say no more. At another time he called to his mother, "mother, Christ is all." Yes, my dears, Christ was his all: he knew he could do nothing towards his own salvation, but as I told you before, it must be all through Christ. On the Wednesday before he died, he sang a verse of a hymn for the last time in this world, for since then he lost the power of speech, but he did look so happy,

that if you had seen him, I think you would have wished you had been in his place.

Thus lived and died John W. He was born April 14th 1821, and fell asleep in Jesus, on Saturday November 29th, 1828, aged 7 years and 7 months.

O-d, December 12th, 1828. E. M.


(On John viii. 12.)

Child. How is Jesus Christ the light of the world? He says, "I am the light of the world."


What do you take to be the

light of the world?

Ch. The sun, mother-does not the sun give light to the world?

M. And who gives light to the sun? who made sun, moon, and stars?

Ch. God. God made the heavens and the earth-he made the sun and moon and every thing?

"In the

M. Where do we learn that? Ch. In the Bible.--See, mother: beginning God created the heavens and the earth." And "God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also." Gen. i. 1. 16.

M. Now let us turn to another place in the Bible, and we shall find that all things were created by Jesus Christ. "All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made." John i. 3. And "he that built all things is God." Heb. iii. 4.

Ch. Yes, mother. I know that Jesus Christ is God.

M. Then it is he who gives light to the sun, and thus gives light to the world.

Ch. And is this what he means when he says "I am the light of the world ?"

M. He means not that only, but much more. However before I explain it further, let me ask you, what do you understand by "the world ?"

Ch. This world on which we live; the earth, and the fields, and the gardens, and the trees, and the flowers, and all we see.

M. Let us open the Bible again. I read, "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John iii. 16. Do you think this means, that God so loved this earth, with its fields and its gardens and trees, and so on? Ch. Certainly not.

M. What then do you understand by the world here?

Ch. Not the earth, but the people who

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