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be required to be exhibited by such Foreign Vessel 1832 proceeding from one of the Contracting States, before it can be allowed to unload at any Port of Entry of the other State.

XII. Equatorian Vessels being considered as Peruvian in Peru and Peruvian Vessels as Equatorian in Equator, neither of them shall, in the Ports of the other, pay any higher duties of anchorage, tonnage, or of any other description, than are paid by the National Vessels.

XIII. Vessels of either Nation may be stationed, repaired, and equipped, in the Ports of the other, and shall enjoy all the security, receive the same protection, and be subject only to the same liabilities as National Vessels.

This regulation shall be understood to extend to Ships of War, whose Commanders, however, must agree with the Local Authorities, with respect to the period of their stay.

XIV. No Vessel can load or unload, unless she arrives and departs furnished with the proper Documents from the respective Custom-houses. The Customhouses of each State shall communicate to the other the Documents thus furnished; and they shall require from the Captains of Vessels the return of their Certificates, in proof of their having produced them in the Ports of their destination.

XV. The Officers of Equator or Peru, who shall furnish false Papers to Vessels, shall, on complaint being made by the Government which suffered injury therefrom, be punished according to the Laws of their own Nation, in the same manner as if the crime had been committed against itself.

XVI. The produce and manufactures either of Equator and Peru, respectively, which shall enter the other by the land Frontier, shall be entirely exempt from all duties whatsoever.

XVII. Foreign goods imported from the Province of Piura into that of Loja, shall pay a duty of Alcabala of 4 per cent. upon their value.


XVIII. Los Gobiernos de las Partes Contra tantes podrán establecer Cónsules en los punto donde se juzgasen necesarios, para la proteccio recíproca del comercio, y estos Agentes gozará de las inmunidades que les son concedidas entr las Naciones Europeas.

XIX. El arreglo de la Estafeta establecid entre los 2 Paises, continuará en los mismos tér minos en que hoy se halla.

XX. El presente Tratado será ratificado, las Ratificaciones cangeadas en el término de 6 dias, contados desde la fecha, ó mas pronto si fues posible, y sometido á la aprobacion Constitucional d los Congresos respectivos, tan luego como se insta laren.

se conservari

XXI. El presente Tratado, que tendrá efect 3 meses despues de su publicacion, en toda su fuerza y vigor por el espacio de 10 años contados desde la fecha en que haya obtenido l aprobación de los Congresos respectivos; pudiend ser renovado ó ratificado, de acuerdo de los 2 Go biernos y por expreso consentimiento de ambos, an tes ó despues de conclúido este término.

En fé de lo cual, nos los infrascritos Ministro de las Partes Contratantes, hemos firmado el presente Tratado de comercio, refrendándolo con e Escudo de Armas de nuestras respectivas Repúbli cas, en la Capital de Lima á 12 dias del mes de Julio, del a o del Señor de 1832.

(L. S.)
(L. S.)



Articulos adicionales.

Estando estipulado que los Ciudadanos del Ecuador pagarán en el Perú los mismos derechos que si fuesen Peruanos, y que estos á su vez pagarán en el Ecuador los mismos derechos que si fuesen Ecuatorianos; los infrascriptos, ampliamente autorizados por sus respectivos Gobiernos, han convenido en los Articulos siguientes:

Art. I. Los Ecuatorianos en el Perú, y los Peruanos en el Ecuador, solo pagarán 2 Pesos por el papel sellado en que se les estienda los Pasapor tes para cualquier parte que soliciten.

XVIII. The Governments of the Contracting Par- 1832 ties may establish Consuls wherever they may think it necessary, for the reciprocal protection of commerce, and their Agents shall enjoy all the immunities customary among European Nations.

XIX. The regulations of the Post between the 2 Countries, shall remain as at present established.

IX. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the Ratifications thereof shall be exchanged, within 60 days after the date thereof, or sooner if possible, and be submitted for the Constitutional approval of the respective Congresses, at their next meeting.

XXI. The present Treaty, which shall take effect in 3 months from the date of its publication, shall continue in full force and vigour for 10 years, from the day on which it shall have received the approbation of the respective Congresses; it may, however, be renewed and ratified again, in concert between the 2 Governments, and by the express consent of both, before or after the expiration of that term.

In faith whereof, We, the undersigned, Ministers of the Contracting Parties, have signed the present Treaty of Commerce, and have affixed thereto the Seal of the Arms of our respective Republics, in the Capital of Lima, the 12th day of the month of July, of the year of Our Lord, 1832.

(L. S.)
(L. S.)



Additional Articles.

It being stipulated that the Citizens of Peru shall pay in Equator the same duties as if they were Equatorians, and that the Citizens of Equator_shall pay the same duties in Peru as if they were Peruvians; the undersigned Ministers, duly authorized by their respective Governments, have agreed upon the following Articles:

Art. I. The Peruvians in Equator, und the Equatorians in Peru, shall pay only 2 Dollars for the Stamp upon their Passports, for any place to which they may be going.


11. El antecedente Artículo será reputado con Adicional al Tratado de Comercio de esta fecha.

En fé de lo cual, nos los infrascriptos Ministr de las Partes Contratantes, hemos firmado el pre sente Convenio, sellandolo con las Armas de nue stras respectivas Repúblicas, en la Ciudad de Lim á 12 dias del mes de Julio del año del Señor a 1832-13 de la Independencia del Perú.

(L. S.)
(L. S.)



(Ratifié par le Président de la République de Péro le 27. Décembre 1832.)

II. The preceding shall be considered as an Ad- 1832 ditional Article to the Treaty of Commerce concluded this day.

In faith wereof, we, the undersigned Ministers of the Contracting Parties, have signed the present Act, and sealed it with the Seals of our respective Republics, in the City of Lima, on this 12th day of July, in the Year of our Lord 1832, and of the Independence of Peru the 13th.

[blocks in formation]

Convention conclue à Londres, le 22. Octobre 1832, entre la France et la Grande-Bretagne pour l'exécution du Traité du 15. Novembre 1831, concernant la séparation de la Belgique d'avec la Hollande *).

(Oracle de Bruxelles.)


S. M. le roi des Français et S. M. le roi du royaume uni de la Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande, ayant été invités par S. M. le roi des Belges à faire exécuter les articles du traité relatif aux Pays-Bas, conclu à Londres le 13. Novembre 1831, dont l'exécution, aux termes de l'art. 25. du dit traité, a été conjointement garantie par LL. dites MM. l'empereur d'Autriche, le roi de Prusse et l'empereur de toutes les Russies;

Ayant de plus reconnu que tous les efforts faits en commun par les cinq Puissances signataires du dit traité pour arriver à son exécution par la voie des négociations, sont jusqu'ici demeurés sans effet; con

') France: Ministre des affaires étrangères, le duc de Broglie; Plénipotentiaire, le prince de Talleyrand.

Grande-Bretagne: Ministre des affaires étrangères, et Plénipotentiaire, lord Palmerston.

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