Sidor som bilder

Shute calls a council with the
Indians at, i. 224; the second
council at, i. 233.
Germain, Father, the missionary,
i. 30; ii. 184.

Germany, i. 163; Protestants from,
ii. 177; ii. 341.
Gibraltar, ii. 147, 150.

Gibson, James, assists Shirley in
his plans against Louisbourg,
ii. 67, 68, 81, 82; journal of, ii.


tacked by Major Church, i. 123;
Noble at, ii. 182; description of,
ii. 183; ii. 187, 188, 189; the
French attack on Noble at, ii.
191-193; capitulation, ii. 197,
198; losses on each side at, ii.
198; ii. 200; reoccupied by the
English, ii. 201; ii. 346.
Grand River, i. 359, 361.
Gratiot, Fort, i. 22.

Gravier, the Jesuit, at Fort St.
Louis, i. 327.

Gill, Charles, on the Gill family, | Gray, Deacon John, ii. 80.

i. 93.

Gill, Samuel, captured by the
Abenakis, i. 92; converted, i.
92; his marriage, i. 92; his
descendants, i. 93.

"Great Awakening," the, ii. 76,


Great Britain, gains a maritime
and colonial preponderance over
France and Spain, i. 3.

Gillet, killed by the Indians, ii. Great Butte des Morts, the, i. 343.
Great Carrying Place, the, i. 140.


Girard, priest of Cobequid, ii. 185, Great Lakes, the, Indian tribes of,

186, 187.

Goat Island, i. 151.

Goddard, Captain, i. 172.
Godolphin, i. 163; the fall of, i.


Goldthwait, Captain Benjamin, ii.

190, 191, 195, 197, 200.
Goold, William, ii. 200.
Gorham, Lieutenant-Colonel, ii.
331, 332, 344.

i. 14; i. 185, 272.

Great West, the, conflict for, i. 272.
Green, Dr. Samuel A., i. 93.
Green Bay, i. 91, 332; Sieur de
Lignery calls a council of In-
dians at, i. 336; fort at, i. 338;
ii. 6, 57.

Green Bay of Lake Michigan, the,
Indian population near, i. 275.
Green Dragon Tavern, the, i. 150

Gorham's regiment, at Louisbourg, Greenfield meadows, i. 71.

ii. 120, 124.

Gould, K., ii. 175.

Goutin, M. de, makes accusations
against Brouillan, i. 114; his
quarrel with Subercase, i. 117;
attacks Bonaventure, i. 117; i.

Grand Battery, the, ii. 85, 87, 94,
95; captured by Vaughan, ii.
98, 99; the English occupation
of, ii. 102; ii. 106, 109, 111, 118,
119, 121, 135.
Grand Pré, Acadian village of, at-

Green Hill, ii. 104, 106, 132.
Green Mountains, the, i. 76.
Green River, i. 72.

Grey Lock, the noted chief, i. 244.
Gridley, Colonel, at Louisbourg,
ii. 123, 129, 144.
Grignon, Augustus, i. 344.
Groton, town of, attacked by the
French and Indians, i. 259; ii.

Guignas, Father, i. 339; made the
head of the Sioux Mission, ii. 6;
ii. 7.

Guillaume le Sincère, ii. 274.
Guinea, i. 309, 311, 319.

on Duvivier's attack on Annapo-
lis, ii. 62, 63; on the plan to at-
tack Louisbourg, ii. 68; on the
garrison at Louisbourg, ii. 95;
on the poor condition of the
garrison, ii. 96; on the capture
of the Grand Battery. ii. 100;
ii. 107; on the attack of the
English, ii. 108; on the capture
of the "Vigilant" by the Eng-
lish, ii. 124; on the number of
English at Louisbourg, ii. 134;
on the siege, ii. 137; on the ri-
valry between Pepperrell and
Warren, ii. 140, 141; remark-
able letter of, ii. 144; describes
the siege of Louisbourg, ii. 274,

Hadley, village of, i. 57.
Hagar, displays heroism in the de-
fence of Haverhill against the
French and Indians, i. 98.

Haskell, ii. 327.

Hassall, Benjamin, deserts from
Lovewell, i. 263, 265, 267, 270.
Hastings, John, at Number Four,
ii. 219.

Hatfield, village of, i. 57; proposed
French and Indian attack on,
i. 95; ii. 232.
Haverhill, French and Indian at-
tacks on, i. 49, 97; i. 259.
Hawks, Ebenezer, killed by the
Indians, ii. 50.

Hawks, Sergeant John, ii. 242,
243; sketch of, ii. 244; in charge
at Fort Massachusetts, ii. 243;
attacked by Rigaud, ii. 244,
245; a parley, ii. 247; capitula-
tion, ii. 248, 249; journal of, ii.
248; becomes a lieutenant-colo-
nel, ii. 255; in the French war,
ii. 255.

Heath, Captain, sent against the
Penobscots, i. 254.

Heath, Joseph, i. 218, 233.
Heath, town of, ii. 231.
Heathcote, Colonel, ii. 51.

Hale, Captain, at Louisbourg, ii. | Hill, John, appointed to command


Hale, Colonel Robert, letter from

John Payne to, ii. 88, 69.
Hale's Essex Regiment, ii. 148.
Halifax, i. 110; settlement of the
English at, i. 205; ii. 158, 161,
177, 178.

Hampton, village of, Indian at-
tack on, i. 48.
Harcourt, Duc d', i. 305.
Harding, Stephen, attacked by In-
dians, i. 43.

Harley, Lord Treasurer, i. 163.
Harmon, Captain, sent out against
Norridgewock, i. 245; the offi-
cial journal of, i. 248.
Harpswell, i. 239.
Harvard College, i. 40.

the troops in the Canadian ex-
pedition, i. 164; poorly fitted
for his position, i. 175; gives up
the expedition, i. 176; his jour-
nal, i. 182.

Hill, Mrs., i. 181.

Hill, Samuel, captured by the In
dians, i. 44, 87, 103.
Hilton, Col. Winthrop, commands
an expedition against Port
Royal, i. 125; destroys Nor-
ridgewock, i. 218.

Hix, Jacob, dies of starvation, i.

Hobby, Sir Charles, in the attack
on Port Royal, i. 151, 153, 154.
Hochelaga, Cartier at, i 18, 279.
Hocquart, i. 340; ii. 8; on the es

tablishment of Crown Point, ii. | Hunter, Governor, of New York,

56; ii. 154, 171, 172.

Holland, i. 163.

Holton, Eleazer, ii. 231.

Hook, Sergeant, at Falmouth, i. 45.
"Hoosac Patent," the, ii. 239.
Hoosac River, the, ii. 236, 237, 238,
239; Dutch settlements on, ii.
239; ii. 243.

Hoosac Road, the, ii. 251.
Hope," the, i. 88.

Hôpital Général of Paris, the, i.


ii. 51, 52.

Huron Indians, the, villages of, i.

18; thorough savages, i. 18;
Cadillac's estimate of, i. 18;
draw out of an expedition
against New England, i. 96; i.
235; at Detroit, i. 275, 279, 280,
283, 284; set out against the
Outagamies, i. 341.
Huron-Iroquois customs, survival
at Michilimackinac of, i. 18.
Huron Lake, i. 22, 28; ii. 57.

Horse Indians, the, ii. 22, 24, 25, Hurst, Benjamin, murdered by the
French and Indians, i. 90.


Hospital Nuns, the, of Quebec, Hurst, Sarah, i. 90.

i. 25.

Hurtado, General, i. 368.

Hough, on the legend of the "Bell Hutchinson, Thomas, on the French

of St. Regis," i. 92.
Housatonic River, the, ii. 230.
Howe, Captain, murder of, ii. 180;

ii. 193, 194, 196, 197, 198.
Hoyt, on the "Old Indian House,"

at Deerfield, i. 68; i. 91; on the
defence of Number Four, ii. 229.
Hoyt, David, attacked by the
French and Indians, i. 63; dies
of starvation, i. 76.
Hoyt, Mrs. David, wounded by the
French and Indians, i. 63.
Hubert, plans to explore the Mis-
souri, i. 354, 355.

Hudson Bay, claimed by England,
i. 184; the forts of, i. 186; i.
failure to find western pas-
sage to, ii. 3; La Vérendrye se-
cures possession of, ii. 14.
Hudson River, the, i. 15, 139, 273;
ii. 210.

Huecos, the, i. 357.

Huguenots, the, petition Louis
XIV. for permission to settle in
Louisiana, i. 303; the petition
refused, i. 304.

Huillier, Fort l', i. 351, 353.

and Indian attack on Haverhill,
i. 99; on the negotiations for
neutrality between Dudley and
Vaudreuil, i. 104; on the op-
position to Governor Dudley, i.
107; on the Queen's sustaining
Governor Dudley, i. 109; on
Major Church at Port Royal, i.
124; on March's failure against
Port Royal, i. 131; on Shan-
non's order to attack Quebec, i.
149; on the council at George-
town, i. 228; on the controversy
between Governor Shute and the
Massachusetts Assembly, i. 240;
on the Indian attack on Oxford,
i. 243; on the death of Rale, i.
247; on Lovewell's expeditions
against the Indians, i. 262, 270;
on the plan to attack Louis-
bourg, ii. 64, 85; ii 143; on the
English plan to conquer Canada,
ii. 153; ii. 157.

for an expedition against New
England, i. 6; offers to plant a

colony in Louisiana, i. 300; his
offer accepted, i. 300; enters the
Mississippi River, i. 301; at
Biloxi, i. 302; sails for France,
i. 302; royal instructions to, i.
304; returns to Biloxi, i. 304;
establishes a post at Mobile Bay,
i. 305; forms a third establish-
ment at Dauphin Island, i. 306;
accused of peculation, i. 306; i.

"Illinois, the," i. 327; annexed to
Louisiana, i. 328; Boisbriant in
command at, i. 329.
Illinois Indians, the, Father Rale
among, i. 217, 220; at Fort St.
Louis, i. 275; at Detroit, i. 283,
289; furiously attacked by the
Outagamies, i. 330, 335; i. 356.
Illinois River, the, i. 275, 311, 324,
327, 340, 354, 359; ii. 57.
Illinois, State of, i. 278.

Illinois, the mission of the, i. 350.
Indian Old Point, i. 219.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Six Nations,

[blocks in formation]

Ingoldsby, Colonel,



governor of New York, i. 137;
in the conquest of Canada, i.


Ipswich, town of, joins the expedi-
tion against Port Royal, i. 126.
Ireland, i. 192; ii. 341.
Iroquois Indians, the, i. 17; super-

stitions in connection with sex-
ual abstinence, i. 76; accused of
causing the pestilence in Nichol-
son's camp, i. 143; cease to be
a danger to Canada, i. 216.

Iroquois of the Lake of Two
Mountains, the, sent from Mont-
real against the English border,
ii. 217.

Iroquois of the Mountain, the, i.


Iroquois of Sault St. Louis, the,
sent from Montreal against the
English border, ii. 217.
"Island Battery," the, at Louis-
bourg, ii. 94, 95, 99; attacked
by the English, ii. 118, 119; de-
scription of, ii. 120; failure of
the attack, 122, 129; ii. 130,

Iroquois, the converted, i. 36.
Isle au Cochon, i. 295.
Isle-aux-Coudres, ii. 154.

Isle aux Eufs, i. 174, 175, 179.
Isle d'Aix, ii. 311.

Isle of Wight, the, Dudley lieu-

tenant-governor of, i. 105.

Isle Royale, i. 186, 188, 189, 192,

193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 200, 201,
203, 207, 210; ii. 60, 260, 280,
288, 295.

Isle St. Jean, ii. 186, 198, 207.
Isles of Shoals, the, ii. 74.
Isthmus of Panama, the, i. 134.

JAMAICA, ii. 270, 275.
James I., ii. 262.

James II., of England, i. 4, 148.
Jaques, Benjamin, kills Father
Rale at Norridgewock, i. 247.
Jerseys, the, ii. 341.
Jesuit missions, the, reproach of,
i. 24; meagre results of, i. 26;
a change comes over, i. 214.
Jesuits, the Canadian, among
Indians, i. 11; among the Mo-
hawks, i. 13; at Michilimacki-
nac, i. 17; Cadillac's aversion
for, i. 19; opposed to Cadillac's
plans to civilize the Indians, i.

24; vast possessions of, i. 25,
Cadillac's relations with, i. 30;
find John Williams a stubborn
heretic, i. 78, 79; refuse to
give up Eunice Williams, i. 80;
characteristics of, i. 215; their
functions become as much polit-
ical as religious, i. 215; charged
to keep firm the bond between
the French and the Indians, i.
216; their methods of convert-
ing the Indians, i. 216; culti-
vate with diligence the Eastern
missions, i. 216; the early mis-
sionaries compared with their
successors, i. 217.

Jews, the, expelled from Louisi-
ana, i. 316.

Jogues, Father Isaac, on the banks
of the Mohawk, i. 18; i. 139,


Johnson, William, among the Mo-
hawks, ii. 211; charged with
Indian affairs by Governor
Clinton, ii. 212; loses the sup-
port of the Assembly, ii. 212;
difficulties of, ii. 212.
Joncaire, agent of France among
the Senecas, i. 11, 13, 138; ii.
52; his important work in
moulding the Indians, ii. 211.
Jones, Esther, disperses the Indians
at Dover, i. 95.

Jones, Josiah, wounded by the
Pequawkets, i. 265, 266.

Jones, Lieutenant, death of, ii.
Jordan, the river, ii. 48, 264, 265.
Juchereau, Mother, see Saint-

Denis, Mother Juchereau de.
Judicial officers, method of elect
ing, i. 41.
Justinien, Père, the Récollet, curé
of Mines, i. 194, 206.

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