Sidor som bilder

of the Allies 40,000, and on that of the French 45,000." There is an evident miftake here in the computation; for one half of 25,000 is but 12,500, fo that the total waste on the part of the Allies could only be 37,500 instead of 40,000, which is 7,500 lefs than the French. The latter, however, are faid to have made 30,000 prifoners, whereas thofe of the former did not exceed 25,000.

At the opening of the campaign in Italy, the forces of the French and other affociates in arms in that country, amounted to 130,000 men, and that of the Auftrians to no more than 60,000. Thefe latter, indeed, afterwards received a reinforcement of 20,000 Ruffians, but before thefe had arrived, the Auftrian General Kray, whose skill, activity, and talents, we have fo often had occafion to praife, defeated the enemy in feveral fucceffive actions, and paved the way for that continued series of victories which crowned with glory the memorable efforts of the Allies. The author, contemplating with delight, the happy effects of the determined conduct of England, in this eventful war, concludes one of his chapters with the following juft and flattering remark :

"Situated at one extremity of Europe fhe was re-establishing at the other extremity the King of Naples on his throne-was preferving at the fame time the Ottoman Empire, and accomplished more with fome fhips and fome hundreds of men, than that immenfe Coloffus could effect for its own fake-She was fuftaining by her councils, her fleets, and her treasures, the energy, the confidence, and the efforts of her continental Allies-She was preparing to effect in Hol land a powerful diverfion in their favour the was fhewing herself on the feas fuperior to the united maritime powers of France and Spain.

In a remote part of the globe, fhe was fuccefsful in rendering the whole of India one of her colonies. In the midst of this prodigious and incomparable exhibition of her power, and of this divergence of her force, he was fuccefsfully employed in encreafing and concentrating it by the union of Ireland with Great Britain. Such was to this fortunate Ifland, flourishing at home, and powerful abroad, the happy refult of the wifdom of the conftitution, the virtues of the Sovereign, the genius of minifters, and the public fpirit of the


The most important events are detailed with a degree of accuracy, and even in a scientific, though perfpicuous, manner, that must afford equal pleasure to the profeffional and to the common reader. The author clofes this volume, as he clofed the former, with an account of the refpective loffes of the Belligerent Powers.

"Why cannot the hiftorian fhut his eyes against this afflicting


picture? But condemned as he is to open thofe of the public, after having examined with attention all the calculations of the daily loffes worthy of notice, after having compared and weighed all the estimates that have been made on this subject, he will find himself not far from the truth in ftating the lofs experienced by the Allies in killed and wounded at 30,000 men; in prifoners at 10,000; and that of the French in the first refpect at 45,000; and in the second at 35,000. From this it refults that it cost the Republicans twice as many men as it did the Allies, a natural confequence of fix great defeats, of a great number of fortreffes being loft, and of a campaign entirely of difafters. It is alfo feen that it caufed a facrifice of 75,000 foldiers, the victims of the filly and barbarous ambition of five men, who replunged the world into the horrors of war. So much blood happily was not entirely loft in the cause of juftice. of reafon, and of focial order; and one of the most beautiful parts of Europe, though not immediately restored to its legitimate poffeffors, was at leaft freed, for a time, from revolutionary defpotifm, rapacity, irreligion, and immorality."

This volume is interspersed with some biographical anecdotes and military characters, which are curious, and probably new to most of our readers, and which we fhall, therefore, extract.


"General Kray was born in Hungary, and has ferved fince his infancy in the Imperial army. He has obtained the rank he now holds by long and useful fervices. He has always fhewn himself poffeffed in an eminent degree of that qualification, which distinguishes the Hungarian officers, viz. a perfect knowledge of the kind of war to be carried on with light troops and on the advanced pofts. He commanded with diftinétion thofe of the great Imperial army in 1794, and, it may be remembered, that he was alfo at the head of the advanced corps of the army of Gen. Werneck at Neuwied in 1797. Gen. Kray is now about 60 years of age; but he is robuft, active, and likely to be long able to exert his talents for the defence of his country and of his Sovereign."


"It is known that preferving under the Republican standard that fenfe of honour which had raised him to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel under the old government, he kept himself so pure in the midft of the extortions committed by other Generals, that he was called the Virgin of the Army."


"General the Marquis de Chafteller is a man of rank and fortune in the low countries. He has, from his youth, served in the engi neers, and poffeffes all the knowledge neceifary for that fituation.


He ferved with diftinction in the war against the Turks, and in the two against France. It was he who, in 1795, placed Mentz in that formidable state in which it now is, and with refpect to which it may be truly faid: Non nos quæfitum munus in ufus.His example may encourage military men who are thort-fighted not to defpair of being ufeful, and of advancing in their military career. Few people labour under this difadvantage to a greater degree than himself; but making ufe of glaffes and fpectacles which he always wears in battle, he has ever found himself capable of feeing every thing, as well as of doing every thing; and during the campaign he has filled the most active fituation, the most important one, and to which the coup d'ail feemed particularly neceffary, that of Quarter-mafter General. It is to be prefumed that the fingularity of wearing fpectacles, a very uncommon thing in the German armies, might have contributed, but nevertheless not fo much as his extraordinary bravery, in drawing upon him fome of the numerous wounds with which he is covered. He received glorious ones at the battle of Maubeuge, which recalls an incident that will not be mifplaced in this biographical note.

"The Marquis de Chafteller, then employed in the ftaff, put himfelf at the head of a body of horse to charge the French infantry; after having given the order he executed it himself with all the ardor of his courage, and all fpeed of his horfe; but thofe of the troop who followed him not being fo fwift as his own, he came alone on the bayonets of the enemy, had his horfe killed, received himself feveral wounds, and was thrown on the ground. In a few minutes his body of cavalry had charged, difperfed, and purfued the enemy, and had difappeared. The Marquis de Chafteller found himfelf on the field of battle covered with his blood, and without the means of regaining the army. He was perceived and recognized by an Auftrian horfeman, who came to him and faid, "Sir, I have a broken thigh my horfe is found: make ufe of it to get away from hence; your life is valuable; mine can no longer be of any fervice.' The foldier at the fame time got off his horfe, and compelled, by his entreaties, the Marquis de Chafteller to mount it. The latter rejoined the body of the army, and before he thought of having his wounds dreffed, he thought of fending for this heroic foldier, had the pleafure to fee him as well as himself recovered from his wounds, and the generofity, it may perhaps be faid, the justice, to grant him a pension."



"This General is of Irish extraction, and after having first ferved in Holland; he entered the Itish brigade in the fervice of France before the revolution. While his comrades were emigrating, he feem ed difpofed to imitate their example: but having married the daughter of a violent democrat, he was threatened by him with being difin herited if he quitted France. This confideration kept him there; but be did more he continued in the service of the Republic. He was

Aid-de-Camp to Dumourier, and afterwards to Pichegru, who promoted him rapidly. He did not follow the fortunes of the latter General in 1797; and was the next year fent to the army of Naples. To him has been attributed the fuccefs of the battle of Civita Caflellana. which decided the fate of the war, undertaken by the King of the two Sicilies. It is faid on this occafion, he treated Championet very roughly on the field of battle, although the latter was Commander in Chief. It has been seen that he fucceeded to him in this rank a fhort time afterwards. He, is, at prefent, one of the Lieutenants of the Firft Conful."



"Suworow was born, in 1730, of noble parents; in 1742 he entered the fervice as a common foldier, and it was not till the year 1759 that he was made a Lieutenant. In 1754, he made his firft campaign in Pomerania: in that of 1761, he is found already a Lieutenant-colonel in the light troops; and it was then, that in ferving at the outpofts against the Pruffians, he became completely mafter of his profeffion, and obtained at the head of the Coffacks, a reputation fim. lar to that which the famous Loudon, and in the fame rank, and the fame war, acquired at the head of the Croats. Suworow during this campaign was in a number of actions, and was wounded by a shot at that of GolAt the end of the year, which was the era of peace, he was fent by Count Panin to the Empress, who gave him a Colonel's com miffion in her own hand-writing. In 1768, he was brigadier, and was fent into Poland against the Confederates, whom he defeated, in many rencontres. In 1770, he was raised to the rank of Major General. He efcaped death in a miraculous manner, having fallen into the Vistula and being almost at his last gafp when he was drawn out. He made rapid advances in the career of honors, received the fame year the order of St. Anne, a little after that of St. George, and afterwards that of St. Alexander. In 1771, he was oppofed to Dumouriez, who commanded a body of Confederates. year he gained the battle of Stalowitz, and befieged the castle of Cracow, and took it. The partition of Poland taking place in 1772, Suworow having paffed four years in that country, returned to Peterf burg, and was employed in Finland. He was, in 1773, in Moldavia, where he made war against the Turks under Marshall Romanzow He covered himself with glory the following year, by defeating, with 12,000 men, the grand Turkish army, confifting of 50,000 men, of whom 3,000 were flain; 40 pieces of cannon were taken. Peace having been made the fame year, he was dispatched into Mufcove to pursue and take the rebel Pugatfchew: he was, as a reward for this fervice, appointed commander of all the troops of this vaft country. In 1778, he was employed in the fame capacity in the Crimea, where he had been fent two years before, and where he established Schaim Gheray as Khan. He then returned to Petersburgh, where he was loaded with new favours by the Emprefs. Deftined to ferve in all the parts of the immense empire of this Sovereign, he was fent into Ee Perfia


The fame

Perfia in 1780, the following year into the Province of Cafán, and in 1782 into the Cuban. In the next year he made Schaim Gheray abdicate his throne, difarmed the Nogais Tartars, and obliged them to take an oath of fidelity to the Emprefs. Upon their breaking it, and making an infurrection, Suworow chaftifed them by killing 4,000 men upon the borders of the Cuban. He received the order of St. Wolodimir, returned to Mofcow in 1784, and in 1785 to Petersburgh. In 1786, he accompanied the Emprefs in her journey into the Crimea, and commanded the troops affembled on this occafion near Cherfon. The following year war breaking out between the Rufians and the Turks, he was entrusted in the fame country with the command of 30,000 men. He was wounded in the attack of Kinburn by the Turks, and again afterwards before Ockfakow. He was adorned with a new order, that of St. Andrew, the first in the Empire. He went, in 1789, with 7,000 men, to the relief of Prince Cobourg, in Wallachia, in 36 hours marched 70 miles, and affifted in defeating the Turks at Forhani. Having come back upon the Pruth with as much rapidity, he afterwards with no lefs celerity returned to rejoin Prince Cobourg. They together gained the battle of Rymnik: in confequence of this, the Emprefs conferred on him the title of Count Rymnitky, and the Emperor of Germany made him Count of the -Empire. In 1790 he was commiffioned to attack with 23,000 men, Ifmailow, defended by 43,000. He took this place by affault; 4,300 Ruffians perifhed there; but 33,000 Turks were killed or wounded. After this terrible exploit, he returned to Petersburgh in 1791, from whence he was fent into Finland to command the fleet, and the army. The following year he went into the Crimea, to re-unite in his own perfon the thrce commandments of this country. Two years after he was fent into Red Ruffia with 13,000 men. marched into Poland, went, in three weeks, about 500 miles, and beat the Poles in two great actions. After the defeat of Kofciufko at Matfchewitz, he joined Generals Ferfen and Derfelden, under the walls of Pragua, (the fuburb of Warfaw, on the other fide of the Viftula); with 20,000 men he carried by affault that fuburb, where 30,000 Poles were intrenched, and where a great part of them were put to the fword. He entered Warfaw, was made Field- Marshal, received from his Sovereign an eftate of 7,000 peafants, and from the King of Pruffia the order of the Black Eagle. He remained one year in Warfaw, went to Petersburgh at the end of the year 1795, from thence to Finland, and afterwards upon the Niefter to command 80,000 men. Here the hiftorian leaves his hero. It is known that from the clofe of 1798, he was deftined to the command, which, in the courfe of this narration, he has been feen to exercife with fuch fuccefs. By this fuccinct account, into which the details of the private life of Marthal Suworow being omitted, his public life fo long, fo active, and fo varied, has been compreffed, it has been feen that at the moment in which, by the peculiarity of his deftiny and by one of the fingular effects of the French revolution, he came to make war in the plains of Italy and on the fummits of the Alps, he was 69 years



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