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and flowing sea (although to them unknown as such) of sufficient power to drive them quickly westward, and compel them to reach the "afar off" land "to sojourn."

5th. The probable time and duration of the Voyage. The remnant of the Tyrian Nation, through the instrumentality of the Sons of Sidon, escaped from their flaming Capital, August 20th [332 B. C.], and in allowing for time in reaching the Fortunate Isles, and preparing for their departure thence, it will, we think, be acceded that by October of the same year, and the equinoctial gales of the autumn having then passed, opened to them "fair weather ahead," they were then prepared to seek another home, however distant. The strong Galleys, with sails and oars, and always before the constant East-Wind and onward wave-current, would accomplish ten miles an hour by day, and during the night, without the Rowers, six miles an hour, and equally dividing the twenty-four hours, would make a run of 192 miles per day. Nautical proofs will shew that in the above calculation the power of the Trade-Winds [i. e. the East-Winds] are underrated. The distance from Teneriffe to Florida is about 3300 miles, which by the foregone data they would traverse in seventeen and a quarter days. The Voyage may therefore with safety be said to have been accomplished during an entire month, and that, consequently the first landing of a branch of the human family in Ancient America would be in the last month of

Autumn, three hundred and thirty-two years before the Christian Era.

And 6th. The Fugitive Founders of (what we think may now be justly termed) Tyrian-America. i. e. the Southern moiety of the Continent.

The Female portion of the Fugitives were in all probability (from the peculiar character of the rescue) the Wives, Sisters, and Daughters, of the Tyrian Husbands, Brothers, and Fathers, who escaped with them,-thus forming a colony," and if there were among them any Strangers or Orphans from the general carnage, protection would naturally be given, as to companions and children of misery and misfortune.

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The Fugitives being Tyrians, and of the great Sidonian family, which, in the language of Homer, comprehended every thing that was ingenious and accomplished, to the exclusion of their opposites, puts us at once in possession of the distinct intellectual character of those about to seek another land; and where, after 2000 years have passed, Time removes his veil of mystery, and discovers the truth of the Homeric tribute,-while over their Asiatic home of a more ancient day, Oblivion with her Lethean flood, has swept even their epitaph and their tomb away!

As to the number of the Tyrian Fugitives (more or less), it is immaterial to the proof, or denial, of the truth of this historical work,-for nothing is so deceptive, and yet so certain, as the numerical demonstration in regard to population, and of the human beings

that have lived. For instance, the reader will scarcely believe, that in tracing back his own family only twentyfive generations, there were then living at that time, sixtyseven millions, one hundred and eight thousand, eight hundred and sixty-four of his Ancestors, and that there had lived, during, and at that time, one hundred millions, six hundred and sixty-three thousand, three hundred and ninety-six! These apparent incredible results are instantly proved upon the following data of facts and argument; viz., each child must have two parents, each parent had two,-and so on ad infinitum,—the result is, therefore, obtained by simply multiplying by two, from each of the first Father and Mother, and then add them together, and each sum total will represent a generation, the 25th will give the first result,-viz., 67,108,864;-to ascertain all that have lived during, and at that period, the several sums total must be added together, which will prove the second result,― viz., 100,663,396. Therefore, by the data of this last calculation the 30th generation only, in the ancestral line, has the following result,-3,221,228,672!-(and this but of one person) four times as much as the present population of the Globe, which is estimated at 800,000,000. The great earthly Monarch, Death, has indeed an empire of his own!

The metaphysical, or anti-Biblical reader will find in the above results, a high theme for speculative reasoning-but in tracing back to the Parents of Eden, or to the Diluvian Era, in order to sustain, and not

deny, the truth of the Bible, he must remember that, -but, no,—we will not anticipate our own secret for unravelling the above sphinx-like conclusions.

In the next Volume, devoted to the Israel Era, the subject will be investigated with that due consideration, which every proposition demands, having an apparent tendency to question the truth and authority of Scripture.




WE wish distinctly to be understood that we do not state, or even infer, that in the intended voyage, the Tyrians had any positive pre-knowledge of the existence of a Western Continent,-but this we do believe, that from their knowledge of Astronomy, they may have had the supposition that such might be the case, from the then known globular character of the Earth: and in their desperate situation they must have felt the sentiment of the African Prince, who to his favourite, in reflecting upon the deaths that threatened them, exclaimed in consolation, "Whatever world we are next thrown upon, it cannot be worse than this!" With the same feeling, in the second month of autumn, following the last summer of their Country's fate, they gathered all on board, lowered sail, and dipped their

oars; they paused only, to cast their straining gaze upon the horizoned Sons of Sidon, now about to be lost for ever from their sight; for the solitary and homebound bark, with clued-up sail, and propelled by oar alone, (for the Eastern wind would oppose their return,) seemed but a darkened speck upon the distant circle of the Sea. The same wind opposed to the Sidonian's return, now filled the Tyrian sails, and bore their Galleys from that Isle, an emblem of human life,— where the tints of Spring, Summer, and Autumn ever reign, and Winter, with his snow-crowned Peak rises above them all! Being borne on Westward by the constant current of Wind and Wave,-and without an effort of their own,-and ignorant of the cause (they experienced only the effects), and yet their speed perceptible from the gradual sinking of the Island-base, they must have felt the same sentiment as subsequently Columbus did, and upon the identical via acqua,— that, the Great Guardian of a good cause, must have issued His mandate for their especial advancement and protection!

Upon leaving the Island of the Seasons, the Tyrian Pilots would naturally obey the direction of the friendly breeze, and head their Galleys in accordance with it; and this would be the more pleasing, as in their minds it would appear ominous of their future safety,-for it would direct them daily towards the Setting-Sun,-the visible God of their Religion-and, therefore, as a consequence, in the direct track for the Western Hemisphere.

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