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both may be expressed by' one word, and included in one' Article.


And that the unity of the Godhead is included, in this Article is apparent, not only because the Nicene Council so expressed it by way of exposition, but also because this CREED in the churches of the east, before the Council of Nice, had that addition in it, I believe in one God. We begin our CREED then as Plato' did his chief and prime epistles, who gave this distinction to his friends, that the name of God was prefixed before those that were more serious and remarkable, but of gods, in the plural, to such as were more vulgar Deut. iv. 35. and trivial. Unto thee it was shewed (saith Moses to Israel), that thou mightest know that the Lord he is God, there is none else beside him. And as the Law, so the Gospel teachWe know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. This unity of the Godhead will easily appear as necessary as the existence, so that it must be as impossible there should be

1 Cor. viii. 4. eth us the same.

1 Solum Deum confirmas, quem tantum Deum nominas.' Tertull. de Testim. Animæ, c. 2. When Leo, bishop of Rome, in an Epistle to Flavianus, had written these words [Epist. xxviii. c. 2. vol. 1. p. 803], 'Fidelium universitas profitetur: Credere se in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, et in Jesum Christum Filium ejus:' one of the Eutychians objected with this question: "Cur non dixerit in unum Deum Patrem, et in unum Jesum, juxta Nicæni decretum Concilii?' To which Vigilius, bishop of Trent, or rather of Tapsus, gives this answer: 'Sed Romæ et antequam Nicæna Synodus conveniret, a temporibus Apostolorum usque ad nunc,ita fidelibus Symbolum traditur; nec præjudicantur verba ubi sensus incolumis permanet: magis enim cum Domini Jesu Christi sententia hæc fidei professio facit, dicentis, Creditis in Deum, et in me credite (Joan. xiv. 1): nec dixit in unum Deum Patrem, et in unum meipsum. Quis enim nesciat, unum esse Deum, et unum Jesum Christum Filium ejus?' Vigil. 1. iv. contra Eutych. § 1.

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2 Rab. Chasdai in Or Adonai. R.

Joseph Albo in Ikkarim [ii. 5, 6,


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3 Orientales Ecclesiæ omnes pene ita tradunt: Credo in uno Deo Patre omnipotente.' Ruff. in Symb. §4. p. 57. 'Bene hæc omnia potuerunt ad solos hæreticos pertinere, qui falsaverunt Symbolum; dum alter dixerit duos Deos, cum Deus unus sit.' Optat. 1. i. c. 10. 'Nos enim et scimus, et legimus, et credimus, et tenemus, unum esse Deum, qui fecit cœlum pariter ac terram, quoniam nec alterum novimus, nec nosse, cum nullus sit, aliquando poterimus.' Novatianus de Trinit. c. 30. And before all these Irenæus, citing under the title of Scripture, a passage out of the book of Hermas, called Pastor: 'Bene ergo pronuntiavit Scriptura quæ dicit, Primo omnium crede quoniam unus est Deus, qui omnia constituit et consummavit, et fecit ex eo quod non erat, ut essent omnia, omnium capax, et qui a nemine capiatur.' 1. iv. [c. 20, § 2, p. 253].

4 Euseb. in Præp. Evang. 1. xi. c. 13. [Demonstr. Evang. 1. iii. c. 6.] The passage is yet extant in the epistles of Plato [Epist. 13, p. 363 в].

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more gods than one, as that there should be none: which
will clearly be demonstrated, first, out of the nature of God, to
which multiplication is repugnant; and secondly, from the go-
vernment as he is Lord, in which we must not admit confusion. Mie
For, first, the nature of God consists in this, that he is
the prime and original cause of all things, as an independent
Being upon which all things else depend, and likewise the
ultimate end or final cause of all; but in this sense two prime
causes are inimaginable, and for all things to depend of one,
and to be more independent beings than one, is a clear con-
tradiction. This primity God requires to be attributed to
himself; Hearken unto me, O Jacob, and Israel, my called; Isai. xlviii. 12.
I am he; I am the first, I also am the last. And from this
primity he challengeth his unity; Thus saith the Lord, the Isai. xliv. 6.
King of Israel, and his Redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the
first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.

Again, if there were more gods than one, then were not all perfections in one, neither formally, by reason of their distinction, nor eminently and virtually, for then one should have power to produce the other, and that nature which is producible is not divine. But all acknowledge God to be absolutely and infinitely perfect, in whom all perfections imaginable 24 which are simply such must be contained formally, and all others which imply any mixture of imperfection virtually.

But were no arguments brought from the infinite perfections of the divine nature able to convince us, yet were the consideration of his supreme dominion sufficient to persuade us. The will of God is infinitely free, and by that freedom doth he govern and dispose of all things. He doeth accord- Dan. iv. 35. ing to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, said Nebuchadnezzar out of his experience; and St Paul expresseth him as working all things Eph. i. 11. after the counsel of his own will. If then there were more supreme governors of the world than one, each of them absolute and free, they might have contrary determinations concerning the same thing, than which nothing can be more prejudicial unto government. God is a God of order, not confusion; and therefore of unity, not admitting multiplication. If it be better that the universe' should be governed 1 Τὰ ὄντα οὐ βούλεται πολιτεύεσθαι κακῶς·

Οὐκ ἀγαθὸν πολυκοιρανίη, εἷς κοίρανος ἔστω.

[II. B. 204.]

Aristot. Metaph. [1. xi. c. 10. § 14.]

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Only God.

by one than many, we may be assured that it is so, because nothing must be conceived of God but what is best. He therefore who made all things, by that right is Lord of all, and because all power1 is his, he alone ruleth over all.

Now God is not only one, but hath an unity peculiar to himself by which he is the only God; and that not only by way of actuality, but also of possibility. Every individual man is one, but so as there is a second and a third, and consequently every one is part of a number, and concurring to a multitude. The sun indeed is one; so as there is neither third nor second sun, at least within the same vortex: but though there be not, yet there might have been; neither in the unity of the solar nature is there any repugnancy to plurality; for that God which made this world, and in this the sun to rule the day, might have made another world by the same fecundity of his omnipotency, and another sun to rule in that. Whereas in the divine nature there is an intrinsical and essential singularity, because no other being can have any existence but from that; and whatsoever essence hath its existence from another is not God.. I am the Lord, Isal. xlv. 5, 6. (saith he), and there is none else, there is no God beside me: that they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me, I am the Lord, and there is none else. He who hath infinite knowledge knoweth Isai. xlv. 18, no other God beside himself. Is there a God beside me?

Deut. iv. 35,
& xxxii. 39.

Psal. xviii. 31.

21, 22, &
xliv. 8.

1.Unus-omnium Dominus Deus: neque enim illa sublimitas potest habere consortem, cum sola omnem teneat potestatem.' S. Cyprian. [Quod idola dii non sint, § 7, p. 25.]

2 אלוה זה אחד הוא ואינו לא שנים ולא יותר על שנים אלא אחד שאין כייהודה אחד מן האחדים הנמצאים בעולם • לא אחד במין שהוא כולל אחדים הרבה ולא אחד בגוף שהוא נחלק למחלקות ולקצוות אלא אחר שאין ייחוד אחד כמותו בעולם :

God is one, not two, or more than two,
but only one; whose unity is not like
to that of the individuals of this world,
neither is he one by way of species
comprehending many individuals, nei-
ther one in the manner of a body
which is divisible into parts and ex-
tremes: but he is so one, as no unity
like his is to be found in the world.
Moses Maimon. de Fundam. Legis,

c. 1. § 4. Quod autem diximus,
Orientis Ecclesias tradere unum
Deum Patrem omnipotentem, et
unum Dominum, hoc non intelligen-
dum est, unum numero dici, sed
universitate: verbi gratia, si quis dicat
unum hominem, aut unum equum, hic
unum pro numero posuit. Potest
enim et alius homo esse, et tertius,
vel equus.
Ubi autem alius vel
tertius non potest jungi, unus si
dicatur, non numeri, sed universitatis
est nomen. Ut si exempli causa
dicamus unum Solem, hic unus ita
dicitur ut vel alius vel tertius addi
non possit, unus est enim Sol. Multo
magis ergo Deus cum unus dicitur,
unus non numeri, sed universitatis
vocabulo nuncupatur, id est, qui
propterea unus dicitur, quod alius
non sit.' Ruffin. in Symb. § 5. p. 60.

yea, there is no God; I know not any. And we who believe in him, and desire to enjoy him, need for that end to know no other God but him: For this is life eternal, that they might John xvii. 3. know thee the only true God1; as certainly one, as God.

It is necessary thus to believe the unity of the Godhead, that being assured there is a nature worthy of our devotions, 25 and challenging our religious subjection, we may learn to know whose that nature is to which we owe our adorations, lest our minds should wander and fluctuate in our worship about various and uncertain objects. If we should apprehend more gods than one, I know not what could determinate us in any instant to the actual adoration of any one; for where no difference doth appear (as, if there were many, and all by nature gods, there could be none), what inclination could we have, what reason could we imagine, to prefer or elect any one before the rest for the object of our devotions? Thus is it necessary to believe the unity of God in respect of us who are obliged to worship him.

Secondly, it is necessary to believe the unity of God in respect of him who is to be worshipped. Without this acknowledgment we cannot give unto God the things which are God's, it being part of the worship and honour due unto God, to accept of no compartner with him. When the Law was given, in the observance whereof the religion of the Israelites consisted, the first precept was this prohibition, Thou shalt Exod. xx. 3. have no other gods before me; and whosoever violateth this, denieth the foundation on which all the rest depend, as the Jews 2 observe. This is the true reason of that strict precept by which all are commanded to give divine worship to God only, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only Matt. iv. 10. shalt thou serve; because he alone is God him only shalt thou fear, because he alone hath infinite power; in him only

1 Veritas Christiana destricte pronuntiavit, Deus si non unus est, non est; quia dignius credimus non esse, quodcunque non ita fuerit ut esse debebit.' Tertull. adv. Marcion. 1. i. c. 3. Deus cum summum magnum sit, recte veritas nostra pronuntiavit, Deus si non unus est, non est. Non quasi dubitemus esse Deum, dicendo, Si non unus, non est; sed quia, quem confidimus esse, id eum


definiamus esse, quod si non est,
Deus non est; summum scilicet
magnum. Porro, summum magnum
unicum sit necesse est. Ergo et
Deus unicus erit, non aliter Deus,
nisi summum magnum; nec aliter
summum magnum, nisi parem non
habens; nec aliter parem non habens,
nisi unicus fuerit.' Ibid.

2 Moses Maimon. de Fundam.
Legis, c. 1. § 3.


Psal. Ixii. 2 shalt thou trust, because he only is our rock and our salvation; to him alone shalt thou direct thy devotions, because 2 Chron. vi he only knoweth the hearts of the children of men. Upon this foundation the whole heart of man is entirely required Deut. vi. 4, 5. of him, and engaged to him. Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one God: and (or rather therefore) thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. Whosoever were truly and by nature God, could not choose but challenge our love upon the ground of an infinite excellency, and transcendent beauty of holiness; and therefore if there were more Gods than one, our love must necessarily be terminated unto more than one, and consequently divided between them; and as our love, so also the proper effect thereof, our cheerful and ready obedience, which, like the child propounded to the judgment of Matt. vi. 24. Solomon, as soon as it is divided, is destroyed. No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other: or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.


Having thus described the first notion of a God, having demonstrated the existence and unity of that God, and having in these three particulars comprised all which can be contained in this part of the Article, we may now clearly deliver, and every particular Christian understand, what it is he says when he makes his confession in these words, I believe in God: which in correspondence with the precedent discourse may be thus expressed:

Forasmuch as by all things created is made known the Rom. L 20. eternal power and Godhead, and the dependency of all limited beings infers an infinite and independent essence; whereas all things are for some end, and all their operations directed to it, although they cannot apprehend that end for which they are, and in prosecution of which they work, and therefore must be guided by some universal and overruling wisdom; being this collection is so evident, that all the nations of the earth have

1 'Numerus autem divinitatis summa ratione constare deberet, vel quoniam et cultura ejus in anceps deduceretur. Ecce enim, duos intuens Deos tam pares quam duo summa magna, quid facerem si ambos colerem? Vererer, ne abundantia officii superstitio potius quam

religio existimaretur: quia duos tam pares et in altero ambos possem in uno demereri: hoc ipsum testimonio præstans parilitati et unitati eorum, dum alterum in altero venerarer, dum in uno mihi duo sunt.' Tertull. adv. Marcion. 1. i. c. 5.

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