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station. He was called the "Opper Hoofdt" or Chief and from it sprung the Amsterdam Licensed Trading Commander of the licensed traders, and Jaques or Jacobus Elkans was made his Lieutenant, or Commissary. He exercised a supremacy over the whole river, a fort having also been erected upon the island of Man-a-hata. He probably divided his time between the two places, and bent his attention to the prosecution of the Fur trade.

Company, a part of the East India corporation. Under the auspices of this company, Blok and Christianse sailed upon their explorations, the result of which, among other things, were the founding of New-York and Albany. These explorations were, most probably, next to Hudson's, although it is asserted that adventurers found their way to the river in 1611, the next year

The importance of this trade was deeply felt from the after the discoverer unlocked its waters. Be that as it beginning.

may, no permanent impression was made upon the region, until the successful voyages in 1614.

Fully alive then, to the importance of obtaining the control of the fur trade, Christianse bent his efforts in that direction. Soon, channels were opened to his wishes, through that great and powerful confederacy, the Iroquois, or Five Nations. The wild Seneca from the plunging waters of Niagara, the famed Onondaga, from the canton which held the central council fire of the nation, the Oneida and Cayuga, from their fertile fields and beautiful lakes, and the lordly Mohawk, from his green valley, all came laden to the Castle Island fort, with their rich furs, to exchange for the baubles and trinkets of civilized life. Nor these alone. Their

of Lake George, five years before, from the hands of the Adirondacks, caused by the fire arms of Champlain, and they naturally looked to these weapons, as a means of turning the tide of fortune against their hereditary foes, and building up their own power. The native sagacity of these wonderful tribes, which had induced them to form their wise confederacy, taught them that, with these instruments, whose voices of thunder and tongues of flame sent death quick as the lightning from Heaven, they might soon exercise uncontrolled supremacy over the wilderness. So thinking, they obtained the fire arms, which obtaining led to the most momentous results. It made the Iroquois, for a century, the most

About the period of which I write, Holland held, above all other nations in Europe, sway over the ocean. Her commerce was enormous. Twenty thousand vessels and over two hundred thousand mariners navigated the waters of the Mediterranean, Baltic and the Indian Ocean, as well as the coasts of Great Britain, Africa and the West Indies. Her republican flag drooped by the calm orange scented shores of the Pacific Islands, and fluttered wildly in the blasts and amid the ice-bergs of the Arctic circle. Standing upon her small domain of only 400,000 morgen, (nearly eight hundred thousand acres)—a domain which she had also wrested from Neptune, she wielded the trident of the discomfited God beyond all competition. Her own en-minds were rankling with their defeat, upon the banks terprise and industry, were also seconded by adventitious aids. Her thirty years war with Spain for independence, had brought within her borders many active and restless spirits, whom the peace, just concluded, deprived of occupation. These gladly embraced any opportunity whereby they could gain subsistence and have a theatre for the exercise of their martial and fiery qualities. No country was too distant, no enterprise too hazardous, for their daring and reckless courage. With such materials, added to her own resources, Holland was not slow in gaining the position we have just described. The city of Amsterdam, containing one-fifth of the population of the province of which it was the chief city, took the lead in the maritime operations of the peri-powerful people on the North American continent, enaod. In pursuance of these operations, a society called the Dutch East India Company had been formed, of whose directors those resident in Amsterdam were the most influential. The phantom of a north passage to India In 1617, in consequence of the spring freshets in the possessed, particularly, the minds of the commercial river, inundating the island, Christianse found it necommunity. To test the reality of the supposition, the nessary to abandon the redoubt, and erect a new one Amsterdam directors of this company had sent Hudson upon a tongue of land forming the south bank of the upon his voyage, who, though failing in this object, Norman's, or, as it was then named, Noordtman's kill; achieved the discovery of the river which bears his a small stream emptying into the Hudson at the lower name, and brought back wonderful, but true, accounts point of the island. This tongue of land was called by of the region. Not only did he bring accounts, but he the Indians Ta-wass-a-gun-shee, or look-out hill, and is showed specimens of the riches of the country. at present known as "Kiddenhooghten," or Kidd's Amongst these specimens were the beautiful furs of the heights, from the tradition that the celebrated pirate, forests, streams and lakes of the magic land, which the whose achievements have been so often told, there setalisman of his daring had made known to the world. creted his money in one of his expeditions up the river. They filled the minds of the sober Hollanders with as- This tradition is still credited in the neighborhood, many tonishment and admiration. Obtained heretofore at a winter's hearth being cheered by its recital; and the great cost, and with much difficulty, from the traders lantern of the money-digger has often gleamed upon the in the north of Europe, they now saw them ready for hill at midnight, looking like a star to the eye of the those who had the energy and will to grasp them. Ap- steersman, as his sloop drifted, slowly, around the bold preciating the advantages resulting from the traffic in foot of Van Wie's Point. In summer, it is green with these articles of luxury, the members of the East India pleasant grass, its western side clothed in forest, the Company obtained a monopoly of the trade upon the ri- little Norman's kill stealing at its base, and mingling ver, which they had been the means of discovering. the dashing sounds of its dam, with the clack of the This monopoly was to exist for four successive voyages, grist-mill, and the rumble of the waggon wheel, from


bling them to stretch their protection over the English colonies, to whom the Dutch bequeathed the friendship with which they had inspired the forest warriors.

the winding hill, over its bridge. It is one of the many beautiful spots that surround Albany; and, in a summer afternoon, when the long brush of the sinking sun has painted the scene in picturesque tints, when each tree is casting its shadow, when the domes of the city sparkle in the light, and the opposite hills are bathed in purple with the glittering river in the midst, the heart leaps with gratitude to that God who has given life to His creatures, and intellect to enjoy His blessings.

nakwak, by which title he designates the Dutch, who had so suddenly appeared from the bosom of the great skimming-bird of the waters. Near the humbled Delaware, stand the haughty chiefs of the Aganuschioni, with their totems of the bear, wolf and turtle, tattooed upon their skin,—and, mingling freely with their tawny brethren, are the soldiers of Christianse, with their huge muskets, broad slouched hats and leathern doublets. The fort, with its cannon frowning upon the At the fort of the traders, upon this hill, a very im- scene, stands upon its sweeping glacis with a backportant event, as connected with the settlement of the ground of leafy forest, through the branches, of which city occurred. After Christianse planted himself upon are discovered bright glimpses of the river, and the the island, he found two distinct savage nations occu-winding stream. A few Indian canoes, lurk beside the pying the regions extending to the east and west banks hollow banks of the latter, and the yacht of Christianse of the Hudson river. These were the Iroquois, inha- is moored at the intersection with the former. biting the latter, and the Mahiccanni, a branch of the Lenni Lenape, the former. The Lenape, who styled themselves the "Grandfather of Nations," had origially been powerful, and their descendants had extended themselves from the great council fire kindled upon the head waters of the Delaware to the Hudson, the Connecticut and the Atlantic coast, immediately east, under the names of the Pequods, Wampanoags and Mahiccanni, which in their turn were subdivded, into differ-hawk was trod into the earth, the Dutch declaring they ent tribes, under different appellations.

The Mahiccanni, or River Indians, being the nearest to the Kayingahaga or Mohawks, the most martial tribe of the Iroquois, were continually involved in war with them, and the flame of animosity extended to all the branches of the other nations. But the stern qualities, and the superior advantages of the confederated tribes, so far triumphed in the innumerable contests, that the Lenni Lenape were disposed to yield the supremacy, and particularly the Mahiccanni, who, by their position, were more exposed to the quintuple attacks of their united enemies. Wasted in numbers, and humbled by defeat, at last, about the year 1617, the remnants of the Lenni Lenape and Mahiccanni, listened to a proposal, whereby they glided, rapidly, downward to ruin and degradation. This was, to confirm a treaty between themselves, the Dutch and the Iroquois, establishing peace between the parties. For this purpose, the two Indian nations sent their deputies to the Fort of the Norman's Kill. So solemn and of such momentous importance, was this treaty considered by the Iroquois, that they sent as their representatives, chiefs, the highest in rank and authority, bearing the names of those delegates who, a century before, instituted the confederacy between the tribes. These chiefs were five in number, one from each of the five nations. These were,

Tekanawitagh of the Mohawks.
Otatsighte of the Oneidas.
T'hatodarho of the Onandagas.

S'hononawendowane of the Cayugas, and
Kanniadarioh of the Senecas.

Let us for a moment fancy to ourselves the incidents attending the execution of this treaty. The warrior of the Lenape, with the totem of the tortoise upon his breast, looks around him with an air, the original boldness of which is chastened by misfortune. He sees upon the one hand, the dreaded " Sankhiccanni" or the "fire-workers," as he calls the Mohawks, from the firearms they had begun to carry-the other, the Swan

This treaty, though full of advantages to the Dutch, and Iroquois, was productive of the most disastrous results to the Lenni Lenape or Delawares. They were induced to place themselves under the protection of the confederacy; in fact, to declare themselves women. In their metaphorical language, the belt of peace was laid over their shoulders, one end of which was to be held by the Dutch, the other by the Iroquois. The toma

would build a church over it, and that none should dig it up without overthrowing the church and incurring the resentment of the builders. The consequence of this protection was the utter prostration of the Lenape spirit, and the resulting dismemberment, wasting away and destruction of the nation; while the Iroquois confederacy, grasping the musket and trampling upon its red neighbors, towered in strength, until its plumed head nodded its sway over the forests, from the pine trees of Maine to the magnolias of Florida. The Dutch also, nestling at its side, became more confident and more numerous, and prosecuted their principal object, the fur trade, with assiduity and success. Christianse continued to exercise authority over the two points of the river, his yacht gliding frequently up and down the channel-now dropping its sails to the sudden thundergust of the Highlands-now lazily lapsing along the calm waters, its creaking tiller waking the echoes of the shores, and now, lying at its anchor in the dark breathless nights, its long boom interlocking with the forest branches upon the banks. A voyage at that period, and for two centuries after, was a matter of days and sometimes weeks, instead of the few hours now taken by the dart-like and graceful steamboat.

At home, the public mind became more and more awakened to the subject of extending commerce-of colonization, and of improving the advantages of the discoveries that had been made. The regions of the Hudson river were particularly the object of attention. The noble avenue of waters penetrating, in navigable grandeur, through such a diversified extent of country, and the rich productions in which it abounded, particularly furs,-might well arouse a spirit of anxiety as to the farther development of such resources.

These objects were more effectually obtained by a society which was now organized, more comprehensive in its outlines and perfect in its details, than any previously formed. This was the Dutch West India Company. It

obtained its charter in 1621, and merged within itself the grate of the saw and the click of the hammer, were Amsterdam Licensed Trading Company. It was clothed doubtless sounds which had become somewhat familiar with the right "to traffic and plant colonies on the coast to the ears of the red warriors, who witnessed, year afof Africa, from the Tropic of Cancer to the Cape of Good ter year, their wild domains more and more encroachHope, and on the coast of America from the straits of ed upon, but without the slightest apprehension, as yet, Magellan to the remotest north." The almost unlimited of those results that have overwhelmed their posterity region brought thus within the objects of this company, with ruin. The Mohawk hunter, pursuing the deer was embraced principally for warlike purposes-the upon the hills, saw beneath him the sharp gables and suppression of piracy and the prosecution of the im- twisted chimneys of Fuyk,-and, glancing though the pending war, but the results of the secondary object, branches, the gliding sails of the few sloops that plied Colonization, were most important, not only to our betveen it and Fort Amsterdam, not only without alarm particular subject matter, but to the whole State of but as objects appealing to his friendship for protection. New-York. The Company was divided into five bran- The settlement, under the immediate command of Elches; the chief branch residing at Amsterdam, and hav- kans, continued (slowly, however,) to increase until ing charge of the newly discovered district of country 1629, when an event occurred by which its fate was which was beginning to be known under the name of the auspiciously decided. This was the charter of liberties New Netherlands. This tract of wilderness, however, and exemptions granted that year to the Patroons. It did not engage the attention of the Directors until some provided, among other things, that such members of the two years after, at which time they sent out Capt. Corne- West India Company as should, within four years after lis Jacobus Mey, for the purposes of assisting the traders giving notice of their intention, plant a colony in the upon the river; also of confirming possession and of New-Netherlands of fifty souls, should be acknowledged traffic. Mey found the settlers in a destitute condition, Patroons, and have liberty to extend their limits sixteen awaiting the protracted return of a ship from Holland, English miles upon one side of a navigable river, or with the utmost impatience. The gloom of their situa-eight upon both sides. Four individuals availed themtion was enhanced by that of the other settlements. selves of this provision; amongst whom was Killian The English Colony, at Virginia, had suffered a mas- Van Rensselaer, a merchant of wealth and respectabilisacre from the tomahawk; the French of Canada were ty, and a director in the Amsterdam branch of the comtrembling before the Iroquois; Nova-Scotia, or New-pany. A provision had also been inserted in the charScotland, had but one Scotch inhabitant, and New-Eng-ter, granting permission to any who should extend the land was daily expecting extermination beneath the up- colony to a greater number than fifty souls, to extend lifted hatchets of the Pequod and Narraghansett. In proportionably their limits. Under this latter provision, the vast wilderness, filling the future empire of NewYork, there were but four abodes of civilized man: upon Manhattan island, on the Norman's-Kill height, at Esopus, then called Wiltwyck, and Schenectady. These abodes were merely forts, with a few sheds around, for the purposes of the fur traffic.

The arrival of Mey, however, put a new aspect upon affairs, so far as regards New Netherlands. The settlers were assured that the Father-land had not forgotten them, and accordingly new spirit was infused.— The redoubt at Norman's Kill was abandoned, and a new one, (about the same time with one at Manhattan,) was erected upon a bend of the west shore, about two miles farther up the river. That at Manhattan was named Fort Amsterdam-this, Fort Orange. The latter was built under the superintendence of Christianse, who, however, after this year, (1623,) disappears, his authority of Opper Hoofdt or Chief Commander, being afterwards exercised by Jacobus Elkans, his former Lieutenant,

The fort was a block-house, surrounded by a moat and palisades of red cedar, mounting the same number of guns as the Castle Island redoubt, and garrisoned by a sergeant or wacht meester and his guard,

Van Rensselaer acted. In 1630 the first purchase was made by him through the agency of Sebastian Croll, who exercised the functions of Commissary at FortOrange. This purchase being subsequently extended, the Patroon possessed himself of a territory extending twenty-four miles upon either shore of the river, with the condition, however, that he should commence his colony with a population of one hundred and fifty souls. He immediately began the transportation of men and goods- the grating of the saws and the beating of the hammers became more frequent in the settlement, and the cheerful smile of civilized existence shed a wider beam amidst the forest region. The Indian trapper looked in vain for the beaver amongst their deserted huts in the upper waters of Foxen and Buttermilk creeks, and the wolf and bear saw, more and more, their haunts destroyed by the merciless axe ringing its merry music in the solitudes.

[Concluded in our next.]

It is wonderful how some people make a little knowledge go a great way, and how they manage, by judicious nods and winks, and the circumspect use of affirmatives and negatives, or by well-introduced hem's or As the fort was named after the Prince of Orange, so ha's to impress other people with the idea that they was the river styled in honor of Prince Maurice, the Mau- (the winkers and nodders) are miraculously endowed ritius, and North river, to distinguish it from the South beings, second Davys as chemists, Byrons as poets, or Delaware river, upon the banks of which settlements Herschells as astronomers, Handels as musicians, and had been commenced. Around this spot was planted Raphaels as painters. Silence will do more for a man's the root of the city of Albany, in the shape of a few reputation in this way than one may imagine, and many dwellings, which cluster was called, from the bend upon a "clever fellow" has won his title by the means we which it was placed, Fuyk i. e. hoop or bow-net. The have just alluded to.

Description of the Plague in Florence, Anno 1348.

[From the Italian of Boccacio.]


The years of the beneficent Incarnation of the Son of God had already numbered one thousand three hundred forty and eight, when the death-bearing Pestilence entered the renowned city of Florence, beyond all others of Italy the most beautiful. Sent among mortals either through the influence of superior bodies, or by the just anger of God for our correction, in consequence of our iniquities, it broke out some years before in the East, whence, after having destroyed innumerable lives, it passed from one place to another without delay, shaping its course unfortunately towards the West. Against it availed neither wisdom nor human forethought, which caused the city to be purged of much uncleanness, by officers appointed for that purpose, by whom admittance was refused to all sick persons, and various wise regulations made for the conservation of the public health; nor yet humble supplications repeatedly offered up to God by devout persons, and accompanied by processions and other religious ceremonies, for early in the spring of the forementioned year it began to manifest its devastating ravages in an awful and horrible manner.

Hemorrhage from the nose was a palpable sign of certain death; but swellings appeared, in the commencement of the disease, in the armpits and groins, both of men and women; these grew, some as big as an apple, others an egg-some larger, some smaller. The common people called them boils. From those parts these spread, in a short time, indifferently over all parts of the body, after which the nature of the disease became changed, and black or livid spots appeared on the arms, hips and other places; on some large and few; on others, minute and many. And as the boil had been, from the first, and still continued, the most certain indication of death, so it was with all on whom it appeared.

have heard it from persons worthy of trust. So subtle, I say then, was the poison of this pestilence, in passing from one to another, that not only the man, but what's more, it often publicly occurred that the matter appertaining to a man afflicted or dead with this malady, touched by any other animal not of the human species, not alone infected the animal, but absolutely destroyed it in a short space of time. The proof hereof was tested, one day, after this manner, before mine own eyes.

The rags belonging to a beggar, who had died of this distemper, lay on the street. Two swine having approached them, first turned them up with their snouts, as is their wont, then caught them between their teeth and shook them. In a short space of time, after having turned somewhat around, they both fell to the earth dead, over the tumbled rags, as if they had swallowed poison.

In consequence of these and numberless other cases equally, if not more alarming, divers fears and fancies took possession of the minds of the living, and one and all arrived as if at one common, though cruel, conclusion; which was, to shun and flee the sick and whatever belonged to them, and thus each imagined that he should best secure his own safety.

Some there were who thought that moderate living, and the avoidance of all superfluities, aided much in resisting these misfortunes. So, having made up their party, they lived separate from all others, and by collecting together and shutting themselves up where no sick were, by good nourishment, delicate meats, and the best of wines, without communicating or speaking with any without, they contrived to live with their friends, enjoying such amusements as they could command, nor experienced any instance either of sickness or of death.

Others, having formed an opposite opinion, maintained that amusements, singing, diversions, the gratification of the appetite in every possible way, laughing and scoffing at every thing that occurred, was the best medicine against sickness. And as they preached so did they practise, night and day, to the utmost of their

For the cure of such a disease neither doctors' skill nor the power of medicine seemed to be of any effect. On the contrary, whether it was that its nature was not ascertained or not understood by professors of the heal-power; now in this tavern, now in that; drinking withing art, (the number of whom, in addition to the Faculty, was immensely increased, as well by women as by men totally ignorant of all medical knowledge,) no suitable remedies could be applied, and not only did few recover, but, on the contrary, almost all died on the third day after the appearance of the above symptoms; some sooner, some later; the greater number without any fever or other accident.

out limit and without measure; acting, moreover, in other people's houses just as they pleased or as their amusement prompted; for this they were now free to do, since every one, as if he were to live no longer, had abandoned his goods, as he had himself, to the mercy of the world. Thus was almost every thing in common, and strangers made use of whatever they came across, as if they were its proper owners; for And the more destructive still was this pestilence, in this afflicting and wretched condition of our city inasmuch as from the sick it communicated to the the revered authority of the law, both human and healthy in the same manner as fire seizes dry or greasy divine, fell as it were into utter decay, and disapcombustibles, when they are too near. And yet greater peared; for the ministers and executors thereof were was the evil, for not only did speaking to or visiting the all, like other men, either dead or sick, or so destitute sick convey infection to the healthy, and cause common of assistants that they could perform no official duty. death, but touching the clothes or anything else that Every one, therefore, was free to do just as he pleased. the diseased had used or handled, seemed to transmit Between the two courses mentioned above, many the sickness. Wonderful to hear is what I am about to adopted a middle plan, neither restricting themselves narrate, which, if it had not been beheld by the eyes in their diet, like the first, nor committing excesses in of numbers as well as by mine, scarcely should I have drinking, and various other dissipations, like the second. dared to believe, much less to record it, albeit I might They used merely what sufficed to satisfy the appetite,

and instead of shutting themselves up, they went abroad carrying in their hands a few flowers, fragrant herbs, and spices, of which they would occasionally smell considering that it was best to comfort the brain by such odors, for the whole air appeared charged and fœtid with the foul emanations from dead corpses, sickness and drugs.

Others there were who entertained a more unfeeling opinion, albeit it might, peradventure, be the safest. These averred that no remedy was more effectual against all sorts of pestilence, nor so good, than to fly from before them. And in accordance with this view, regarding nothing but themselves, a number of ladies and gentlemen abandoned the city, their own houses, their dwellings, their parents and property, and went elsewhere; as if the anger of God, excited to punish the iniquity of man, could not reach them wherever they might happen to be; as if it was designed to overwhelm those alone who remained within the city walls, or to warn all to flee therefrom, for its last hour was now come. Though those who entertained these conflicting opinions did not all die, all did not, therefore, escape. On the contrary, many of each fell sick, and these, (having themselves given, everywhere, when well, the example to those who continued in health,) pined, everywhere, away as if abandoned by all.

Not only did one citizen shun the other, and neighbor disregard his neighbor, and relatives visited each other seldom or never, and at distant intervals, but such terror, in this hour of trouble, possessed the hearts alike of women and of men, that brother abandoned brother; the uncle the nephew; the sister her brother, and oftentimes the wife her husband; and what is more extraordinary, and almost passing belief, fathers and mothers avoided visiting and attending their children, as if these belonged not to them. So great was the multitude who, from these causes alone fell sick, that these became entirely dependent on the charity of friends (and these were very few) or on the avarice of servants who attended for high wages, or in consequence of unbecoming importunities, though many would not consent to come even for all these. Unaccustomed, for the most part, to such service, numbers of those servants were so stupid as to be utterly useless, save to hand what the sick might demand, or to look on whilst they were dying. Whilst employed even in these services, many times they perished with all their gains.

In consequence of the sick being thus abandoned by neighbors, relatives and friends, and owing to the scarcity of help, that happened which never before was heard of-which was, that no lady, how beautiful, or lovely, or gentle-blooded soever she might have been, hesitated, on falling sick, to be nursed by a man, no matter whether he were young or old, provided her sickness actually required it, which perhaps caused those who recovered to be less virtuous afterwards. Besides this, many died who might have escaped had they chanced to have had assistance. Wherefore, from the want of proper attendance, which it was impossible to obtain, and from the virulence of the pestilence, the multitude who nightly and daily perished was so great that it was awful to hear tell of, let alone to behold. Usages foreign to the early habits of the citizens hence arose as if of necessity among those who survived.

It was customary (as in our days) for the female relatives and neighbors to assemble in the house of the deceased to mourn with the inmates, whilst, on the other hand, the neighbors and citizens collected with the connections in front of the house; and then, according to the rank of the departed, came the clergy, who conducted him, raised on the shoulders of his peers, with all the funereal pomp of sacred hymns and lighted tapers, to the church which he had selected before his death. But when the ferocity of the plague began to manifest itself, these customs disappeared in whole or in part, and other strange ones supervened in the stead thereof. For people died not only without having a number of females around their beds, but crowds passed out of this life without one to witness their departure. Fewest of all were those to whom were given the pious tears and sorrowful wailings of their kinsfolk. In place of these came laughter and jestings and social merry makings into vogue, which customs the women, having now for the most part laid feminine piety aside, had, for their health's sake, learned to perfection. Few, indeed, were they who were accompanied to church by more than ten or twelve persons; not honorable and esteemed citizens, but a species of grave diggers, sprung from the lowest classes, who called themselves undertakers. These being hired, crept under the coffin, and carried it in a hurry, not to the church which had been selected before death, but, usually, to the nearest, preceded by five or six of the clergy, a glimmering light, and frequently without any taper at all. With the aid of such a convoy, who did not fatigue themselves with an overlong or oversolemn office, the corpse was shovelled into the first unoccupied pit they came to.

Far greater was the wretchedness which prevailed among the lower, or rather among the middle classes. These, detained for the most part at home, either by poverty or hope, sickened daily by thousands, and having neither servants nor means, all perished beyond redemption. Numbers of these expired, by night and by day, in the public streets-many more in their houses whose deaths their neighbors learnt for the first time only by the stench of their putrified carcasses; and of these and of others who died wholesale was every place full. Prompted, as well by the fear that the corruption of the dead would be prejudicial to themselves, as by the charity which they entertained for the departed, one and the same plan was generally observed by the neighbors. Either by themselves or with the aid of porters, when they could be procured, they drew forth the bodies of the dead from their recent habitations, and placed them before the doors, where they could be seen, beyond number, especially in the morning, by whomsoever ventured around, and after the coffins had been brought. Such was the want of these that many were laid out on some chance plank.

Nor was that a solitary bier which bore away two or three corpses at a time, for this occurred more than once. Nay, it was impossible to count those which positively held the husband and wife, two or three brothers, or the father and son. And it happened, time after time, that a couple of priests, bearing a crucifix for some particular person, were followed by three or four litters, and

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