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$559 60

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$100 00 On the 9th July, 1833, the sureties were notified of
the amount due, ($333 63,) and that a draft would
be issued. On application for indulgence, the dis-
trict attorney was authorized to take new bonds, which
he did, at one and two years, for the amount.
remained in his hands, without collection, until af-
ter the establishment of this office. In 1837, they
were obtained, and suit was directed on them, Sep-
tember, 1837, and judgment obtained. $141 50
was paid over to Lewis Sanders, jr., district attor-
ney, and is charged to his account, (see infra;) and
$150 was collected on execution, and paid over, Oc-
tober 12, 1838, leaving $42 13 due, of principal debt,
as stated. On the 4th March, 1844, the marshal
collected and accounted for $100, leaving still a small
amount due for interest.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

ed, "No estate." Suit was directed, Feb.


16, 1837, to recover $618 68,
the amount then due. Judgment was obtained, and
the marshal was authorized to take collateral secu-
rity on time, to wit, six and twelve months.
the 5th March, 1840, he paid over $200, leaving
balance as stated. On the 16th March, 1843, he
paid over balance, to wit, $418 68 debt, and $140 92
interest, making $559 60.

Upon failure of the usual efforts to collect by draft,
suit was directed, Aug. 17, 1836, to recover $331 95,
the amount then due. Judgment was obtained against
the sureties for $182 09, which was paid over, March
31, 1838, leaving amount due as stated.

Upon failure of the usual efforts to collect by draft,
suit was directed, December 8, 1836. Judgment
was obtained against the sureties for the amount, and
execution issued, and was returned, "No estate,"
August, 1837. A new suit was thereupon brought
against the principal, which suit abated in 1840, by
the return of the marshal, "No inhabitant."
Upon failure of the usual efforts to collect by draft,
(in the course of which it was ascertained that the
sureties of Cooksey were deceased, and their estates

$86 91.

120 90

149 84


66 27

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$309 92

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insolvent,) suit was directed against him, December
8, 1836. Upon learning that the suit had abated
by his removal, his successor was written to for in-
formation of his residence and his circumstances. He
stated that he had been some time in Paducah jail;
that his circumstances were bad, and he had no fixed
place of residence.

Upon failure of the usual efforts to collect by draft,
suit was directed against Wagley alone, September
23, 1839. Judgment was obtained for the amount,
November 6, 1839, and execution issued, which was
returned, May term, 1841, "No estate found."
Upon failure of the usual efforts to collect by draft,
suit was directed, March 29, 1839. Judgment was
obtained, November 5, 1839, for the amount. Re-
peated executions have issued, and have been re-
turned, "No estate found."

Upon failure of the usual efforts to collect by draft,
suit was directed, June 18, 1838, and was again di-
rected, March 27, 1839. Judgment was obtained,
May, 1839, for $24 04, the amount then due; and
on the 4th October, 1839, the district attorney paid
over $18, leaving balance due as stated. Succes-
sive executions have issued for balance, and have
been returned, "No estate."

$283 51 This debt arose from moneys received by Mr. Sanders 1853 12
whilst district attorney. Suit was directed against
him, in Kentucky, January 28, 1839, but he having
removed to Mississippi before service, it was directed
there, February 27, 1839. Judgment was obtained,
November term, 1839, for $2,528 16; and Mr. San-
ders then placed in the hands of the district attorney
notes of hand of James H. Freeman, due January
23, 1841, for $400; Lewis B. Bates for $1,668 66,
due December 25, 1846; and of E. B. Bartlett for
$912 50, due October 1, 1842-as collateral secu-
rity for said judgment, and for $141 50 not included
in it, received from J. Slaughter, (vide supra.)
None of these notes was paid at maturity. Execu-
tion issued upon the judgment, and $300 92 was
made by sale of Mr. Sanders's property, and was
paid over, July 23, 1841. Suit was brought on the
note of Freeman, and judgment obtained, in the north-
ern district of Mississippi, June 10, 1842. Execu-
tion issued, and was returned, "No property." He
then gave a note of William Vannerson for $250, as
collateral. This note was put in suit, and judgment
obtained, and $250 principal and $33 51 interest
were collected and paid, December 11, 1843; leaving
due, by Mr. Sanders, $1,853 12, besides interest.
Efforts were made to collect the notes of Bates and
Bartlett without suit; which failing, suit was directed

$127 18

64 05

6 04

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$35 37

against the former, August 25, 1842, and against
the latter, May 9, 1843. Judgments have been ob-
tained in both, and defendants are solvent, but the
collection has been enjoined until Mr. Sanders shall
execute titles to the land, for the purchase of which
the notes were the consideration. It is supposed
that this will be done, and the debt fully collected.
Collected by suit, with $5 39 interest, and $9 24
costs, September 20, 1841.

Upon failure of the usual efforts to collect by draft,
suit was directed, September 7, 1839, against Pat-
ton alone, the sureties being at this period discharged.
Judgment was obtained for the amount, November
6, 1839, and execution was returned, May, 1841,
"No estate found." The case was brought to the
notice of B. E. Green, special agent, June 17, 1842,
who reported, August 24, 1842, that the debt might
be considered as lost, there being no hope of Patton's
being ever able to pay, if ever so anxious.
Upon failure of the usual efforts to collect by draft,
suit was directed, August 22, 1839, against Kirtley
alone, the sureties being at this period discharged..
Judgment was obtained for the amount, November 6,
1841, and execution was returned, November, 1840,
"No estate found."

Upon failure of the usual efforts to collect by draft,
suit was directed, 5th August, 1839. Judgment
was obtained, 5th November, 1839, for the amount.
Execution issued, and was returned, "No estate.

[ocr errors]

Upon failure of the usual efforts to collect by draft, $402 88
suit was directed, 12th September, 1839, against
the principal, in Ohio, and against the sureties, in
Kentucky, to recover $615 94, the amount then
due. Judgment was obtained against Morrow, 28th
December, 1839, for the amount, with interest.
Execution issued,. and was returned, "No proper-
ty found." Costs paid. Against Alexander, judg.
ment was also obtained for the amount, November,
1839, and fi. fa., alias and pluries, issued, and were
successively returned, "No estate." At May
term, 1840, judgment was obtained against Boyd
for $213 06, which was collected on fi. fa. and paid
over, 30th March, 1841, leaving amount due as
stated. The information respecting Morrow is con-
tradictory, but the impression arising from the
whole is, that he has abundant means, though his
property cannot be reached. A private suiter would
doubtless be able to make the money.

1984 99

95 61

23 43

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