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a "thorough sceptic" to this doctrine-is the more valuable. We are glad to learn from him "that science now allows the existence of clairvoyance, though it cannot fully explain it ;" which must be very condescending on the part of science after having so long declared clairvoyance, as it now declares Spiritualism, to be "impossible."

We trust that our "thorough sceptic to the so-called doctrine of Spiritualism" may be led to continue his investigations. In accepting clairvoyance he is already on the threshold of Spiritualism. If the correct description of distant persons and of what has happened to them proves this doctrine of clairvoyance, correct descriptions of persons unknown to the clairvoyant who have departed this life equally proves the doctrine of Spiritualism, -that the vision of the seer transcends the conditions of matter as well as the conditions of space.

Whatever may be the elements or forces concerned in the production of such physical phenomena as is related in the case above given, there is abundant evidence to shew that under proper conditions, and in circles for genuine investigation, invisible beings employ these elements and forces, use them for definite ends, and superinduce manifestations of intelligence, volition and personal identity. As in the phenomena described in the Atlantic Monthly, "learned professors," may ignore this, may deny that these things can take place or attribute them to imposture; but in good time we shall no doubt be told, as the writer of this article tells us of clairvoyance-" Of this extraordinary power, science now allows the existence, though it cannot fully explain it." We congratulate him that in recognizing the reality of clairvoyance, and the genuineness of the physical phenomena he has placed before us, he has at all events crossed "the pons asinorum and parted company with the professors.


And yet this may be less so than appears,
This change and separation. Sparrows five
For just two farthings, and God cares for each.
If God is not too great for little cares,

Is any creature, because gone to God?

I've seen some men veracious, nowise mad,

Who have thought or dreamed, declared and testified

They've heard the dead a-ticking like a clock,

Which strikes the hours of the eternities,

Beside them, with their natural ears, and know

That human spirits feel the human way,

And hate the unreasoning one which waves them off
From possible communion. It may be.






IN In my last communication I promised to detail some experiences with Anderson, the spirit-artist, and other mediums.

I gladly availed myself of a complimentary ticket to a soirée at Mr. Anderson's rooms for the benefit of one of the New York Spiritualist societies. Before the programme of the evening began, I was introduced to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. The former is tall, dark, with dreamy expression of countenance; the latter a short spare woman, quick in thought, and of an extremely sensitive nature. Mr. Anderson kindly took me into his picture gallery, and into the room in which he sits, with the room darkened, pencil in hand, for portraits of the departed. His wife sits in a room immediately under him. Both enter the entranced state, and remain so during the sitting; meantime, through Mr. Anderson's hand some portion of a picture is transferred to the paper, which is pinned against the wall. The picture may be finished in one or two sittings, or it may take many sittings, according to size and work. I saw some pictures life-size, which took them nearly twelve months, and required numerous sittings. It is probable that either could obtain pictures alone, as both are mediums, but not with such rapidity and perfection. This, I think, will be readily understood by those who have studied the philosophy of magnetism.

I could only take a cursory glance at the various pictures in Mr. Anderson's gallery, before the entertainment in the room below commenced; but Mr. Anderson having promised to favour me with a sitting, I determined to reserve till then a closer inspection of them. On my second visit I found Mr. and Mrs. Anderson at leisure, and gleaned from them various particulars of their past history.

Mr. Anderson's development commenced in the workshop; he was engaged as a coach-painter, had little knowledge of painting, and no faith whatever in Spiritualism. One day a gentleman entered the shop or factory where our coachpainter was at work, and left in his charge a large sheet of drawing paper, promising to call for it in the course of an hour or so. During the interim, Anderson went to sleep, and awoke somewhat confused. The gentleman called for the drawing paper, when, to his amazement, he found upon it a well

executed likeness of a deceased friend. He called Anderson, but Anderson was as ignorant of how the painting was produced as himself. Soon after this incident spirits began to appear to him, and hold audible converse. He was told that he must quit coach-painting for portrait-painting. He obeyed, and thus launched on the ocean of Spiritualism.

After our conversation closed, Mr. Anderson fetched a large sheet of drawing paper, and bade me tear off a corner. I did


He then left me to inspect the various pictures in the gallery, whilst he and his good lady went to sit for a spiritdrawing. I took note of my watch. In 28 minutes, Anderson brought me a drawing of an ethereal face, the head wreathed in flowers. On inquiry, I learned that the picture was intended for my little girl, Marion, who went to the angels at the age of 17 months. I think I never saw a more spiritual face. I looked at it a long time but could not trace a likeness. Had Marion lived in the form she would at that time have been about 14 years of age. Charles H. Forster described her as about 16. Anderson's portrait was about the same age, to all appearance. My wife, had she seen it, might possibly have traced some resemblance to our child; as it was, I could not accept the picture as a test, although I admired it much, and could feel only delighted to think that my cherub in heaven looked so divinely beautiful.

It is proper to say in this place, that I have in my travels met several persons who have had pictures from Anderson, which they declare to be very like the persons for whom they were intended. I afterwards, through Mansfield, was told by the alleged spirit of Marion, that her grandfather's spirit said that her likeness was a good one, excepting a little too much length in the outline. Putting aside the question of recognition, I was astounded at the rapidity with which the picture was produced. The wreath of flowers, circling the head, I am convinced would have taken any, ordinary artist several hours.

I saw several letters speaking in the highest terms of pictures taken by Anderson. One from Robert Dale Owen states, that at the request of Mr. Anderson he tore two corners from a piece of drawing paper, and after 28 or 30 minutes, Mr. Anderson brought him a correct likeness of a friend who had been in the spirit-world 37 years. Mr. Owen makes this statement without the solicitation of Mr. Anderson, hoping it may do him good. I remarked to Mr. Anderson that I thought I understood the philosophy of allowing persons for whom he sits to tear off a corner or two of the drawing paper. My theory is that the person requiring a spirit-likeness, by handling the paper, and retaining a portion, connects his or her magnetism with the spirit and spirit-artists controlling the

medium. He agreed with me; adding that sceptics who sat for portraits believed that by holding a corner or two of the paper, they had satisfactory means of detecting imposition.

There is one picture life-size, which should be photographed. It is the portrait of an Indian chief. He stands up full dressed, pipe in hand, and feathers girdling his waist. There are pencil touches in it which I think could not be surpassed. There is also a picture of an Indian squaw, smaller, yet life-size: it is well executed, but pales before that of the great chief. Two portraits of Benjamin Franklin, a few smaller pictures, and a few heads, make up the gallery. I was permitted to inspect an unfinished picture of a group of spirit-figures. It bids fair to eclipse any I had seen as a work of art. I particularly noticed the almost inimitable delicacy and naturalness of detail in Mr. Anderson's best pictures. Nothing seemed either omitted or overdone. Each told the whole story it was intended to convey.

Mrs. Anderson is also a clairvoyante and developing medium. I was invited to sit with her. Marion came to me, bearing a banner with the motto, "Truth and Justice-ever upward and onward." She was followed by little "Violet," a child spirit, who interested me much with her quaint remarks, which betokened a wisdom above the average of children on earth.

I could not count on my fingers the number of mediums, neither can I remember the names of some of them, who, at different times and places have described my spirit-friends, and especially darling Marion. Before I proceed with my own experiences, I transcribe a letter written, sealed, and sent to Mr. Mansfield, by my little girl Jessie, under nine years of age, and posted from Vineland, Ñ. J.

Vineland, Box 158, N. J.

MY DEAR SISTER MARION,-Do you know the pleasure it gives me in being able to write to you? and do you know how I long to see you, and to know all about your beautiful spirit-home? I do so often wish I had a sister here in this world, that I could talk to and play with. Do you think you will be able some day to write through me? - and do you love me?-and do you love Harry, and George, and Baby? We all love you dearly, and talk about you almost every day. Do you remember Walter, how he used to play with you, and love you, and your aunt Ellen? Will you send them both a little message?

My dear sister Marion,

I hope you are well;

And if you are,

I pray you tell.

Accept a sweet kiss of love, from Mother, Harry, George, Baby, and me.

From your loving sister,


The above letter was accompanied with a private one to Mr. Mansfield, containing a couple of little pictures, cut out from an old almanac, which Jessie in perfect simplicity desired



him to give to Marion for her. I had nothing to do with the correspondence whatever. I was at the time nearly five

hundred miles from home.

Through Mr. Mansfield came this answer to the sealed letter:

MY DARLING SWEET SISTER-How can I sufficiently thank you for allowing me to come to you through this mortal source? When dear grandfather Powell came to me, and said, "My dear angel grandchild, haste --haste away to talk with thy little sister, Jessie, who has succeeded in opening an avenue that reaches from earth to Summer-land: she has placed herself receptive to favourable conditions, and is just outside awaiting you;" so frantic with delight was I, I could not for a moment reply to my dear grandfather; but collecting myself as best I could, I started off in haste for this medium, who now acts as amanuensis for me to talk with you, and my dear father, mother, and brothers. O! my darling sister, many years ere you was born, I had become a dweller of the shadowy realms; and no one was more delighted than your spirit-sister Marion, when it was announced I had a sister in mortal form. Day by day would I come to you, and dear mother, and fancy myself really with you. But you could not quite see me; so, year after year, have I visited you, and our dear parents, and all that I could possibly do to harmonise and bless your surroundings, have I done.

Grandma', darling one, is so kind-so fond of me; she calls me to her almost daily, and we go hand in hand all over these beautiful plains-through shady groves-along the banks of beautiful, and yet deep rivers. Sometimes we take grandpa' with us, and not long since we were accompanied by Sacha, the once and will-be-again wife of that dear Mr. Home, the pioneer of Spiritualism in Europe. She is a dear spirit; the pet of all that know her. Oh! my dear, sweet sister Jessie, I long to have you with me in Summer-land, and yet I see your years are many on earth. But be they few or many, they will soon pass by, and you, and mother, father, Harry, George, and baby will join our happy circle, never more to be separated..

When you think of me, do not think of me as dead and buried underneath the shade of that cold, dark, and dismal wall, where they placed all that was mortal of your spirit-sister; but imagine me in my spirit-home in Summer-land; think too, my dear sister, that you will come here by-and-by, and find a bower too beside mine, that I have builded and embellished with rosebine and evergreen, for you, my sweet sister Jessie.

Now again, I wish to impress on your mind, and the same on the minds of all the dear family, I am not now the little child I was fourteen years ago. I am in stature as large or as tall as I would have been had I tarried in the body-form until the present time.

I have several times attempted to shew myself in such a way that I could impress my personal appearance on the medium, and have but once succeeded. Father has seen the attempt, but cannot recognize it as being his sweet Marion. But it is a faithful likeness, so says grandfather, with one exception, that is the length of the features; grandfather says they are too round for my face now, other than that, they could not be improved upon. Will you thank the artist and his dear companion, for allowing me to come to them as I did. I will bless them ever.

Now, my dear sister, you would know "if I will ever be able to write through your hand." As to that, I will say I hope so. Tell mother I will through her, if she will allow me to shew confidence in her medium power.

I do not remember about Walter playing, I may after a while. Say to Walter and aunt E., that we shall meet again.

Kiss dear father and darling mother, and our brothers, for me. Accept thousands for your own dear self, my sister Jessie.

From your sister in Spirit-land,


I thank you-I thank you for your pictures.-MARION.

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