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Intercession of Christ for us at God's right

hand, 96, 285; of the Holy Ghost, 312.
Jonas, a type of Christ, 259.

Joseph, a type of Christ, dying, rising again,

and sitting at the right hand of God, 253,

Joshua, a type of Christ, 75.
Jovinianus, *173.

Isaac, a type of Christ, 199, 200, 210.
Isidorus, *160.

Judæa, government of, 194.
Judgement of the world, proved from reason
and Scripture, 294; believed by the hea-
then, 295; in it Christ shall preside as
Judge, with the reasons for it, 297; an
account of the process, in the Day of
Judgement, 300; necessity of believing
a future judgement, 304.


Whose Kingdom shall have no end, why in-
serted in the Nicene Creed, 284; kingdom
of Christ, twofold, 151, 284; kingdom of
Christ as man, eternal, and in what re-
spect, 152.

Kingly power of Christ, the benefits of it to
us, 97, 281.

Kings anointed by the Jews, 93.

Kúpios, the use of this word among the an-
cient Greeks, *145; the original meaning
of it, *147.


Law of God, the reason, and extent of it,

Life, what it is, 211; life everlasting, taken

in the Creed for the endless duration of
all men, 389; for the endless duration of
the wicked, 378; eternal life, the full im-
portance of it, 394.

Life, to live, taken for happiness, and to be

happy, by the ancients,*395.

Life, in God originally, in man derivatively,

Light, Christ so called from the perspicuity
of his doctrine, 85.

Limbus Patrum, whether Christ delivered
souls out of that place, 247.
Lord, determinately used for Christ in the
New Testament, 145; but sometimes
used for men both in the Old and New
Testament, 145; how the Greek and
Hebrew words for Lord correspond, 146;
that Christ is Lord, as that word is the

interpretation of the name Jehovah,
proved, 148; Lord applied to Christ as
the interpretation of the name Adon, or
Adonai, 150; how and in what respect
Christ is Lord, 151; how many ways he
hath a right to be our Lord, 153; neces-
sity of believing in Christ as Lord, 155;
Lord of Sabaoth, or of Hosts, meaning
of this title, 42, 45.
Lord's day, 265.
Lucanus, *160.

AUTρov, the meaning of this word, *3C3.


Macedonius, Macedonians, their heresy,
*128, 316, *316.
Mahometans, have corrupted a passage in
the Psalms relating to Christ, 136; keep
their Sabbath on Friday, the sixth day of
the week, and why, 266.

Manes, an account of him, *64; the word
Manes, signifies a heretic in the Syriac,
*64, *135, *160.

Manicheans, *64, *170, *184, *262.
Marcellus, Bishop of Ancyra, *283.
Marcion, *64, *160, *183.

Marcus, Marcosians, *160, *184.

Maries, several mentioned in the Gospel,

Mary, various opinions of the ancient
Fathers about the meaning of this name,

Matter, the opinion of the eternity of it,
refuted, 53.

Mediatorship of Christ, when and why it
shall cease, 191.
Menander, *160.

Messias. See Christ. A word of the same
signification with Christ, 79, 182; the
Jews make a double Messias, 87, 183;
mistaking the Scriptures that speak of his
coming twice, 292; all the Jews formerly
believed that the Messias should be the
Son of God, though since Christ they
have denied it, 105; that the Messias
should suffer proved from prophecies, 87,
182; suffer death, 210; rise again, 253;
ascend into heaven, 269; come a second
time, 299.
Ministry, what sanctification necessary for
the work of it, 330, 332.
Miracles of Jesus, 86, 94.
Miracles, the use of them, 10, 390; they
prove the being of God, 21.

Miraculous conception of Jesus, 84, 105,
164; upon what grounds Moses, the Pro-
phets and the Apostles received and pro-
pagated the faith, 7; how much short
Moses came of Christ in his miracles, 85.
Montanus, *329.:

Moses, credibility of, 10.


Nail struck through a bond, cancelled it,

Nature of no creature is originally evil, 63;
Divine nature indivisible, 135; it suffered
not in Christ, 186, 191; distinction of
natures in Christ asserted, 160, 188, 212;
necessity of two natures in one Person
of Christ, 163.
Nazarenes, *166.

Nestorius, Nestorians, *128, 163, *163,
*177, *186, *237.
Noetus, 158, *158, *322.

None good but one, explained, 56.
Nothing can be produced out of nothing,
how far true, 54.
Novatian heresy, 369, *369.


Obedience due from us to Christ, 155.
Oil, why used in anointing, 97, 100.
Omnipotence, the notion of it explained, 6,
285. See Almighty.
Only-begotten, 138.
Ophiani, Ophitæ, *160.
Opinion, what it is, 3.

Origen, his erroneous opinion of the eter-
nity of the world, 62; his error about
hell-torments, 394.
Origenists, their error, 384.


ПIаvтокрáтwр, meaning of this word, *41,

Paraclete explained, 328, *329.
Ilapaσkevý, the meaning of it, *263.
Paschal lamb, a type of Christ, *200.
Passion of Christ, why the Jews give a false
account of the time of it, 197.
Patience, the proper foundation of it in a
Christian, 29.

Patripassians, 158, *158.

Paulus Samosatenus, *297.

Pelagians, their heresy, 328; renewed by the
Socinians, *328.

Phantasiasta, the same with Docetæ, *160,

Phidias, 19.

Philosophers, what they taught about the
existence of the world, 52, 55.
Photinus, Photinians, 119, *119, *283.
P. Pilate, a man of a rough, untractable
spirit, 196; his testimony to the death of
Christ, 198; necessity of expressing in
the Creed, that our Saviour suffered under
P. Pilate, 197.

Πίστις, this word sometimes taken for the
Creed, *14.

Plato, his distinction between the name of
God and of Gods, 23.
Platonist Philosophy, *56.

Power, the object, nature, and extent of God's
power, 42, 57, 287; on what accounts the
belief of it is necessary, 44; Christ had not
all power, till after his resurrection, 152.
Praxeas, 158, *158, *322.

Pre-existence of Christ, 107, 110.
Preparation, day of, 263.

Priests anointed by the Jews, 92.
Priests, why under the Law they blessed
the people at the morning, but not at the
evening sacrifice, 96.

Priority of the Father before the Son, 33;
terms of priority given him by the an-
cients, 36.

Priscillianus, *158.

Probable, what is so, 3.

Procession, how it differs from generation,
141; of the Holy Ghost, *324.

Procurator, the nature of his office, and the
extraordinary power of the Procurator of
Judæa, 194.

IIpódpouos, its several meanings, *273.
Properties, communication of, in the Person
of Christ, 188.

Prophecies of the Messias fulfilled in Jesus,

Prophecy, a proof of a Divine Being, 21.
Prophets, nature of their testimony, 8.


Quick, what is meant by that word in the
Creed, 301; the quick, i. e. those that are
alive in the day of Judgement, shall not
be dissolved by death, 302.


Rationalis summarum, *346.

Reconciliation between God and man, 364;
to be reconciled to God, the meaning of
this phrase, ibid.

Redemption, can only be effected by the
Son of God, 142.

Redemption implies both conquest and pur-
chase, 154; how purchased, 192, 363;
Redemption one reason why we call God
Father, Regeneration another, Resurrec-
tion a third, 27.

Regeneration, effected by God as our Father,
28; applied to the Resurrection, ibid.;
not applied to Christ, 140.
Regeneration, the work of the Holy Ghost,

Remission of sins explained, 363; how pro-

pounded and conferred in the Church,367.
Repentance, a motive to it, 304; the neces-
sity of it, 367.

Resurrection, a kind of regeneration, 28.
Resurrection of Christ predicted, 253, 259.
Resurrection, the definition of it, 253; no-
thing less than Omnipotence can effect it,
256; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, raised
Christ from the dead, 257; distance be-
tween the death and resurrection of
Christ, how necessary, 259; necessity of
believing the resurrection of Christ, 266;
the possibility of our resurrection, 372;
the probability of it upon natural and
moral grounds, 374; the certainty of it
upon Christian principles demonstrated,
378; identity of the body necessarily
supposed, 380; latitude of the resur-
rection, 384; necessity of believing the
resurrection, 386.

Revelation of two kinds, mediate and im-
mediate, 7.

Right hand of God, what it signifies, 277.
Roman Governor had the power of life and
death in Judæa sixty years before the de-
struction of Jerusalem, 195.
Ruffinus, his explication of Christ's descent
into hell, 233.


Sabbath, reasons for changing it from the
seventh to the first day, 265.
Sabellian heresy, *158, 322, *322.
Sacrifices, typical of the great atonement,

Saints, who they are, and how a man may
become one, 351.

Sanctification, the work of the Holy Ghost,

Zápos, this term explained, *59.
Saturninus, *160, *184.

Saviour, an appellation given to the heathen

gods and men, 73; reasons at large why
Christ is peculiarly called so, ibid.
Science, difference between science and
faith, 3.

Scriptures, why written, 10.

Scythianus, the first author of the Mani-
chean heresy, *64.

Second coming of Christ, 292.
Second death, 393.
Secundus, *160.

Seleuciani, *272, *386.

Sent, never applied to the Father, 36.
Shaddai, the notion and importance of
that word, 41, 45.

Sheaf, Waved, a type of Christ rising from
the dead, 259.

Shiloh, 82.

Simon Magus, 160, *160, *184.

Sin, what it is, 360; the obligation of sin,
what it is, 362; sin and Satan, how
Christ destroys their power, 282.
Sitting at the right hand of God explained,
277; the notion of sitting in the Creed,
278; necessity of believing in Christ
sitting at the right hand of God, 284.
Socinians, *111, *114, *138, *139, *148,
*161, 166, 257, *257, 312, 313, *314,
316, *328, *331, 365, 368, *382, 384, 393,

Socinus, *19.

Son's mission, congruity of the, argued from
the pre-eminence of the Father, 36; only
begotten Son, interpreted by ancient here-
tics, begotten of the Father only: by So-

cinians, most beloved of the Father, 138.
Son of God, the world created by the, 113.
Son of man, 151.

Sonship, the several degrees of it, 31; the


peculiarity of the Sonship of Christ, 106;
necessity of the belief of it, 142.
Soul of man, has no innate ideas, 18;
sometimes used to signify the dead body,
232; human soul of Christ, with the af-
fections and passions, 160; it descended
to the mansions of departed souls, 235.
Spirit, see Ghost.
Sufferings of Christ, how ancient prophecies
were fulfilled in them, 87; that the Mes-
sias was to suffer, proved, 182; the mea-
sure and manner of the sufferings of Christ
were predetermined between the Father
and him, 184; description of the suffer-
ings of Christ, 189; necessity of believing
that our Saviour suffered, 191; why Christ
could not suffer the pains of hell, 231; he
suffered in the human nature only, 187.

Tabernacle, the Jews believed that it signi-

fied this world, 269.
Temple of Jerusalem, the inferiority of the
second to the first, 83.
Terebinthus, *64.
Tessaresdecatitæ, *198.

Testimony, two sorts of it, and what makes
it valid, 4; testimony of God, the nature
of it, 6.

Third day, meaning of, 260.

Transubstantiation, the primitive church
ignorant of this doctrine, 161.
Trinity, the order of it may not be inverted,
36, 322; difference between the Persons
in it, 38, 321.

Trust in God, the grounds of it, 290.
Types of the sufferings of Christ, 185, 199.


Union of the two natures of Christ not dis-
solved by death, 214; union of Christ
with the Church by the Holy Ghost, 329,

Unity in the Godhead, the ground of it, 23,

40, 135; of the Church, wherein it con-
sists, 339.

Universe, the notion and extent of it, 47, 51;
divided by the Jews into three worlds, 48;
philosophers thought it infinite, eternal,
God himself, 50; the philosophers proba-
bly learned the doctrine of the eternity of
the universe from the Christians, *56.


Valentinus, Valentinians, *160, 181.
Virgin. Two prophecies that Christ should
be born of a Virgin cleared, 171; parents
of the Virgin Mary, *171; proofs that
Mary was a virgin when she conceived,
when she brought forth, and ever after,
and objections answered, 172; the Virgin
styled Deipara, and the Mother of God,
177; what honour is due to her, 178;
necessity of believing that Christ was
born of the Virgin Mary, ibid.


Way, The; Christianity so called in the
Scriptures, *103.

Will of God absolutely free, 24, 57; God
created by willing the creation, 57; seat
of the two wills in Christ, 160.
Word of God: the Chaldee paraphrase con-
stantly teaches that the Word of God is
the same with God, and that by that Word
all things were made, 116; the Word was
with God, how, 118; the Word was
God, 119.

World, see Universe. The manner how the
world was made, 52. See Creation. No
instant assignable before which God could
not have made the world, 58; arguments
to prove that the world is no older than
the Scriptures represent it to be, 59.
Worship to be paid to Christ, 143.

Zaranes, *64.


The references are made to the pages of the third edition, 1669, printed in the margin.
The whole of a note is regarded as belonging to the same page as the passage to
which it refers.


IS. ABARBANEL, seu Abravanel, 17, 84,

97, 99, 100.

Lib Abchath Rochel, 270.

Aben Ezra, 52, 183, 276, 292.

Abydenus, 59.

Acacius Episc. Cæsar. 303.

Acta S. Tarachi, 198.

Adrianus, 174.

Ælianus, 72.

Eschines, 329.

Eschylus, 42, 79, 113, 147, 190, 226, 372.
Eschylum, Scholiastes in, 79, 147, 190.
Agathon, 288.

R. Jos. Albo, 23, 81, 148.
Alcuinus, 157, 265.

Alexander Alexandrin. 17, 34, 134, 177,


Alexander Aphrodisæus, 261.

Alexander Polyhistor, 59.

Alexis, 72.

Alexius Patr. Constant. 346.
Alfirozabadius, 136.

Leo Allatius, 177.

R. Mos. Alshech, 87.

S. Ambrosius, 5, 13, 35, 38, 76, 77, 98, 135,
140, 141, 169, 173, 175, 189, 199, 221,
228, 237, 240, 241, 248, 250, 265, 277,
288, 314, 324, 340, 361, 367, 376.
Ambrosiaster, 140.

Ammon, 177.

Ammonius, 145, 196, 335.
Amphilochius, junior, 175.

Anastasius Bibliothecarius, 325.
Anastasius Sinaita, 237.
Andreas Cæsariensis, 234, 392.
Andreas Cretensis, 71, 251.
Anianus, 59.

Anselmus, Archiep. Cantuar. 52.

Jo. Antiochenus, 103, 177, 239.
Antiochus, 177.

Antiphon, 203, 362.

Antoninus, 325.

Apollinarius, 303, 347.

Apollonius Alexandrinus, 131, 203.
Apollonius Rhodius, 60, 203.

Appianus, 72, 206.

Apuleius, 202, 205, 206, 218.
Aquila, 43, 45, 58, 190, 201.

Thom. Aquinas, 16, 19, 33, 36, 37, 165, 356.
Aristophanes, 72, 145, 190, 220, 335.
Aristophanem, Scholiastes in, 72, 79, 99,
145, 220, 335.

Aristoteles, 2, 3, 4, 19, 20, 21, 24, 30, 50,
51, 53, 54, 55, 60, 137, 155, 211, 201,
288, 330, 362.

Arnobius, 5, 73.

Arnoldus Carnotensis, 200, 250.
Arrianus, 207.

Artemidorus, 63, 72, 200, 218.
Asconius Pedianus, 194.

Asterius, 120.

S. Athanasius, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39,
40, 119, 120, 135, 137, 160, 173, 187,
228, 237, 250, 251, 260, 261, 324, 347,

Athenæus, 72, 79, 87.

Athenagoras, 59, 373, 375.

S. Augustinus, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 16, 30, 31, 33,
34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 59,
64, 72, 73, 75, 76, 92, 93, 95, 103, 105,
128, 132, 134, 135, 137, 140, 141, 157,
158, 160, 165, 166, 167, 168, 170, 173,
175, 176, 179, 181, 184, 196, 197, 199,
202, 203, 205, 208, 213, 214, 220, 222,
223, 225, 226, 228, 229, 232, 237, 238,
239, 241, 244, 245, 247, 251, 252, 255,
256, 257, 258, 260, 262, 263, 265, 269,
271, 272, 273, 277, 278, 279, 284, 285,
287, 288, 289, 298, 300, 301, 303, 304,
315, 316, 319, 322, 324, 328, 329, 334,
335, 336, 337, 342, 344, 345, 347, 348,
349, 351, 356, 357, 360, 361, 368, 374,
386, 389, 394, 395, 396, 397.

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