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"It is well-known that for many years the Holy See has been anxious to provide for the coloured population of America. The zeal of the American bishops to co-operate with the designs of the Holy See has been restrained only by the paucity of priests, the prior claims of the white population, and difficulties of various sorts. The number of Negroes in North America, according to the last census, is nearly five millions. Nothing can be imagined more deplorable than their religious and moral condition. Speaking of the great mass of them-though a nucleus of good Catholics is to be found among them, and some thousands of nominal Catholics, though without instruction-it is literally a mission to the unbaptized and to the heathen that we are undertaking. It is a mission full of hope; for they are possessed of good qualities, and will respond to the affection of those who, they will learn, have bound themselves by vow to their service and interest. Bearing upon this work, and in connection with St. Joseph's Society for foreign missions, I may mention, for ladies who feel called to devote themselves to the apostolic life, that a community of sisters is established. These sisters are under the care of our Society, and will take part in the missions assigned to it by the Holy See."

Letters from American bishops are quoted, showing their warm co-operation in the work. The Archbishop of Baltimore says:

"As Baltimore is the natural and most appropriate point for the mother house of any institution for the benefit of the coloured people, whence it may form branches for the entire South, you should, I think, begin here. In these counties of Maryland there are no less than sixteen thousand Catholic Negroes, with half as many who are not yet Catholics, but well disposed. You have a field of action already ripe and prepared for the harvest."

He proposes to give sixty acres of good land and buildings for the

beginning. Another bishop writes:"Great numbers of Negroes in various parts of Maryland are in various stages of proximity to the work. Som e are already fervent Catholics; some well disposed, though not converted; and there are immense numbers whose future will depend on the exertions that will be made in their favour. The present state of things has more or less of a transition character, as they have been hitherto in a state of slavery, and consequently the more urgent the need for immediate action."

Finally, the Roman Catholics, just as all Protestant Churches, look to the remote results upon Africa. The "Tablet" says:

"While we are sent to evangelize the Negroes in America, we cannot forget the continent from which they have been brought. May not a portion of the race which was forcibly transplanted, but which has never amalgamated, and will always remain distinct, after having imbibed civilization and Christianity, be destined to return, and convert their own country? The conversion of Africa by Africans is perhaps a more hopeful scheme than its conversion by Europeans. Our chief care will be, humbly, and according to the means at our disposal, to form houses for the education of Negro youth, as well as labour for those whose youth is passed."

These extracts give us the object and aim of the Jesuit campaign. A special blessing from the Pope has been bestowed. The English Catholics are devoted, wealthy, and are to furnish the funds, to be supplemented by all that can be raised in the States. The college near London is to raise up the leaders, while in this country a large institution is to be established at Baltimore, with branches throughout the South, to raise up a host of native labourers. To co-operate in various ways, a sisterhood is to cast the net still more skilfully among the Negroes. The effort is made to grasp control of the education of the youth, and thus gain the control of the situ

ation, and eventually wield the political and religious power of these millions of Freedmen to suit the Church of Rome.

The first missionaries, four in number, arrived in November, (1871,) and have begun their work. The ceremony on their departure was presided over by Archbishop Manning. The missionaries, kneeling in front of the altar, severally took a vow to undertake no other work than the conversion of Negroes, and the salvation of their souls. These four priests form but the vanguard. Forty more are to follow as soon as ground can be broken.

Present Papal efforts are being made where there exists a nucleus of Catholics, largely in Maryland and Louisiana, and with considerable success and activity in Florida. An appeal recently to the thronged Catholic churches in New York by one of the Southern priests brought overflowing contributions. They are already planting their strategical points, and are spending money with a lavish hand that puts to shame the efforts of other Societies. There is no doubt a compact and powerful effort will be made.

What will be their success? In reply, some would scout the scheme as entirely chimerical, and opposed to the whole genius of the Negro; but such must reflect that great success has attended the Jesuit efforts in some Negro communities, both in Africa and parts of America; and that success is attending their efforts to-day at several points among the Freedmen. No prejudice of colour finds place in their system. The sisters will find thousands of the homes of the needy poor open to them. The Negro taste for gaudy finery and show, for music, and for wild excitement, they will gratify. Visions and special revelations, such as Africans delight

in, will be supplied. A broad basis of ignorance exists, and there are aptitudes and opportunities such as render it to the Jesuits "a mission full of hope." There is danger, real danger. Without counteracting effort the Freedmen will fall by thousands into the net that is spread by Rome. The truth seems to be just this: If neglected by Christians, the Romanists will step in. As one of the bishops above says, "There are immense numbers whose future depends on the exertions that will be made in their favour." Many of them are prepared for a religion that gratifies their tastes in worship, and gratifies their evil passions in practice. A religion without morality suits them.... The antidote to Rome is the Bible, taught and practised. It is possible, with proper missionary effort, to see the next generation of Southern Negroes good citizens, and an intelligent Christian people. But neglect the means, and who can tell the fearful results? They will not rise, but sink, and become a prey to intemperance, licentiousness, and Rome. One who has had long experience among them says in a private letter:

"After losing half a million of our bravest young men, and spending three thousand million dollars to free the slaves, we cannot afford to let the Romanists come in and cheat the Freedmen out of salvation. Southern Negroes are religiously inclined, and if Protestants neglect them, the Romanists will not. Europeans are aware of the cloven foot, and are driving out the Jesuits; but we Americans seem blind to their encroachments. Surely, it is a "mission-field; " may our Church feel its importance and sow the right seed, and, God helping us, an abundant harvest will be the result."Interior. (American paper.)

CHARLES VAUGHAN, of Goscote, in the Walsall First Circuit, died November 29th, 1870, aged forty-seven years. He was indebted to his mother for his first religious impressions, and began to meet in class when young. This he discontinued for a time; but it was not long before he again united himself to the Church of Christ, and that permanently. Although little is known of the circumstances of his conversion, no doubt is entertained of its reality. He was "a tree of righteousness" of the Lord's "right-hand " planting; the branches were healthy, the leaves fair, and the fruit ripe. His home was godly, and his family devoted to God. He was a faithful servant. One of his employers said of him, "He was always the same. Nothing, however trying, disturbed him. His influence in the shop was blessed, and those who knew him loved as well as respected him." He was an amiable and obliging fellow-workman: "He was universally respected," were the words of a fellow-servant; "and his name will always be remembered with affectionate regard by all who were associated with him."

He loved the habitation of God's house, and was regalar and punctual in his attendance; and never did he hurry home from it irreverently. He was present at the last lovefeast which was held before his death, and bore a modest but noble testimony for his Lord. He said, "I never hear a profitless sermon, no matter who is the preacher. There is always food for me to feast upon." When the erection of the present chapel at Pelsall was in contemplation, he was chosen a member of the building-committee, and eventually a trustee. He was earnest in the cause, contributed liberally towards the cost, spoke of it as "his own" place of worship, and frequently expressed the delight he felt in meeting those who assembled in that house

of prayer.

The following testimony to his worth was borne by his classleader:—“ Charles Vaughan was an example of punctuality. He loved the class-meeting. His religious experience was always that of an affectionate, confiding child of God; and it was a treat to listen to him when he spoke of Divine things. His constant aim was to do the will of Heaven, to bear the crosses of life in a Christ-like spirit, whilst he was ever thankful for the blessings he received. His classmates mourn his loss, and feel that a friend has gone from their midst." He was truly amiable. His trials he bore with Christian fortitude. He would say, "We will not sorrow as those who have no hope:' let us trust in the Lord, and He will bring us through right at the last."

Several years before his departure he was greatly quickened. He said, "We must do more for God than we have done. I intend to do more." This resolution was carried into effect. He re entered the Sabbath-school, put on the armour afresh, and lived nearer to God than he had done previously. His services in the Sabbath-school, after this, were important, and cheerfully rendered. One of the superintendents said, "When Charles Vaughan was in the school, I felt there was a power there."

The writer visited him between three and four o'clock in the afternoon of the day on which he died, but had no apprehension that he would so soon be removed from earth to heaven, He saw his friend the same night at ten o'clock, when the spirit had taken its flight; but so calm and beautiful was his countenance that one might easily have thought the soul to be still dwelling in the house of clay. A noble man, a Christian friend, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile," was the sainted one who has been taken from us.


H J. S.

MRS. WARDLE, the subject of this notice, was born at Bolton-le-Moors, August 31st, 1824. She was the second daughter of the late George Smith, Esq., of Darcy-Lever, in the Bolton (Wesley) Circuit; a man to whom Wesleyan-Methodism owes a lasting debt of gratitude for the part which he took, and the influence which he exercised in sustaining and maturing the interesting cause which still exists in that village. It may be truly said that, for very many years, "Jerusalem" was his "chief joy." He loved to see the house of God comfortable and attractive; and spared no pains to induce the people to attend, and to enter reverently and heartily into all the parts of public worship. And such was the estimate of his moral and religious character, that, immediately after his decease, an elegant marble tablet was placed in the chapel to perpetuate his memory, by the Society and congregation with which he had long been happily and usefully associated.

As might be expected, the child of such a father was trained up in the way in which she should go. The example of her father and mother, the tone and spirit of the household, the appropriate system of daily instruction and counsel, together with the order and discipline to which she was subjected,-all told upon the formation of her character, and, by the blessing of God, contributed largely to her early consecration to Him. When about fifteen years of age she sought the Lord with all her heart; and, having a desire to "flee from the wrath to come," she connected herself with the Methodist Society, that she might be instructed "in the way of God more perfectly." In the classmeeting she realized a means of grace eminently adapted to her case; and upon it she placed a very high value throughout the whole of her after life. We have not been able to obtain any circumstantial account of her conversion to God; but of the fact itself there cannot be the shadow of a doubt. From that time forward she became a

thoroughly spiritually-minded person; and knew what it was to enjoy spiritual life and peace. She walked and talked with God; and with Him as her satis. fying portion and all-sufficient refuge, she was enabled to rejoice in the conscious possession of that salvation which is by grace through faith.

She was naturally possessed of a vigorous mind, and displayed considerable energy and decision of character; and when these qualities became connected with love to the Saviour, and the grace of a new nature, she was soon constrained to seek an outlet for her zeal in several departments of Christian labour. In the Sunday-school, especially, she found a sphere that was eminently congenial; where, also, she was peculiarly happy in her fellowlabourers, and where it was her privilege and honour to sow the seed of eternal life in many young hearts, which, in not a few cases, bore fruit after many days. There are those at present living, and some are "fallen asleep," who have often acknowledged their deep indebtedness to her instruction, and the unflagging interest which she felt in their highest welfare. Whatsoever she took in hand she did it heartily, and therefore effectively. She was married to Mr. John Wardle in the year 1852; and the union was eminently a happy one. As a wife and mother, "she looked well to the ways of her household; ""the heart of her husband did safely trust in her;" and "her children," with her precious memory ever present in their minds, "arise up, and call her blessed." is given to few Christian mothers to have their children more thoroughly or more lovingly in subjection; and yet there was no parade of authority, no boisterous assertion of rights, no needless appeal to fear or threatening. Her influence was acquired and exercised very kindly, but very firmly, and with much discrimination and good



Mrs. Wardle's predominant desire, the endeavour of her whole soul, was, that her children should in early life

become true Christians, and members of the Church of her own choice and preference. And while her little ones were yet about her, she earnestly and believingly pleaded with God for this family blessing. It was her habitual practice to devote the Sunday afternoon to their catechetical instruction and to prayer; and she was especially wishful to deepen and intensify any obvious effect which might have been made on their young and tender minds by the preaching of God's word. Great indeed was her joy when one of her children became convinced of sin, and found peace with God through simple faith in Jesus Christ, and then requested that she might accompany her mother to class, where she sat by her side in the sweet fellowship of a newly-given life. She regarded this happy event as an answer to her many prayers; and hailed it as the pledge and earnest of similar ones yet to


In the order of a mysterious providence she was called, in common with the surviving members of her familycircle, to pass through a series of pain. ful bereavements during the two years that preceded her own departure. The first that was called away was her brother Henry. He was a fine, goodly favoured, and interesting young man, the joy and hope of all his friends, and more especially of his aged father. He died very suddenly,-"his purposes were broken off, even the thoughts of his heart,"-in the dawn of early manhood. Then followed her revered and beloved father, "in age and feebleness extreme," about eleven months after the death of Henry. And before another year had rolled away, she was called very unexpectedly to mourn the loss of a beloved sister, the late Mrs. Milburn, of StaleyBridge. In four months after this, it pleased the great Disposer of all events to take to Himself her brother George,—a pious and excellent young man, who was esteemed and loved by all who knew him.

All these were removed in little more than two years: they all died in faith, and were all committed to their quiet resting-place in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to everlasting life. But the grief and loss occasioned by these successive and frequent bereavements produced their sad effects on the already feeble constitution of Mrs. Wardle; so that when she was overtaken by what proved to be her last affliction, her frame had been so completely undermined, that she quickly yielded to the attack of the last enemy. At first she was very wishful to recover, and to remain in the flesh a little longer, for the sake of her family. But when it became apparent that her work was done,that the Master had come and called for her, she was enabled to acquiesce in His will, and to commit all her loved ones, and every thing that had occasioned solicitude, to His holy care and keeping. This was not, however, an easy task; and was only accomplished after a struggle, and by the bestowment of special grace.

Two days before Mrs. Wardle's death, she appeared not only in great pain of body, but as if in conflict with the enemy of her soul; her lips moved for some time, as if earnestly pleading with God. At length she opened her eyes, and, with a face beaming with satisfaction, she said, "It is come, it is come." "What is come?" it was asked. To which she replied, "Trust, trust, and confidence in my Heavenly Father,—that He will do all for the best!" It cost her a severe pang that she was not able to see her eldest daughter, who was away at school, before her departure. "But I will try," she said, "to leave that, as well as every thing else, in the hands of Him who is 'too wise to err, and too good to be unkind.'" In reply to the inquiry of one who had very kindly waited upon her during her sickness, she said emphatically, "Christ is very precious to me." She derived much comfort from such pro

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