2434-2 K may be at al, g8, h1 R at a4, b4 P at e3 may be at c3, whence 12 versions. 1 Qb5 Ke4 2 Qf5+ Kd4 3 Qd5± The first move does not check. CHESS JOURNAL TOURNEY NINE This Problem contest, now open, is for two move problems only. Fifty dollars payable from our Book List are offered as Prizes, viz all the sound problems are to be compared with each other without reference to problems elsewhere, and rated from 100 per cent down, the problem having the highest average, $16, the next $12, $10, $7, $5, in case of tie or other contingency, we to decide. Problems must be original, each problem pay an entrance fee of 25 cents, and be diagrammed with solution, and be here before the 26th of June, 1890. Any person may enter any number of problems as above. Address: 0. A. Brownson, Rockdale, Dubuque County, Iowa. United States America. The Solution Prize for being first on the list is awarded to T. H. Billington, England. The Prize for making the most Solution points this month to B. M. Foster, Boston. |