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Saviour in the sorrows and sufferings of the saints, in those scenes of trial through which they have to pass on their pathway to heaven; and in this Volume he has endeavoured to bring home to the minds and hearts of all believers, the consoling and sanctifying conviction, that God's heart is ever full to overflowing of affection for his people. The Writer knows from experience the tendency there is in the minds even of those who have been renewed by the Holy Spirit, to turn away from God the Father, as if they discerned a perpetual frown in his face, and to seek for rest and repose in Christ the Son. It is because he not only believes but knows that this feeling is deplorably prevalent even among the best of God's people, that he has laboured with so much earnestness to point out the error, and to show how dishonouring it is to God, as well as subversive of the Christian's own peace of mind. The importance which the Author attaches to the subject, will be his excuse for the frequency and emphasis with which he brings that peculiar aspect of it before the mind of the reader.

not find fault with the work. Others may do that; we will simply select a specimen paragraph, and leave further notice for a more convenient season; after a few introductory pages, the writer says:

"For the first time in my life, I am to preach to-morrow in Liverpool, if the Lord will; and we are steaming onwards through wet and wind: I will now, therefore, silently wait on the Lord, hoping some vital message of love, truth, and mercy may be given.

"I was preaching at Wooburn Green, in Bucks, last Wednesday; when those three things which David desired in Psalm evi. came pleasantly to my mind-(I did not understand them then, nor did I attempt to speak of them: but in travelling this morning they have sprung up with a little more sweetness; he says)-Oh, visit me with thy salvation, that I may see the good of thy chosen; that I I may rejoice with the gladness of thy nation; that I may glory with thine inheritance." Here are three distinct desires flowing from one New Covenant blessing-that is, God "It may be right to remark, in reference to visiting him with his salvation. These things, the occasional instances in which he has twice I trust, may alone occupy my mind in Liverquoted the same passage of Scripture, that it pool to-morrow, that by them, under divine will be found on every such occasion, that the unction, the souls of the people may be fed, second quotation has been given for the pur-united, and comforted. [It is is singular, that pose of illustrating an aspect of Divine truth, different from that which the first was intend

ed to establish.

"If the work, in the Author's own estimation, possesses any merit at all, it chiefly consists in the vast accumulation of conclusive Scriptural proof which it contains, of the great and gracious fact,-that the heart of the Father is at all times, and under all circumstances, infinitely full of the most tender love for his saints.

"The Author has only further to state, that never, perhaps, was a work of the kind written amongst so many interruptions, and under circumstances so unfavourable to that frame of mind which is necessary for the production of such a volume. This has arisen from the peculiarly distracting nature, and the extreme pressure of the professional avocations of the Writer. Still, with all its imperfections, he humbly hopes that the book may be owned and blessed of Him, to promote whose glory, in conjunction with the comfort of His people, it has been penned; and should it ever come to the Author's knowledge that a single saint has received the slightest benefit, or derived any measure of comfort from the Volume, he will feel amply compensated for the labour he has, at very great inconvenience to himself, expended upon it."

[We must add nothing this month.-ED.]

"My Journey to the North: a brief review
of London, Liverpool, Manchester, the
Staffordshire Potteries, Macclesfield,
&c. &c., London: Partridge & Co.
THIS forms the third number of "Words
by the Way-side;" and is descriptive of the
exercises both of mind and of body, exper-
ienced while travelling and preaching in
some parts of the north. Of course we shall

during the whole of my preaching tour, I could not take these words as a text; although they so much occupied my mind.]

The first sentence appears peculiarly and individually applicable to God's elect as distinguishing them from all dead formalists, and from all openly profane persons. There are some things which may justly be called

the good of God's chosen;' which things by an enlightened mind, and with the eye of pure faith, may be seen. As, first, for instance, to see a bold, unbelieving sinner brought down into the dust of a deep and genuine repentance, and godly sorrow for sin, crying for mercy; is good. I remember well two special times in the early part of my life, when this was my case. I think the first was at Rye, in Sussex. I was then about twenty years of age; I had finished my apprenticeship in Cranbrook, and was printing a little weekly paper for a gentleman in Rye. I was very unhappy; I was a poor, sinful, wretched creature. One Sunday I went, Í think, to the church in the morning, to the Baptist Chapel in the afternoon, and to the Wesleyan Chapel in the evening. I had neither felt nor found anything at the two first places; but in the Wesleyan Chapel, the minister thundered into my soul so dreadfully, that I could not sit; I crept out, went to my lodgings, retired to my room, and there on my bed I groaned and sighed for mercy; but none I found. In less than twelve months from that time, I was staying in my mother's house; and my beloved brother John (who is now Chaplain in Portsmouth; then a real seeker;) was with me in our bed-room, and observing my distress, he pressed me hard to pray. After refusing, I did fall on my knees, and groaned out a sigh and cry to God for mercy; but I found none at that time. To be brought into such a state is good, for three


[April 1, 1858. reasons first, because none but the Holy opponents will not be satisfied perhaps, with Spirit can bring us there; secondly, because the evidences we may adduce; but we are there are many precious promises connected pledged to furnish the proof. If we fail to with such a condition; and thirdly, because fulfil the pledge, it shall not be for lack of he who brings us into that deep humility, will searching. But we hold on for a while. most certainly lift up and exalt us in due time. Oh, yes: it is good to be brought down from "Half-hours with our Metropolitan Minishigh and dangerous places; and when down ters." London: J. Stevenson, Paterit is good to have some one seasonable pro- noster Row. mise to come and speak to you; as Ananias came to Saul of Tarsus, and said-"Brother Saul," &c., and, then, such a state is good, because it is the certain prelude, and passage to a brighter and better estate; for, it is true, that "the Lord is nigh unto them who are of a broken heart; and saveth such as are of a contrite spirit."


THE fifth number of this monthly serial professes to give a likeness; and some account of the life of the Editor of the Earthen Vessel, and a sermon by the pastor of "Unicorn Yard Chapel." It is not for us to say whether the likeness is correct or not: we leave that for others to decide: but from the love that we bear to the Editor of these "Half-hours" we isterial character, he may be instrumental in hope that in his work of illustrating the minleading many to the Great Master of assemblies; our knowledge of ministers will profit us little, if we know not him they are sent to preach.

"The Saviour and his People. An Anniversary Sermon, preached at Walgrave: by W. Palmer, of Homerton, London: Houlston and Wright.

Sixty-three closely printed octavo pages, exploding almost every known theological erfurnishing illustrations and Biblical renderror, expounding every gospel principle, and ings, from a variety of sources: all in one sermon for sixpence. There is and we speak not extravagantly-more plain and powerful salvation-truth in this sixpenny book, than in thousands of things now called sermons. Seekers after the good old paths, will heartily thank Mr. Palmer for a body of divinity, so compact, and yet so comprehensive! think it his master-piece.


"Swedenborg's Writings and Catholic Teach

"That I may see the good of thy chosen,' says David; "If by any means I may save some,' cries Paul; and I think there are few Christians who do not long to see proud, ignorant, unconverted sinners brought down to repentance, and to earnest prayer. "To see it," is expressive of a great desire; it also means, that the sight of one in soul-trouble, is very precious to behold. Another "good" belonging to God's chosen is that of a seeking and waiting spirit. Some pretend, and perhaps in a natural sense, they do wish, to be saved when they die; but they neither seek after, nor do they wait upon, the LORD. When, then, you see souls in earnest, running to hear the gospel, waiting on the Lord in meetings for prayer, and in searching his word: this is a good thing. But the LORD JESUS CHRIST himself is the good of God's chosen. It was good of him to become their surety-to take upon him their nature-to be charged with the curse and condemnation of a broken law for them-to be smitten, bruised, and crucified, that they might live. His complex Person and character-as Almighty God and perfect man-must be good. His obedience and righteousness, as it freely and fully justifies all who do aright believe, must be good. His precious blood, as it works by the Spirit's power, both cleansing and cure, must be good. His intercession is good. His Spirit, giving life to dead souls, is good. His Gospel, his Covenant, his Ordinances; all he is, and has, is good. To see this, was David's great desire that I may see the good of thy chosen"-to see Christ come in the Gospel -to see Christ come into the midst of our churches to see Christ come by the Holy Spirit into the hearts of poor seeking saints to see him keeping them from evil while they" live, and to see them comforted by him when they die-this is indeed to see the good of God's chosen. Oh, that I could believe and pray to see this at Liverpool to-morrow; and in my own place for many years to come." "A Biographical Sketch of Sir Henry Havelock, K.C.B. By the Rev. William Brock.-London: James Nisbett & Co. THIS handsome three and six-penny volume contains a well written review of the external life of Henry Havelock, exhibiting him as a noble warrior, and an undaunted professor of Christs's gospel. We are challenged to produce evidence of the vitality of his faith. Our

ing," &c. London: William White. THE sacred peculiarities and essential properties of truth are sometimes more clearly discovered by the exposure of counterfeits. We thirst for such a holy warfare, seeing the enemy is rallying his forces, and dares to thrust himself upon us. In this work Swedenborganism and Puseyism are at issue. The house is divided down it must come; but from the conflict between the Old Church Porch and the New Church Porch, we shall gather a lesson or two for our readers by and bye.


The Convict Converted: an Autobiography. A faithful and original narrative shewing the onward dangerous course of intemper ance, and exhibiting the sovereign grace of God manifested through the gospel as preached by a Chaplain in a convict prison. London: Partridge and Co.

THE author of this genuine narrative says, in his introduction: "The Narrative and Letters forming this tract, were written on a slate in the Convict's cell, certainly without the remotest view to publication. But to withold such testimonies to the power of divine grace, would be a sin for which the writer of this introduction will not be responsible.”

Reflections on the Ramsgate Sands, during a Storm.

"The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their waves."-Psalm xciii. 3.

THUS spake the Psalmist, and thus I, long seeing thy face with joy, according thought while viewing the Ocean, dur- to thine eternal purpose, Holy Father, ing the late severe gales. It was truly which thou didst purpose in Christ a majestic scene! the rolling billows Jesus, before the foundation of the lashing each other to fury, whilst rolling world; and evidenced in thy visiting forth (almost) in notes of thunder-the upon him, the iniquities of all thy elect; praise, power, and omnipotence of him, thus manifesting thy hatred to sin and love "who holds the winds in his fist, and to the sinner, by pouring upon him the measures the waters in the hollow of his cataracts of vengeance, (due to thy peohand." ple,) bruising him instead of them.

Cheer up, then, ye Spirit-taught, lawwrecked, and broken-hearted sinners! the felt sense of your ruin, fits you for the reception, by faith, of the blessedness of Heb. vii. 25; 1 Tim. i. 15.

Ye tried, buffeted, tempest-tossed travellers to Zion! remember, no storm can rise-no waves of sorrow can hurtnor can winds of adversity blow upon you, without the permission of him, whom the waves and winds obey! Oh! what a scene will that be, when Jesus shall "a second time" come to take vengeance upon all his foes, clothing them with everlasting confusion!


But what do my eyes behold? Yonder are two vessels in distress, close to the harbour. See! see them toss and roll! lashed by the angry waves, and drawn by the furious wind: they will soon be wrecked. Yes! yes! before I could reach the spot, their masts snapping like reeds, fell overboard, and the crafts, but a few moments before all right and tight, are now shivered, scattered, wrecks!-What has become of the crews?-Are they saved? Yes! all saved, but one poor boy. Over him the waves rolled with relentless fury. What a fearful storm! Yet, what, ah! what is this compared with the rude In that great day of his wrath, when hurrican when Adam fell? when the rocks shall leave their seats, mountains Euroclydon of hell (with the rolling bil- their base, the sun and moon be darkenlows of temptation,) in Eden, shattered ed, setting to rise no more; the human bark; engulphing in the ruin, falling from their orbits-the heavens the whole cargo of posterity with which rolled together as a scroll-the elements it was laden! (Romans v. 12-21.) This melting with fervent heat-the whole was, indeed, a tremendous wreck. And machinery of the universe be out of hath sin, guilt, and shame, swallowed gear: time's crazy wheels ceasing their up in irretrievable woe, the whole hu- motion; stopping to go no more: and all man race? No! no! "Wonder, O creation become a wreck! In that great heavens, and be astonished, O earth!" day, how will it be with thee, my soul? Jehovah eternally, absolutely, and un- Dear Reader, how will it be with conditionally, by his own act of sove-thee? Canst thou by faith, now sayreign election, secured to himself from "I know whom I have believed?"-hast this dire wreck, "a number which no thou the token? (Exodus xii. 12, 13— man can number," IN CHRIST (the Ark 23.) Is it bound in the window? (Josh. of the Covenant,) before all worlds. ii. 21.) Dost thou bear the mark? What matchless love and grace is this (Ezekiel ix. 4.) Possessest thou the in height, depth, length, and breadth, witness? (1 John v. 10.) Art thou incomprehensible! Lord, let me know looking for Titus ii. 13? Then it is, it and feel it more and more, by the unc- must be, well with thee, (Isaiah iii. 10.) tuous shedding abroad of the same in My soul! what canst thou say in remy heart, by the Holy Ghost raising collection of thy sin, folly, and unworthime from all the depths of sin, wretchedness ?-The shoals and rocks on which ness, and woe, in blissful hope of ere thou hast stranded? (Lamentations iii.

VOL. XIV.-No. 158.

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20,) and yet, through the rich mercy of a covenant God I know something of Isaiah xli. 9, with Song ii. 16; Job xix. 25-27; Gal. ii. 20, and Philippians iii. 8-13. And now, ye timorous, trembling, bleating lanibs! ye who love to think upon the precious name of Jesus, hear what he says to you (Malachi iii. 17,) "and they shall be mine," &c. Then, surely, you will join with the poet :"Jesus, thy blood and righteousness My beauty are, my glorious dress; 'Midst flaming worlds in these arrayed, With joy shall I lift up my head."

Come, blessed Comforter, come magnify thine office in our hearts; impart a holy fervour to our love; strength to our faith; stability to our hope, and Godglorifying fear to our confidence.

may rejoice in the glorious prospect,
"press forward towards the mark," &c.
"looking untó Jesus the Author and Fin-
isher of our faith" who is the same yes-
terday, to day, and for ever." Heb. xiii. 8.
Our Father is at the helm to steer us, in
spite of storms, winds, waves, shoals,
rocks, sands, and every impediment of
whatever name, or form, in whatsoever
quarter they may arise (whether external
internal or infernal) safe into the haven
of peace.

"Where we shall bathe our weary souls
In seas of heavenly rest,
And not a wave of trouble roll
Across our peaceful breast."

Ramsgate, Oct. 25th, 1857.



of the late

Lastly. There is the wreck (2 Sam. xiv. 14; Hebrews ix. 27,) which fills many with dread; yea, they are in bond- THE SOLDIER OF THE CROSS; age by reason of the fear it engenders. A Brief Review of the Christian Character (Hebrews ii. 15.) Why this tremour, dread, and fear, ye blood-redeemed "sons MAJOR-GENERAL SIR H. HAVELOCK. and daughters of the Lord Almighty?" Although death's shock shall rend the union now subsisting between the soul and body, the disjunction will be for a short season only.

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Death may destroy, the grave may enclose, corruption may mar, and worms feed sweetly upon these tabernacles of clay; yet, be not dismayed; thy Jesus says, "He will be death's plague, and the grave's destruction, and repentance shall be hid from his eyes. He that raised up Christ from the dead, shall also quicken our mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in us:" and the Holy Spirit declares by the apostle, "So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory." (1. Cor. xv. 52-54.) And then shall the Church triumphantly exclaim, "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? how shortlived thy dominion and power; "for we are more than conquerors through him that loved us," &c. With whom we shall reign for ever and ever in that land where the inhabitants shall no more say I am sick, yea, there shall be no more death, curse, pain, sorrow, care or conflict. For the former things shall have passed away."

God grant that both writer and reader

We have referred to this great man's history before; we have pledged ourselves to produce evidences of the reality of his faith in Christ, and of his saving knowledge of Jesus, if those evidences were forthcoming in the records given of him by those who had the best sources from whence to compile their memoirs.

We must confess that we cannot find any satisfactory details of the time when, or of the manner how, he was specially and savingly called of God, out of nature's darkness into the light of the gospel kingdom; but then, two things are to be remembered :-First, the Major either has not left any written account of his conversion to God; or if he has, it has not been clearly given in any of the yet printed and published documents. In the second place, the hitherto published memoirs of this great soldier have been compiled by persons whose state of mind lead them rather to hold back, than to give prominence to, any spiritual, supernatural, and heaven-wrought declaration which, at any time, he might have either written or spoken. We are inclined to believe that the richest and most powerful evidence of Major-General his atoning and reconciling God, and his own Havelock's religion laid in secret between

soul. We cannot think that a man whose whole life gave expression to his faith in Christ, and his devotion to our Saviour's name, could be destitute of the inner and of the spiritual life. "Some hearts (says the

writer of the review of William Rhodes' life) open to God suddenly, some lowly, in some cases, the external means are violent as the earthquake which shook open the prison at Philippi; in others, they are gentle as the morning light upon the flower; but how rarely do we hear of the Spirit converting a soul without external agencies of some kind!" These words convey a large amount of deep truth. Divine sovereignty is as fully displayed in the manner of its working, as it is in the kind of men it deals with. Therefore rashness in judgment, and severity in criticism on the condition of such men as Havelock was, is, to us, exceedingly dangerous, if not most painfully anti-christian.

We believe there are thousands in our professed churches of truth, who can hardly tell the when, the where, nor the how, of their conversion, and yet, if truth be spoken many of them are ranked among the most spiritual, the most consistent, the most useful, the most decided members of our different Christian communities.

The conversion of William Rhodes, of Damerham, is a striking illustration of the silent, the sudden, the absolutely secret and Sovereign way and manner in which some are called of God to a knowledge of himself, Believing William Rhodes to have been a sterling Christian, we must confess that the following narrative of his conversion is to us most delightfully grand. William Rhodes descended from two poor mortals, sunk in darkness, poverty, and woe of every kind; and not until he had entered upon his teens, did he ever have one word spoken to him about his soul, nor did one ray of light enter his mind; but at Ringwood, a young man tried to prevail upon Rhodes to go to meeting. Rhodes had a native hatred to the name of religion; and determined never to look into it. One night, in this dark determination, he laid him down to sleep. Hear what he says of it :

"It is thirteen years on the second Wednesday of this month, since I became a Christian. On that Wednesday night, poor Henry again conversed with me on religious topics, and invited me to go with him to meeting on the morrow evening; I was touched by his kindness, but felt utter distaste and contempt for his piety. I would not promise to go when we parted, I mused upon it, and determined never to go. In this temper I went to sleep. This proved a memorable night to me. The moment I opened my eyes in the morning, I felt myself a new being. A fresh set of sentiments and feelings rushed into my mind and perfectly amazed me. No language I have at command will fully convey to you what I felt. All things appeared to me in a new light; I felt most vividly concerned, distressed, alarmed about my soul and God. The deep things of religion gleamed through the ignorance of my mind in dim, misty, fearful colours. All the feelings of dislike for

Henry and his religion when I closed my eyes
in sleep were now completely gone, and I felt
an inexpressible longing to be religious. I
felt as if I had been placed in a new world in
clouded moonlight; all was new, strange, and
As I
appalling; yet nothing distinctly seen.
appeared utter vanity and sin.
looked back on the dismal past, all my life
This contin-
ued all the day, that was indeed a day of so-
lemn and awful musing, of solemn and awful
emotion. Religion, though I did not under-
stand its nature nor how to seek it-religion
and eternity filled every moment of thought,
and appeared to me to be simply and sub-
limely my all. I determined to become a real
Christian, whatever that might be; to re-
nounce everything that might hinder, and at-
tend to every thing that might assist me in
the blessed attainment. I felt that I had all
to learn, all to feel, and all to do for the sal-
vation of my soul.

"In a day or two the troubled amazement
of my spirit considerably subsided, my views
became more clear and defined. I perceived
the nature of what was working within me,
and felt sure that a new life of thought and
feeling had commenced. I longed for par-
don; the way of mercy through a Saviour
began to open before me with indistinct but
delightful freshness. Oh, what divine rest and
beauty I soon felt and saw in the simple plan
ng Saturday I learnt a hymn, the first I ever
The follow-
of salvation through his death!
learnt, and entered fully into its affecting im

'And now the scales have left mine eyes,

Now I begin to see.'

and on my way home in the dark, I, who had "A spirit of prayer was poured upon me, never prayed without a form, prayed for an hour in my own language, from the fulness of my heart."

The Editor of the Baptist Magazine, says,

"Such is his own report of this strange fact, and whatever may be thought of it by the mere student of mind and its phenomena, he once assured a friend that his happy confidence in being saved never had an hour's disturbance from this time. Before it his life was one of darkness; after it, his path, though sometimes chequered and stormy, was the path of the just, shining more and more unto the perfect day.

Of his subsequent career, Rhodes says,

"After I had been conducted into the way of peace," said he, 'by a blessed and celestial hand, the service of God became my whole delight. I set myself to acquire religious knowledge with intense avidity. The New Testament I read through in about a week, and almost every page was a page of light and beauty to my mind, so that my views of divine things almost daily grew larger and brighter. At first I mixed with the Methodists, and was united to their society; but did not continue with them long; I loved them for their simplicity and affection, but could not accept some of their sentiments. My own experience made me a Calvinist; the

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