A Description of Pitcairn's Island and Its Inhabitants: With an Authentic Account of the Mutiny of the Ship Bounty and of the Subsequent Fortunes of the MutineersJ. & J. Harper, 1832 - 303 sidor |
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Sida 184
... M'Intosh , Charles Norman , and Michael Byrne ( prisoners ) wished to come into the boat , declaring they had nothing to do in the business ; that he did not perceive Mr. Peter Hey- wood on deck at the seizure of the ship . 66 On being ...
... M'Intosh , Charles Norman , and Michael Byrne ( prisoners ) wished to come into the boat , declaring they had nothing to do in the business ; that he did not perceive Mr. Peter Hey- wood on deck at the seizure of the ship . 66 On being ...
Sida 185
... month ; " but when all were in the boat she was veered astern , when Coleman , Norman and M'Intosh , prisoners , were crying at the gangway , wishing to go in the boat ; and Byrne , in the Q2 THE COURT - MARTIAL . 185.
... month ; " but when all were in the boat she was veered astern , when Coleman , Norman and M'Intosh , prisoners , were crying at the gangway , wishing to go in the boat ; and Byrne , in the Q2 THE COURT - MARTIAL . 185.
Sida 198
... M'Intosh , Norman , and Byrne , who , it is confessed , were desi- rous of leaving the ship ) , she must either have gone down with us , or , to prevent it , we must have light- light ened her of the provisions and other necessary arti ...
... M'Intosh , Norman , and Byrne , who , it is confessed , were desi- rous of leaving the ship ) , she must either have gone down with us , or , to prevent it , we must have light- light ened her of the provisions and other necessary arti ...
Sida 210
... M'Intosh , and Cole- man in the ship , and get the officers into the boat as fast as possible ; that Mr. Fryer begged permis- sion to stay , but to no purpose . " On seeing Mr. Fryer and most of the officers going into the boat ...
... M'Intosh , and Cole- man in the ship , and get the officers into the boat as fast as possible ; that Mr. Fryer begged permis- sion to stay , but to no purpose . " On seeing Mr. Fryer and most of the officers going into the boat ...
Sida 212
... M'Intosh was not a mutineer , notwithstanding he was precisely em- ployed on the same business - that he criminated Morrison from the appearance of his countenance- that he had only a faint remembrance of that mate- rial and striking ...
... M'Intosh was not a mutineer , notwithstanding he was precisely em- ployed on the same business - that he criminated Morrison from the appearance of his countenance- that he had only a faint remembrance of that mate- rial and striking ...
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A Description of Pitcairn's Island and Its Inhabitants: With an Authentic ... Sir John Barrow Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1832 |
A Description of Pitcairn's Island and Its Inhabitants: With an Authentic ... Sir John Barrow Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1845 |
A Description of Pitcairn's Island and Its Inhabitants: With an Authentic ... Sir John Barrow Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1900 |
Vanliga ord och fraser
Adams affectionate appeared arms arrival assistance beloved boat boatswain Bounty bread bread-fruit brother brought called canoes Captain Beechey Captain Bligh Captain Cook Captain Edwards Captain Pipon carpenter Charles Churchill Churchill circumstances clothes cocoanut commander conduct Cook court court-martial crew cutlass dear dearest death deck distress doubt endeavour feeling feet Fletcher Christian Fryer Hallet hands happy Hayward heard honour hope innocence James Morrison John John Adams kind land launch letter Lieutenant Bligh M'Intosh majesty's majesty's ship manner master-at-arms mate Matthew Quintal midshipman mind morning Morrison mutiny narrative natives NESSY HEYWOOD never night Novel observes occasion officers ordered Otaheitans Otaheite Pandora person Peter Heywood Pitcairn's Island prisoners Quintal received remained sail seamen ship ship's company shore sister situation soon Stewart sufferings tain taken thing Thomas Ellison tion told vessel vols voyage whole women young
Populära avsnitt
Sida 152 - Louder than the loud ocean, like a crash Of echoing thunder; and then all was hush'd, Save the wild wind and the remorseless dash Of billows; but at intervals there gush'd, Accompanied with a convulsive splash, A solitary shriek, the bubbling cry Of some strong swimmer in his agony.
Sida 63 - Horror and doubt distract His troubled thoughts, and from the bottom stir The hell within him ; for within him Hell He brings, and round about him, nor from Hell One step, no more than from himself, can fly By change of place.
Sida 214 - Well believe this, No ceremony that to great ones 'longs, Not the king's crown, nor the deputed sword, The marshal's truncheon, nor the judge's robe, Become them with one half so good a grace, As mercy does.
Sida 134 - Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them. The sky, it seems, would pour down stinking pitch, But that the sea, mounting to the welkin's cheek, Dashes the fire out.
Sida 207 - Yet, if I am found guilty this day, they will not construe it, I trust, as the least disrespect offered to their discernment and opinion, if I solemnly declare that my heart will rely with confidence in its own innocence, until that awful period when my spirit shall be about to be separated from my body to take its everlasting flight, and be ushered into the presence of that unerring Judge, before whom all hearts are open and from whom no secrets are hid.
Sida 48 - The bread-tree, which, without the ploughshare, yields The unreap'd harvest of unfurrow'd fields, And bakes its unadulterated loaves Without a furnace in unpurchased groves, And flings off famine from its fertile breast, A priceless market for the gathering guest...
Sida 152 - And down she suck'd with her the whirling wave, Like one who grapples with his enemy, And strives to strangle him before he die.
Sida 69 - Notwithstanding the roughness with which I was treated the remembrance of past kindnesses produced some signs of remorse in Christian. When they were forcing me out of the ship I asked him if this treatment was a proper return for the many instances he had received of my friendship? he appeared disturbed at my question and answered with much emotion: "That, captain Bligh, that is the thing; I am in hell, I am in hell.
Sida 250 - Pacific islands; his only dress was a piece of cloth round his loins, and a straw hat ornamented with the black feathers of the domestic fowl. "With a great share of good humour...
Sida 214 - ... the commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland...