On Interpretation: Studies in Culture, Law, and the SacredAndrew D. Weiner, Leonard V. Kaplan Univ of Wisconsin Press, 2002 - 291 sidor Founded as a journal but now evolving into a book series, Graven Images illuminates culture, the law, and the human urge for transcendence. Graven Images 5: On Interpretation looks past post-structuralist theory to re-examine methods of textual interpretation developed in past millennia to understand sacred, philosophical, cultural, legal, literary, and artistic texts. The thirty-two contributors include such noted scriptural interpreters as Robert Alter and Bernard Levinson, philosophers Lenn Goodman and David Novak, cultural historians Marcia Colish and David Steinmetz, legal scholars Gordon Baldwin and Mark Tushnet, literary analysts Lee Johnson and Eric Rothstein, and scholars whose analyses transcend single categories or periods, including Brayton Polka and Jane Tylus. In addition, seven poets offer their interpretations of prophecy, art, and human nature. Of special interest is a verse cycle by the noted poet Mary Kinzie inspired by an earlier essay in Graven Images 3 on Albrecht Dürer's Melancholia. |
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Sidan har tyvärr begränsat innehåll.
Sidan har tyvärr begränsat innehåll.
Sidan har tyvärr begränsat innehåll.
Studies in Culture Law and the Sacred | 1 |
George H Taylor Can a Theory of Interpretation Make a Difference? | 15 |
Albrecht Durer Melencolia I | 29 |
Wallace Stevens and the Hermeneutics of Being | 38 |
Johnson Anxiety of Influence? Interpreting Deep Allusions | 68 |
Lenn Goodman Interpretation and Context | 79 |
Muriel Nelson Three Poems | 92 |
Two Views | 100 |
The Trial as Theater in Aeschylus Oresteia | 190 |
Sonja HansardWeiner Cassandra in East Texas | 201 |
Colish Interpretation and Authority in Early Scholasticism | 215 |
Savannah Jahrling From Within and From Without | 222 |
Richard S Markovits Moral Norms Legitimate and Valid Legal Interpretation | 232 |
Janet Winans Maybe Its True | 251 |
Gordon B Baldwin Wisconsin Rejects Legislative Supremacy | 259 |
A Rebuttal | 267 |
Metaphor | 127 |
Realigning The Anatomy of Melancholy | 141 |
Reflections on Premodern Exegesis and Historical Method | 166 |
Heather Dubrow Poems | 172 |
Pierre Schlag Beyond Interpretation | 278 |
Jan Swafford Remembering John Himmelfarb | 284 |