Shakespeare's Tragedy of King Richard the ThirdBaker and Taylor, 1904 - 258 sidor |
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... not I : go , coward , as thou ar , I'll go hide the body in some hole , that the duke give order for his burial ; when I have my meed I will away , this will out , and then I must not stay . ACT II . I. London . A Room in the.
... not I : go , coward , as thou ar , I'll go hide the body in some hole , that the duke give order for his burial ; when I have my meed I will away , this will out , and then I must not stay . ACT II . I. London . A Room in the.
... ! Enter STANLEY . tanley . A boon , my sovereign , for my service do ing Edward . I prithee , peace ; my soul is full o tanley . I will not rise , unless your highness hea Have I a tongue to doom my brother's ongue give.
... ! Enter STANLEY . tanley . A boon , my sovereign , for my service do ing Edward . I prithee , peace ; my soul is full o tanley . I will not rise , unless your highness hea Have I a tongue to doom my brother's ongue give.
... give himself , ed , to the numb - cold night ? remembrance brutish wrath and not a man of you ace to put it in my mind . arters or your waiting - vassals mken slaughter , and defac'd ge of our dear Redeemer , on your knees for pardon ...
... give himself , ed , to the numb - cold night ? remembrance brutish wrath and not a man of you ace to put it in my mind . arters or your waiting - vassals mken slaughter , and defac'd ge of our dear Redeemer , on your knees for pardon ...
... Give me no help in lamentation not barren to bring forth complaints . prings reduce their currents to mine eyes , I , being govern'd by the watery moon , send forth plenteous tears to drown the world ! For my husband , for my dear lord ...
... Give me no help in lamentation not barren to bring forth complaints . prings reduce their currents to mine eyes , I , being govern'd by the watery moon , send forth plenteous tears to drown the world ! For my husband , for my dear lord ...
... shall post to Ludlo lam , and you , my sister , will you go give your censures in this business ? [ Exeunt all but Buckingham and uckingham . My lord , whoever journeys to the p F rophet ! - My dear cousin , go by thy.
... shall post to Ludlo lam , and you , my sister , will you go give your censures in this business ? [ Exeunt all but Buckingham and uckingham . My lord , whoever journeys to the p F rophet ! - My dear cousin , go by thy.
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Shakespeare's Tragedy of King Richard the Third William Shakespeare Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1880 |
Shakespeare's Tragedy of King Richard the Third William Shakespeare Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1895 |
Shakespeare's Tragedy of King Richard the Third William Shakespeare Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1880 |
Vanliga ord och fraser
2d quartos Anne battle BAYNARD'S CASTLE blood Brakenbury brother Buckingham Chertsey Clarence cousin crown curse daughter dead dear death deed Dorset dost doth dream Duchess of York Duke Duke of Buckingham Earl Earl of Richmond early eds Edward Edward IV enemies Exeunt Exit eyes father fear folio reading friends g Richard gentle give Gloster grace gracious Grey hath heart heaven Henry Holinshed holy horse House of Lancaster James Tyrrel John Johnson Julius Cæsar King Richard kingham Lady live London Lord Hastings Lord Stanley Macb madam majesty Malone mayor mother Murderer murther night noble Norfolk peace play prince protector pursuivant quartos read Queen Elizabeth quoth Ratcliff revenge Rich Richmond royal scene Schmidt Shakespeare sorrow soul Steevens ster thee thou Tower Tyrrel uncle unto Whole wife word York