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" Lord ! methought what pain it was to drown ! What dreadful noise of water in mine ears ! What sights of ugly death within mine eyes... "
William Shakespeares Lehrjahre: Eine litterarhistorische Studie - Sida 176
efter Gregor Sarrazin - 1897 - 232 sidor
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The Shakespearian Tempest: With a Chart of Shakespeare's Dramatic Universe

G. Wilsin Knight - 2002 - 368 sidor
...falling, Struck me, that thought to stay him, overboard, Into the tumbling billows of the main. Lord, Lord! methought, what pain it was to drown! What dreadful noise of waters in mine ears! What ugly sights of death within mine eyes! Methought I saw a thousand fearful...
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When the Great Abyss Opened: Classic and Contemporary Readings of Noah's Flood

J. David Pleins - 2003 - 270 sidor
....1IO6 dcal a00a015356 13579864a Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper For Shannon O Lord, methought what pain it was to drown! What dreadful noise of waters in my ears! What sights of ugly death within my eyes! Methoughts I saw a thousand fearful wracks;...
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Shakespeare's Early Tragedies

Nicholas Brooke - 2005 - 240 sidor
...murder of Clarence. Hence his famous speech about his dream is a comment on guilt and conscience : O Lord, methought what pain it was to drown, What dreadful noise of waters in my ears, What sights of ugly death within my eyes ! Methoughts I saw a thousand fearful wrecks,...
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Late Derrida

Ian Balfour - 2007 - 232 sidor
...Richard III, envisages these hideous and confused sights from the vantage point of the drowning man —"O Lord! Methought what pain it was to drown, / What dreadful noise of waters in my ears, / What sights of ugly death within my eyes. / Methoughts I saw a thousand fearful...
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