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" HUNG be the heavens with black, yield day to night! Comets, importing change of times and states, Brandish your crystal tresses in the sky; And with them scourge the bad revolting stars, That have consented unto Henry's death! "
The Plays of William Shakespeare - Sida 1
efter William Shakespeare - 1804
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Notes and Lectures Upon Shakespeare and Some of the Old Poets and ..., Volym 1

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1849 - 398 sidor
...distinguishing dresses in . Shakspeare's tyring-room. HENRY VI. PART I. ACT I. sc. 1. Bedford's speech : — Hung be the heavens with black, yield day to night...crystal tresses in the sky ; And with them scourge the had revolting stars That have consented unto Henrv's de;ith ! Henry the fifth, too famous to live lon^...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: With a Life of the Poet, and ...

William Shakespeare - 1851 - 744 sidor
...BEDFORD, GLOSTER, and EXETER ; the EARL of WARWICK, the BISHOP of WINCHESTER, Heralds, $c. Bedford. HUNG be the heavens with black, yield day to night...revolting stars That have consented unto Henry's death 1 Henry the Fifth, too famous to live long ! England ne'er lost a king of so much worth. Grlo. England...
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Guy's new speaker, selections of poetry and prose from the best writers in ...

Joseph Guy - 1852 - 458 sidor
...Fought on the day of Crispin Crispianus. FIRST PART OF KING HENRY VI. DEAD MARCH. CORPSE OF HENRY V. Bed. Hung be the heavens with black, yield day to...revolting stars, That have consented unto Henry's death ! ] I cnry the Fifth, too famous to live long ! England ne'er lost a king of so much worth. Glo. England...
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Elements of Criticism

Lord Henry Home Kames - 1852 - 522 sidor
...his plays with a sentiment too bold for the most heated imagination : Bedford. Hung be the heav'ns with black, yield day to night ' Comets, importing...revolting stars, That have consented unto Henry's death I . Henry the Fifth, too famous to live long ! England ne'er lost a king of so much worth. First Part...
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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: With an Introductory ..., Volym 4

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1853 - 556 sidor
...distinguishing dresses in Shakspeare's tiring-room. HENRY VI. PART I. Act i. sc. 1. Bedford's speech : — Hung be the heavens with black, yield day to night;...long ! England ne'er lost a king of so much worth. READ aloud any two or three passages in blank verse even from Shakspeare's earliest dramas, as Love's...
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The Plays of Shakespeare: The Text Regulated by the Old Copies, and by the ...

William Shakespeare - 1853 - 916 sidor
...WARWICK, the Bishop of Wincheiter, Heralds, Sfc. Bed. Hung be the heavens with black, yield day to night 1 as any is in Messina ; and one that knows the law, go to ; and a rich (¡In. England ne'er had a king, until his time. Virtue he had deserving to command : His brandish...
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The plays of Shakspere, carefully revised [by J.O ..., Del 167, Volym 2

William Shakespeare - 1853 - 832 sidor
...OP BEDFORD, GLOSTER, and EXETER ; the EARL OF WARWICK, the BISHOP OF WINCHESTER, Heralds, fyc. Sed. es him best, The proudest he that holds up Lancaster, star» That have consented unto Henry's death : Henry the Fifth, too famous to live long ! England...
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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: With an Introductory Essay ...

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1853 - 512 sidor
...:— Hung be the heavens with black, yield diy to night; Comets, importing change of times and state*. Brandish your crystal tresses in the sky; And with...Henry's death ! Henry the fifth, too famous to live long t England ne'er lost a king of so much worth. impossibility of the latter having been written by Shakspeare,...
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The Works of William Shakespeare: Comprising His Dramatic and ..., Volym 2

William Shakespeare - 1853 - 596 sidor
...earl of Warwick, the Bishop of Winchester, Heralds, S,-c. Bedford. HuNG be the heavens with block,1 A man that more detests, more stirs against, Both...public peace, than I do. Pray Heaven, I he kin" may nev 4iave consented unto Henrv's death ! Henry the Fifth, too famous to live long ! England ne'er lost...
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Elements of Criticism

Lord Henry Home Kames - 1853 - 542 sidor
...times and states, Brnndish your crystal tresses in the sky. And with them scourge the bad revoking stars, That have consented unto Henry's death ! Henry...long ! England ne'er lost a king of so much worth. First Part Henry VI. The passage with which Strada begins his history, is too poetical for a subject...
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