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" And will, no doubt, with reasons answer you. I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts : I am no orator, as Brutus is ; But, as you know me all, a plain blunt man, That love my friend... "
Romeo and Juliet ; Timon of Athens ; Julius Caesar ; Macbeth ; Hamlet ; King ... - Sida 2262
efter William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709
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The Works of Shakespear: Coriolanus. Julius Cesar. Antony and Cleopatra ...

William Shakespeare - 1768 - 440 sidor
...him, we'll die with him. Ant. Ant. Good friends, fweet friends, let me not ftir To fuch a fudden ftood of mutiny: They, that have done this deed, are honourable....griefs they have, alas, I know not. That made them doit : they are wife and honourable; And will, no doubt, with reafon anfwer you. I come not, friends,...
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An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear Compared with the Greek ...

Mrs. Montagu (Elizabeth) - 1769 - 300 sidor
...traitors. i PLEBEIAN. 0 piteous fpedacle ! ANTONY. Good friends, fweet friends, let me not ftir you up To fuch a fudden flood of mutiny : They, that have...honourable; And will, no doubt, with reafons anfwer you. 1 come not, friends, to fteal away your hearts ; I am no orator, as Brutus is, But, as you know me...
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An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear: Compared with the Greek ...

Mrs. Montagu (Elizabeth) - 1772 - 304 sidor
...PLEBEIAN. 0 piteous fpe&acle ! •• • ANTONY. Good friends, fweet friends, let me not ftir you up To fuch a fudden flood of mutiny : They, that have...honourable; And will, no doubt, with reafons anfwer you. 1 come not, friends, to fteal away your hearts ; I am no orator, as Brutus is, \' But, as you know...
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The Works of Shakespeare in Twelve Volumes: Collated with the ..., Volym 10

William Shakespeare - 1772 - 356 sidor
...with himAnt. Good friends, fweet friends, let me not fo fuch a fudden flood of mutiny : [ftir you up They, that have done this deed, are honourable. What private griefs they have, alas, I know not, Thatmade themdoit: theyarewife and honourable; And will, no doubt, with reafous anlwer you. I come...
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Julius Caesar. Antony and Cleopatra. Timon of Athens. Titus Andronicus

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 508 sidor
...We'll hear him, we'll follow him, we'll die with him. Ant. Good friends, fweet friends, let me not ftir To fuch a fudden flood of mutiny. They, that have...That made them do it; they are wife, and honourable, you up And will, no doubt, with reafons anfwer you. I come not, friends, to fteal away your hearts;...
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The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and ..., Volym 7

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 482 sidor
...we'll follow him, we'll die tvith him [up Ant. Good friends, fweet friends, let me not ftir you To fach a fudden flood of mutiny : They, that have done this...honourable. What private griefs they have, alas! I know not, 'J hat madethem do it : they are wife andhonourablfrj Y\nd will, no doubt, withreafons anfwer you....
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The Speaker: Or, Miscellaneous Pieces, Selected from the Best English ...

William Enfield - 1785 - 462 sidor
...marr'd, as you fee, by traitors. • • Good friends, fweet friends, let me not ftir you up To any fudden flood of mutiny. They that have done this deed...are wife and honourable ; And will, no doubt, with reafon anfwer you. I come not, friends, to fteal away your hearts; I am no orator, as Brutus is : But,...
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An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear Compared with the Greek ...

Mrs. Montagu (Elizabeth) - 1785 - 336 sidor
...traitors, i PLEBEIAN. 0 piteous fpe&acle ! ANTONY. Good friends, fweet friends, let me not ftir you up To fuch a fudden flood of mutiny : They that have...That made them do it ; they are wife and honourable j And will, no doubt, with reafons anfwer you. 1 come not, friends, to fteal away your hearts ; I am...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Volym 6

William Shakespeare - 1786 - 502 sidor
...him, we'll follow him, we'll die with him. Ant. Good friends, fweet friends, let me not ftir you up To fuch a fudden flood of mutiny. They, that have done this deed, are honourable; What •; The image feems to be, that the blood of Cjcfar fiew upon the ftatue, and trickled down it. f...
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A Concordance to Shakespeare: Suited to All the Editions, in which the ...

Andrew Becket - 1787 - 494 sidor
...a much-troubled breaft. King John, A. 4, S. 2. Good friends, fweet friends, let me not ftir you up To fuch a fudden flood of mutiny. They, that have...they have, alas, I know not, That made them do it. Julius C<efar, A. 3, S. 2. How far that little candle throws his beams ! So mines a good deed in a...
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