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" Biron they call him; but a merrier man, Within the limit of becoming mirth, I never spent an hour's talk withal: His eye begets occasion for his wit; For every object that the one doth catch, The other turns to a mirth-moving jest; Which his fair tongue... "
Scribbleomania; Or, The Printer's Devil's Polichronicon: A Sublime Poem - Sida 112
efter William Henry Ireland - 1815 - 341 sidor
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The Works of Shakespeare in Twelve Volumes: Collated with the ..., Volym 3

William Shakespeare - 1772 - 334 sidor
...other turn,; to a mirth-moving jeft; Wliich his fair tongue (conceit's expositor) Delivers in fuch apt and- gracious words, That aged ears play truant at his tales, And younger hearings are quite ravilhed, So fweet and voluble is his difeourfe. Prin. God blefsmy ladies, are they all in love, That...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare. In Ten Volumes: Measure for measure ...

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 494 sidor
...The other turns to a mirth-moving jeft ; Which his fair tongue (conceit's expofitor) Delivers in fuch apt and gracious words, That' aged ears play truant at his tales, And younger hearings are quite ravilhed j1 So fweet and voluble is his difcourfe. Prin. God blefs my ladies ! are they all in love,...
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The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and ..., Volym 2

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 456 sidor
...other turns to a mirth-moving jeft ; , Which his fair tongue (conceit's cxpofitor) Delivers in fuch apt and gracious words, That aged ears play truant at his tales ; And younger hearings are quite ravifhed ; So fweet and voluble is hit difcourfe. Prin. God blefs my Ladies, are they all in love,...
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The Morality of Shakespeare's Drama Illustrated

Elizabeth Griffith, Mrs. Griffith (Elizabeth) - 1775 - 618 sidor
...The other turns to a mirth-moving jell ; Which his fair tongue (conceit's expofuor) Delivers in foch apt and gracious words, That aged ears play truant...at his tales, . .„ And younger hearings are quite raviihed ; So fweet and voluble is his difcourfe. Laftly, Ih the firft Scene of Aft IV. there are two...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Ten Volumes: With Corrections ..., Volym 2

William Shakespeare - 1778 - 546 sidor
...The other turns to a mirth-moving jeft ; Which his fair tongue (conceit's expofitor) Delivers in fuch apt and gracious words, That aged ears play truant at his tales, And younger hearings are quite ravifhed ; So fweet and voluble is his difcourfe. Prln. God blefs my ladies ! are they all in love...
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The Miscellaneous Works: In Verse and Prose, Volym 1

Gorges Edmond Howard - 1782 - 426 sidor
...turns lo a mirth- moving jefl, : Which his fair tongue (conceit's expofitor) Delivers in fuch apt 2nd gracious words, That aged ears play truant at his tales, . ; And younger hearers are quite raviilied, •So fweet and voluble is his dilcourie. He never laughed at his own...
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The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare: In Six Volumes, Volym 1

William Shakespeare, Joseph Rann - 1786 - 654 sidor
...The other turns to a mirth-moving jeft; Which his fair tongue (conceit's expofitor) Delivers in fuch apt and gracious words, That aged ears play truant at his tales, And younger hearings are quite ravifhed ; So fweet and voluble is his difcourfe. Prin. God blcfs my ladies ! are they all in love...
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A Concordance to Shakespeare: Suited to All the Editions, in which the ...

Andrew Becket - 1787 - 494 sidor
...tedious as a twice-told tale, Vexing the dull ear of a drowfy man. King John, A. 3, S. 4. — . — Aged ears play truant at his tales, And younger hearings are quite ravifhed; So fweet and voluble is his difcourfe. Love's Labour Loft, A. 2, S. i, I thank him that he...
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Love's labour's lost. Midsummer night's dream

William Shakespeare - 1788 - 460 sidor
...the one doth catch, _J The other turns to a mirth-moving jest : ^ Which his fair tongue (conceit's expositor) \ Delivers in such apt and gracious words,...truant at his tales, ^ And younger hearings are quite ravished ; So sweet and voluble is his discourse. Prin. God bless my ladies ! are they all in love...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes: Collated ..., Volym 2

William Shakespeare - 1790 - 554 sidor
...The other turns to a mirth-moving jeft ; Which his fair tongue (conceit's expofitor) Delivers in fuch apt and gracious words, That aged ears play truant at his tales, And younger hearings are quite ravifhed ; So fweet and voluble is his difcourfe. Pria. Godblefs my ladies! are they all in love ;...
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