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" As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the Lord ; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the... "
Charity and Truth: or, Catholicks not uncharitable in saying, that none are ... - Sida 126
efter Edward Hawarden - 1728 - 284 sidor
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Contemplations Moral and Divine, etc. [With a portrait.]

Matthew Hale - 1699 - 638 sidor
...Commands. This is the Rule of our ns, Ifa. ^9. 21. My words, which I have put into thy mouth, jkall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy feed, &c. Deut. 30. 14. The word is very nigh unto thee , in thy mouth , and in thy heart , that than...
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A Confutation of Quakerism: Or, A Plain Proof of the Falshood of what the ...

Thomas Bennet - 1705 - 346 sidor
...the Lord. \ • '" V. ^ I . As for me this Is mj covenant with them, faith the Lord, my fpirit which is upon thee, and my •words -which I have put in thy Mouth, foall not depart out of thy mouth, ntr out of the month of thy feed, nor out of the mouth of thy feeds...
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A Journal Or Historical Account of the Life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian ...

George Fox - 1709 - 634 sidor
...it my Covenant with them, faith tbe Lord, * my Spirit, that is upon thee (to wit, Chrift) and ay ' Words, which I have put in thy Mouth, Jhall not depart...of thy Mouth, nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed, nor 1 out of the Mouth of thy Seeds Seed, faith the Lord, from * henceforth and for ever, ver. 21. Arife,...
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A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian ...

George Fox - 1709 - 638 sidor
...And, This is my Covenant with them, faith the Lord, ' my Spirit, that is upon thee (to wit, Chrift) and my ' Words, which I have put in thy Mouth, Jhall not depart * out oj thy Mouth, nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed, nor ' our of the Mouth of thy Seeds Seed, faith the...
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The Case Stated, Between the Church of Rome and the Church of England ...

Nathaniel Spinckes - 1714 - 424 sidor
...faid, Ifa. lix. it. Mj Spirit that is upon ihee, and my Words which I have put in thy Mouth, foall not depart out of thy Mouth, nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed, nor' dut of the Mouth of thy Seeds S'eed, faith the G. Read the riext Words, Em ye are depar* *ted out of...
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The true Church of Christ, shewed by concurrent testimonies of Scripture ...

Edward Hawarden - 1714 - 340 sidor
...2. ver. 2. The Redeemer frail come to Siott, and this is my Covenant with them, fays the Lord : My Spirit, that is upon thee, and my Words which I have put into thy Mouth, .frail not depart out of thy Mouth, nor tut of the Mouth of thy Seed, nor out of the...
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The Case Stated Between the Church of Rome and the Church of England in a ...

Robert Manning - 1721 - 408 sidor
...are thefe. My Spirit that is upon thte . an.i mj Words , which I have put into thy Mouth , thall tnt depart out of thy Mouth: nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed i nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed's Seed; Says the Lord from hencs forth and for ever. Ifa. jo. ir....
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The Present State of the Republick of Letters. ...

1731 - 534 sidor
...them, faith the Lord ; My Spirit that is upon thee, and my Words, which I put into thy Mouth, fliall not depart out of thy Mouth, nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed, faith the Lord, from henceforth and for ever, Ifaiab lix. 21. &be Prophet (the Quakers objeci) doth...
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A Preservative Against Quakerism, Or, A Complication of Deism, Enthusiasm ...

Patrick Smith (Vicar of Great Paxton) - 1732 - 302 sidor
...Ministers of the NewTeflament, not of the Letter, but of the S fir it, 175 Ifiiah lix. 2 1 . — My Spirit that is upon thee, and my Words •which I have put in thy Mouth, fhall nut depart out of thy Mouth, nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed 179 Rom. viii. 26. Likewife the...
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An apology for the true Christian divinity, as the same is held forth ... by ...

Robert Barclay - 1737 - 614 sidor
...Places: And Firft, Ifa. lix. 21. -ds for me, this is my Covenant Proof i: with them, faith the Lord, My Spirit that is upon thee, and my Words which I have put into thy Mouth, fltall not depart out of tby Month, nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed, nor out of the...
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