That live according to her sober laws, And holy dictate of spare Temperance: If every just man that now pines with want Had but a moderate and beseeming share Of that which lewdly pampered Luxury Now heaps upon some few with vast excess, Nature's full... De Clifford: Or, the Constant Man - Sida 14efter Robert Plumer Ward - 1841 - 4 sidorObegränsad förhandsgranskning - Om den här boken
 | John Milton - 1855 - 568 sidor, that now pines with want, Had but a moderate and beseeming share Of that which lewdly-pampered luxury Now heaps upon some few with vast excess, Nature's full blessings would be well dispensed In unsuperfluous even proportion, A in I she no whit encumbered with her store ; And then the Giver... | |
 | John Milton - 1855 - 900 sidor
...pines with want, Had but a moderate and beseeming share ™ Of that which lewdly-pamper'd luxury *w Now heaps upon some few with vast excess, Nature's full blessings would be well dispensed In unsuperfluous even proportion, And she no whit encumber'd with her store ; And then the Giver would... | |
 | Frederic Richard Lees - 1857 - 350 sidor that DOW pines with want, Hiid bat a moderate and beseeming share Of that which lewdly-pamper'd luxury Now heaps upon some few with vast excess, Nature's full blessings would be well dispensed In uneupernuous even proportion, And : lie no whit encumber d with her store ; And then the Giver would... | |
 | John Milton - 1858 - 112 sidor, that now pines with want. Had but a moderate and beseeming share Of that which lewdly-pampered Luxury Now heaps upon some few with vast excess. Nature's full blessings would be well dispensed In nnsnperfluons eren proportion, And she no whit encumbered with her store ; And then the Giver would... | |
 | David Masson - 1859 - 714 sidor
...just man that now pines with want Had but a moderate and beseeming share Of that which lewdly-pampered Luxury Now heaps upon some few with vast excess, Nature's full blessings would be well dispensed In unsuperfluous even proportion, And she no whit encumbered with her store; And then the Giver would... | |
 | David Masson - 1859 - 720 sidor
...just man that now pines with want Had but a moderate and beseeming share Of that which lewdly-pampered Luxury Now heaps upon some few with vast excess, Nature's full blessings would bo well dispensed In unsuperfluous even proportion, And she no whit encumlwred with her store; And... | |
 | John Milton - 1860 - 134 sidor pines with want, Had but a moderate and beseeming share Of that which lewdly-pamper'd Luxury 770 Now heaps upon some few with vast excess, Nature's full blessings would be well dispens'd In unsuperfluous even proportion, And she no whit encumber'd with her store ; And then the... | |
 | 1861 - 356 sidor that now pines with want, Had but a moderate and beseeming share Of that which lewdly-pampered luxury Now heaps upon some few with vast excess, Nature's full blessings would be well dispensed In unsuperfluous, even proportion, And she no whit encumbered with her store; And then the Giver would... | |
 | John Milton, James Montgomery - 1861 - 548 sidor pines with want, Had but a moderate and beseeming share Of that which lewdly-pamper'd luxury 77° Now heaps upon some few with vast excess, Nature's full blessings would be well-dispensed In unsuperfluous even proportion, And she no whit encumber'd with her store : And then... | |
 | John Milton - 1861 - 534 sidor pines with want, Had but a moderate and beseeming share Of that which lewdly-pamper'd luxury 77° Now heaps upon some few with vast excess, Nature's full blessings would be well-dispensed In unsuperfluous even proportion, And she no whit encumber'd with her store : And then... | |
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