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" The friends of our country have long seen and desired that the power of making war, peace, and treaties, that of levying money and regulating commerce, and the correspondent executive and judicial authorities, should be fully and effectually vested in... "
Constitution of the United States ... as Proposed by the Convention ... 1787 ... - Sida 23
efter United States. Congress. House - 1844 - 89 sidor
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Manual of Parliamentary Practice

1826 - 228 sidor
...making war, peace, and treaties ; that of levying money, and regulating commerce, and the correspondent executive and judicial authorities, should be fully...results the necessity of a different organization. It is obvious! Y impracticable in the federal government of these states, to secure all rights of independent...
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The Constitution of the State, Adopted 1780

Massachusetts - 1826 - 126 sidor
...levying money and. regulating commerce, and the correspondent executive and judicial authorities, shou-kl be fully and effectually vested in the General. Government...such extensive trust to one body of men is evident — fence results tke necessity of % different organization. It is obviously impracticable in the Federal...
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The Federalist: On the New Constitution

James Madison, John Jay - 1826 - 742 sidor
...war, peace, and treaties ; that of " levying money and regulating commerce ; and the corre" spondent executive and judicial authorities, should be fully...effectually vested in the general government of the un" ion : but 'the.impropriety of delegating such extensive trust " to one body of men is evident....
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The Common School Manual: A Regular and Connected Course of Elementary ...

Montgomery Robert Bartlett - 1828 - 426 sidor
...making ' war, peace and treaties: that of levying ' money and regulating commerce, and the correspondent executive and judicial authorities, should be fully...results the necessity of a different organization. Sin, — We have now the honor to iubmit to the consideration of Uie I'nited'States in congress assembled,...
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A Political and Civil History of the United States of America: From ..., Volym 2

Timothy Pitkin - 1828 - 552 sidor
...Carolina. money, and regulating commerce, and the correspondent executive and judicial authorities, shall be fully and effectually vested in the general government...such extensive trust to one body of men, is evident. Thence results the necessity of a different organization. It is obviously impracticable, in the federal...
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A Political and Civil History of the United States of America: From ..., Volym 2

Timothy Pitkin - 1828 - 554 sidor
...money, and regulating commerce, and the correspondent executive and judicial authorities, shall jae fully and effectually vested in the general government...such extensive trust to one body of men, is evident. Thence results the necessity of a different organization. It is obviously impracticable, in the federal...
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Register of Debates in Congress ..., Volym 1; Volym 6; Volym 50

United States. Congress - 1830 - 692 sidor
...making war, peace, and treaties; that of levying money and regulating commerce, and the correspondent n of Massachusetts. It \vas adopted, as I think 1...understood, without the slightest alteration; and certainly Here is an enumeration of the objects which made it necessary to establish this Government; and when...
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The Federalist on the New Constitution

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay - 1831 - 758 sidor
...levying " money and regulating commerce; and the correspondent ex" ecutive and judicial authorites, should be fully and effectually "vested in the general government of the union : but the irapro" priety of delegating such extensive trusts to one body of men is " evident. Hence results the...
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The Congressional Globe

United States. Congress - 1833 - 686 sidor
...making war, peace, and treaties, that of levying money and regulating commerce, and the correspondent executive and judicial authorities, should be fully...effectually vested in the General Government of the Union." " It is obviously impracticable in the Federal Government of these States to secure all the rights...
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Register of Debates in Congress: 22nd Congress, 2nd session, pt. 1. Dec. 3 ...

United States. Congress - 1833 - 684 sidor
...judicial authorities, tihould be fully and effectually vested m the General Government of the Union." " It is obviously impracticable in the Federal Government of these States to secure all the rights of independent sovereignty to each, and yet provide for the interest and safety of all."...
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