| Robert John Thornton - 1799 - 560 sidor
...whining fchool-bcy with his fatchcl. And mining morning face, creeping like fnail Unwillingly to fchoul. And then, the lover; Sighing like furnace, with a...woeful ballad Made to his miftrefs' eye-brow. Then, i\\z foldier \ Full of rtrange oaths, and bearded like the pard, Jt-alous in honour, fudden and quick... | |
| Apollo - 1800 - 224 sidor
...puking in the nurfe's arms: And then, the whining SCHOOL- BOY with hisfatchcl, And finning morning-face, creeping like fnail Unwillingly to fchool : And then,...Sighing like Furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mifirefsYye-brow: Then, the SOLDIER; Full of ftrange oaths, and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour,... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1800 - 436 sidor
...; And then, the whining fchool-boy, with his fatchel, And ftiining morning face, creeping like mail Unwillingly to fchool : And then, the lover ; Sighing...woeful ballad Made to his miftrefs' eye-brow: Then, afoldier; Full of ftrange oaths, and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour, fudden and quick in... | |
| Noah Webster - 1802 - 278 sidor
...boy, with his satchel, » And shining morning fage, creeping like a snail, Unwillingly to school— And then, the lover. Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eye brow — Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the bard ; Jealous in... | |
| William Shakespeare, George Steevens, Isaac Reed, Samuel Johnson - 1803 - 542 sidor
...Mewling and puking in the nurfe's arms : And then, the whining fchool-boy with his fatchd, And fhining morning face, creeping like fnail Unwillingly to fchool. And then, the lover Sighing like furnace, with a woful ballad Made to his miftrefs' eye-brow. Then, a foldier ; Full of ftrange oaths, and bearded like... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1803 - 446 sidor
...school-boy, with his satchel, And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school : And then, the lover; Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eye-brow : Then, a soldier ; Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard, Jealous in... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1803 - 556 sidor
...school-boy, with his satchel, And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school: And then, the lover; Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eye-brow: Then, a soldier; Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour,... | |
| Noah Webster - 1804 - 232 sidor
...Mewling and puking in the nurfe's arms.— And then, the whining fchool boyi with hts fatchel,And mining morning face, creeping like fnail, Unwillingly to...furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his miftrefs' eye- brow. — Then, a foldier, Full of ftrange oath?, and bearded like the pard ;• Jealous in honor... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1803 - 386 sidor
...in the nurfe's arms : And then, the whining fchool-boy, with his fatchel* And mining morning-face, creeping like fnail Unwillingly to fchool : And then, the lover ; Sighing like furnace, with a woful ballad Made to his miftrets' eye-brow : Then, a foldier ; Full of ftrange oaths, and bearded... | |
| William Enfield - 1804 - 418 sidor
...School-Boy, with his satchel , And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. And then the Lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eye-brow. Then a Soldier, Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour... | |
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