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" Like the poor cat i" the adage ? Macb. Pr'ythee, peace : I dare do all that may become a man ; Who dares do more, is none. Lady M. What beast was't then, That made you break this enterprise to me ? When you durst do it, then you were a man ; And, to be... "
Romeo and Juliet ; Timon of Athens ; Julius Caesar ; Macbeth ; Hamlet ; King ... - Sida 2304
efter William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709
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All's well that ends well. Twelfth Night. Winter's tale. Macbeth

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 558 sidor
...mere, read] va mere, but the prefent read> ing is undoubtedly ri^ht. STBEVENS. When you durft do it, then you were a man ; And, to be more than what you...would Be fo much more the man. Nor time, nor place 4 Did then adhere, and yet you would make both : They have madethemfelves, and that their fitnefs novr...
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The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and ..., Volym 6

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 512 sidor
...none. Lady. What beaft was't then, That made you break this enterprize to me ? When you durft do it, then you were a man ; And (to be more than what you were) you would Be-fo much more the man. Nor time, nor place Did then co-here, and yet you would make both : They've...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Ten Volumes: With Corrections ..., Volym 4

William Shakespeare - 1778 - 632 sidor
...bealt was it then, -• - ... ' . Thdc made.you break this :enterprize to me ? -i When you durft do it, then you were a man ; And, to be more than what you...would , Be fo much more the man. Nor time, nor place, 1 IVouldjl thou have that, Which thou eJJeem'Ji the ornament of life, And live a coward in thine own...
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The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature, Volym 58

Tobias Smollett - 1784 - 504 sidor
...time when he was aftive in the attempt. Lady Macbeth obferves, ' When you durft do it, then you were a man. # * * * » * * * * nor time nor place Did then...adhere, and yet you would make both : They have made themfelves, and that their fitnefs now Does unmake you.' This certainly could not allude to the time...
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Macbeth, from the text of S. Johnson and G. Steevens, revised

William Shakespeare - 1784 - 116 sidor
...Lady. What beas. was it then, That made you break this enterprize to me ? ,r1 ,/ When you durst do it, then you were a man ; And, to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man. Nor time, nor place, 490 'Did then adhere, and yet you would make both : They...
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Macbeth. King John

William Shakespeare - 1788 - 480 sidor
...none. Lady. What beast was it then, That made you break this enterprize to me ? When you durst do it, then you were a man ; And, to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man. Nor time, nor place, 490 Did then adhere, and yet you would make both : They...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes: Collated ..., Volym 4

William Shakespeare - 1790 - 586 sidor
...none. Lady M. What beaft was it then, That made you break this enterprize to me ? When you durlt do it, then you were a man ; And, to be more than what you...fo much more the man. Nor time, nor place, Did then adhere6, and yet you would make both : They have made themfelves, and that their fitnefs now Does unmake...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare: In Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections ...

William Shakespeare - 1793 - 646 sidor
...man, " Is tender of his yet untainted valour ; " So noble, that he dares do nothing bafely." HENLEY. And, to be more than what you were, you would Be fo much more the man. Nor time, nor place, Did then adhere,7 and yet you would make both : They have made themfelvea, and that their fitnefs now Does unmake...
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Works, Volym 6

William Shakespeare - 1795 - 412 sidor
...none. Lady. W hat beaft was't then That made you break this enterprize to me f When you durft do it, then you were a man.; And to be more than what you were, you would' Be fo much more than man. Nor time, nor place, Did then cohere f, and yet you would make both : They've made themfelves...
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Works, Containing His Plays and Poems: To which is Added a Glossary, Volym 3

William Shakespeare - 1797 - 592 sidor
...none. Ltor M. What beaft was it then, That made you break this enterprize to me ? When you durft do it, then you were a man ; And, to be more than what you...adhere, and yet you would make both : They have made themfelves, and that their fitnefs now Does unmake you. I have given fuck ; and know How tender 'tis,...
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